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40 Cards in this Set

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The goals of anthropology include which of the following
E. all of the above
Which of the following are the five disciplines of anthropology
D. cultural, physical, archaeological, linguistic, applised
in the chapter on applied anthropology, Kottack discussed the work of Robert Redfield, recognised that a city is a social context that is very different from a tribal or peasant study? Differences between
c. urban vs. rural communities
Ethnography is the _____ while ethnology is ______
c. the scientific description of a society's customs, its people and culture / study of people in various environments while looking for similarities, differences, and relationships
the process by which one learns his or her culture is called
e. enculturation
essentially, anthropology as a discipline aims to study
b. all of human kind in all times and places
a cultural anthropologist conducting research involving cross-cultural, comparative studies of ethnographic data would be practicing
c. ethnology
"people have to eat, but culture teaches us what, when, and how to do so." this is an example of how
A. culture takes the natural biological urges we share with other animals and teaches us how to express them in particular ways
in what way was michel de montaigne's essay "of cannibals" ahead of time?
c. it used ethnography to critique western society and values
which statement best describes the philosophy of herbert spencer influential book the social organism 1860?
a. the evolution of societies moves from simple to complex. similar to an organism, change is driven by innate desire to survive
according to herbert spencer, a primitive society
c. has simple technology, undifferentiated social structure, and lacks economic specialization
morgan's idea that all societies must evolve though progressive stages of savagery, barbarism, and civilization describes which idea?
b. unilinear evolutionism
in edward tylors book primitive culture, evolutionary theory is applied to what aspect of culture?
e. religion, as originating in the concept of animism
according to kottak, which method of data gathering would be best suited for conducting current, qualitative research on a small, isolated community
b. ethnography
the theory of functionalism is important to anthropology because it postulates that
c. institutions and social structures and other separate parts of society affect each other and operate together, functioning like a system
which of the following is true applied anthropology?
e. it uses anthropology to develop solutions to social problems
why did barbara myerhoff being her project as described in her film Number Our Days?
D. her hispanic consultants in LA suggested that she look into her own people
which of the following was not a study of franz boaz?
a. marvin harris
according to kottack, long term research of a culture, society or region usually based on repeated visits is described as
d. longitudinal research
this term describes the attitude of one's culture being superior to others
e. ethnocentrism
according to kottak, which of the following are different levels of culture?
e. all of the above
in the film first contact, a sing sing was
d. the dance the indigenous papuans performed to tamp down an airstrip
anthropologists early interest in native americans
d. is an important historical reason for the development of four-field anthropology in the US
Kottak tells us that a pidgin tongue, a mixed language that usually develops from direct trade and commerce between different cultures, is an example of what?
a. acculturation
in the film number our days, barbara myerhoff says that she witnessed the extraordinary act of one old man
a. choosing the time of his own death
in anthropology, cultural relativism is not a moral position so much as a methodological one. it states that
c. to understand another culture, we must try to see how the people in that culture see things
in the field, enthographers strive to establish rapport a good, friendly working relationship based on personal contact
c. achieved in large part by engaging in participant observation
according to lecture, the fact that you have limited time to finish this exam means that you are exemplifying
d. m-time (monochronic time)
the study of communication through body movements, stances, gestures, and facial expressions is known as
c. kinesics
what term refers to the arrangement and order of words into sentences?
a. syntax
what are phonemes?
d. the minimal sound contrasts that distinguish meaning in a language
which of the following was studied by sapir and whorf?
b. the influence of language on thought
the linguistic study of the strucutre of words and their meanings is
d. morphology
according to lecture, which of the following is not among the practical steps for preparing for ethnographic fieldwork?
e. obtain a bachelors degree in anthroplogy
traditional ethnography prior to the advent of feminism tended to be
c. androcentric
anthropology as natural science/natural history is all of the following except
e. impartial
despite the variety of research techniques that the ethnographer may utilize in the field, in the best studies the hallmark of ethnography remains
e. the discipline's profound commitment to understanding human diversity
traditional ethnographic research focused on the single community or culture, which was treated as more or less isolated and unique in time and space. however,
b. there has been a shift within the discipline toward a recognition of ongoing and inescapable flows of people, technology, images, and information
the ethnographer most associated with interpretive anthropology
c. clifford geertz
according to your textbook, where does copula deletion occur in BEV (black english vernacular)
a. where SE has contractions