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41 Cards in this Set

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Epidemiological approach

Spreading globally, public and evolutionary basis.


In studying the east, western scholars exoticise them. Power through knowledge.

What did Radcliffe-Brown want to know?

What kept society together.

What is mechanical solidarlity?

Collective consciouness, everyone did the same kind of work. Hunter-gather societies.

What is organic solidarity?(Organic Analogy)

Interdependence, everyone has a different kind of job but everyone needs people who do a different job to them. Modern society.

What are the 3 approaches to social structure?

Social morphology, Social physiology and Social evolution.

What is Social morphology?

Observing social interactions.

What is Social physiology?

Society as an organism.

What is Social evolution?

A change in social structure.


Social prohibitions that reinforce collective consciousness.


A special relationship between a Mother's Brother and the mother's son which consists of jokes and sexual play which balances out the familial bias in patrilineal societies.

What does Levi-Strauss think Anthropology is?

A deductive science which should show the hidden logic of societies.

Thick description

Interpreting meaning

What did Geertz think culture was?

A web of meaning.

Balinese cock fight was who's most controvercial piece?


Critiques of Geertz

Essentialisation of Balinese life


Exoticisation of others

Thick description is not a substitute for explanation

Does Sahlins agree with Geertz?

Yes, BUT he says that action is always historical and meanings change depending on the action

What does Bourdieu do?

Seeks strategies


Belief in the game as something worth doing. Not the practice of the game but the belief that it is worth it.


Structured and structuring dispositions

What are Bourdeiu's types of capital?

Economic Capital

Cultural Capital

Social Capital

Class positions

create different dispositions and strategic orentations

What does Economic position determine?

Habitus and tatse expression

Conditioned by necessity and expressed in taste

What are the 3 classes that Bourdeiu recognises?

Bourgoisie (high class)

Petite Bourgeoisie (middle class)

Working class (low class)

Symbolic violence

Hierarchy of class judgements

Music - classical music is the highest genre of music

What did Foucault believe the panopticon was?

An example of bio power turning into self surveilance


How the government creates ideas about something being normal for society which eventually becomes a self surveilling thin. e.g. not doing things against the law

Bio Power

Control exercised over whole populations

Disciplinary Power

Control exercised over a singular person

What was Appadurai's main idea?

Ethnoscapes - connected mobile people

Who was the anthropologist associated with phenomenology?

Michael Jackson


Focus on thelived experience through lifeworlds and embodied practical knowledge instead of conceptual descritptions


Worlds of lived experience

What was Ingold's main idea?

Society is Rhizomic

Rhizomic vs. Aborescent

Rhizomic is unpredictable, roots in all directions

Aborescent is binary and hierarchial

They are opposites

According to Bloch what are the 2 levels that society has?

Transactional and Transcendental

Transactional society

Dominance displays, like animal societies

Transcendental society

Social roles with rights and duties


Understanding of reality and what constitutes it

What are the 2 opposites in Ontology?

Animism, interiors shared but exteriors different

Naturalism, exteriors shared but interiors different

Opposite of each other


The belief that meaning is precoded in myth,taking into account of history when looking at myth