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50 Cards in this Set

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Erich von Daniken’shypothesis concerning space aliens visiting earth involve

- depictions of ancient astronauts on archaeological sites around the world

- alien intervention in human evolution

- the idea that advanced alien technology had to be used to create the marvels of the ancient world

Von Daniken seeingrepresentations of ancient astronauts in past artwork is what Kida might call “seeking toconfirm”. Feder calls it
the Inkblot hypothesis
Von Daniken interprets acarving on the cover of the sarcophagus of Mayan ruler, Lord Pacal, as
an astronaut in the cockpit of a spaceship
Which is a method of scientific, geophysical prospecting

- ground penetrating radar

- resistivity

- magnetometry

Kida's view on memory is
some details we learn can be permanently lost to our memory
The great pyramids were built (When)
during the Old Kingdom
A type of early Egyptian royal tomb that predated the pyramids was the
An example of an early construction that shows the evolution of pyramid building
the step pyramid of Dioser
according to Kida, intuitive judgments are
notoriously unreliable in predicting future success
Which is alleged to have happened that would indicate Tut's Curse was real

- Howard Carter's canary was eaten by a cobra

- Lord Carnarvon'c dog howled and died at the moment of Carnarvon's death

- the lights went out across Cairo at the moment of Lord Carnarvon's death

The story of a worldwide flood, where animals are saved in a large boat by a righteous man is found in

-The biblical story of Noah

- the epic of Gilgamesh

- the Sumerian story of Ziusudra

The most compelling argument against the existence of Noah's Ark
the lack of geological evidence of a global flood
The Biblical flood story may have been inspired by
the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in antiquity
An unusual inspiration for Von Daniken's ideas appears to be
H.P. Lovecraft
A recent discovery of a cuneiform tablet by Irving Finkel indicates that
the Ark was round
The Shroud of Turin is alleged to be
the burial cloth of Christ
What allegedly makes the Shroud of Turin miraculous?
it has the image of a crucified Christ imprinted on it
What is the problem with establishing the Shroud of Turin's authenticity

- Radiocarbon tests date the shroud to AD 1325

- it does not conform to Jewish burial practices

- The shroud with its image is not mentioned in the Gospels

An attempt by fundamentalist Christian groups to counter the teaching of evolution in schools has been called
Scientific Creationism/ Intelligent Design
According to Kida, one of the paradoxes of human nature is
we hold some of our strongest beliefs in areas we know the least about
This respected scientist published in 1963 that there was a strong likelihood that the earth had been visited by extraterrestrials
Carl Sagan
Why is Von Daniken's Amorous Alien hypothesis unlikely
The odds of alien and human species being able to produce viable offspring are astronomical
According to recent conspiracy theory, the blood from the Shroud of Turin has been cloned into __________, who is the antichrist
Prince William
Interpretations of anomalous rock formations as alien constructions can best be attributed as examples of
Why is Tutankhamen so famous
his was the only unlooted pharaoh's tomb ever discovered by archaeologists
The site of Stonehenge
was the center of a ritual landscape in Neolithic Britain
How was Stonehenge built

- in stages over the course of 3 decades 10,000 years ago

- by transporting stones from as far away as wales

- by the use of scaffolds and levers to erect the sarsens and lintels

The people that built Stonehenge
were Neolithic farmers living at the nearby site of Durrington Wells
According to Frederick Mitchell-Hedge, the "skull of Doom" was allegedly found
within a Mayan temple at Lubaantun in British Honduras
How could ancient people have been so advanced as to build Mayan temples and Stonehenge
through their own initiatives and abilities
According to Kida, believing a claim just because a person is in a position of authority is a logical fallacy called
argument from authority
This individual feels we are a "species with amnesia" because we have forgotten about an ancient civilization that inspired more recent civilizations around the world
Graham Hancock
How were the massive stone blocks that built the pyramids moved
on sleds puled by dozens of men and water poured on the sand in advanced
It appears that the crystal skulls made their first recorded appearance in Mexico in 1863 in the collection of
Eugene Boban
Who is the major proponent and investigator of the Bosnian pyramids
Semir Osmanagic
The so-called Baghdad battery

- was an artifact found in Iraq in 1936

- consisted of a clay jar containing copper and iron rods and sealed with asphalt

- produced less electrical power than a single modern AA battery

All crystal skulls studied thus far

- do not have a good archaeological context

- show evidence of mechanical cutting and polishing under high magnification

- cannot be directly dated using scientific methods

In "Magicians of the Gods", the destruction of Hancock's lost civilization was brought about by the advent of much colder climate caused by
A comet hitting the North American ice sheet
According to Hancock, evidence of the influence of a sophisticated past civilization can be found at

- the trilithon at Baalbek

- Gobeckli Tepe

- the legend of Atlantis

The Dendera "light bulb" is refuted by

- no other evidence of electrical lighting anywhere in ancient Egypt

- the fact that there are many examples of oil lamps found in Egyptian buildings

- its interpretation as an Egyptian creation myth involving a lotus flower and snake

Graham Hancock's Atlantis was destroyed by a cataclysm ______ years ago
The mysterious collapse of the Mayan civilization can be attributed to
A subsistence system inadequate to meet the needs of a growing population
The purpose of the pyramids was

- to serve as tombs for the pharaohs

- impress outsiders with power and might of Egypt

- keep the population busy during the annual flooding of the Nile

The curse of Tutankhamen

was made up by a newspaper to whip up public interest and sell papers

The Maya predicted that on December 21, 2012
that the 13th baktun of the Long Count calendar would come to an end
Archaeology shows the pyramids of Egypt were constructed

- by quarrying blocks from limestone from the Giza plateau

- by preparing the worksite by leveling the building surface

- by moving the blocks using ramps , local human labor, and scaffolding

The Upper Paleolithic cave art in Europes

- dates to about 20,000 to 30,000 years ago

- may be examples of hunting "magic"

- depict handprints, geometric designs as well as prehistoric animals

Which is not one of the mistakes Kida claims we make in thinking
we seek to disprove
According to Kenneth Feder by using critical thinking and assessing fantastic claims with verifiable evidence we get
a past we deserve