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75 Cards in this Set

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whats the transverse thoracic plane?
plane that passes through the manubriosternal joint horizontally - touches top of middle mediastinum.
Is it In the supine or standing position that the aorta is transected by the transverse thoracic plane?
standing. (the heart sags because of the weight).
AP or PA xray? the heart is closer to the posterior or the anterior?
the heart is closer to the posterior, therefore a PA xray would be more desirable.
is the apex or the base at the superior end of the heart?
WHat are two function of the fibrous pericardium?
prevents heart over-xpansion
also since its CT - it attaches nicely to vessels, ligaments, and other structures.
why is the transverse pericardial sinus more important than the oblique pericardial sinus?
surgeons can use this space to separate the difference sources of blood.
the vagus nerve runs ____ to the root of the lung.
the phrenic nerve passes _____ to the scalene muscle and the root of the lung.
The heart is attached to a _____ skeleton.
the anterior view of the heart, the sternocostal view, contains mostly the ____ ventricle.
the posterior view of the heart, the diaphragmatic surface (b/c the diaphragm slopes inferioposteriorly), contains mostly the ____ ventricle
the inferior border of the superior mediastinum is at what level of the sternum and of the vertebrae?
the manubriosternal joint, and t4 t5 IV disc.
in infants and children the anterior mediastinum contains the inferior part of the ____.
the pericardial sac lies at what vertebral level and rib level?
2nd to 6th rib, T5 - T8
the fibrous pericardium is continuous with the central tendon of the ____.
what attaches the pericardial sac to the sternum?
sternopericardial ligaments
the pericardial sac is fused with the ____ _____ of the great vessels entering and leaving the heart.
tunica adventitia
the visceral layer of the serous pericardium is also known as the ____ of the heart.
What is the only thoracic viscera not contained within the mediastinum?
What is the superior limit to the mediastinum?
the superior thoracic aperture, just superior to first ribs.
in the supine position, The aortic arch is ____ to the transverse thoracic plane
in the standing position, The aortic arch is _____ by transverse thoracic plane
in supine position, tracheal bifurcation is transected by the ____ ____ ___ at the vertebral levels ____ and _____.
transverse thoracic plane, T4, T5
in supine position, Central tendon of diaphragm lies at level of ______ ______ at vertebral level ____.
xiphisternal junction (T9)
in the standing position, Central tendon may fall to mid level of _____ _____ at vertebral level _____.
xiphoid process (disc Between T9-T10)
what is the mediastinum surrounded by?
pleural cavities
why is the mediastinum less mobile with age?
loose CT not as flexible, more fibrous and rigid.
BIG question:
what is located in the middle mediastinum?

Tracheobronchial lymph nodes
Roots of great vessels
Arch of azygos vein
Main bronchi
Plexus of heart & cardiac
Phrenic nerves
The left ventricle is located under the ___ intercostal space.
mitral valve is between left atrium and ____ ____.
left ventricle
What are the four distinct auscultation areas?
A = aortic
P = pulmonary
T = tricuspid
M = mitral
What is the auscultation area left laterally adjacent to thesternum in the 5th intercostal space?
Tricuspid (ventricle)
What is the auscultation area left laterally a finger length away from the sternum in the 5th intercostal space?
Mitral valve.
What is the auscultation area in the 2nd subcostal space on the right side adjacent to the sternum?
What is the auscultation area in the 2nd subcostal space on the left side a finger's breadth away from the sternum?
What nerves traverse the space between the pericardial sac and the pleura?
Pericadiacophrenic arteries and the phrenic nerve traverses this space
The pericardium has (for our purposes) what two main layers?
outer fibrous and inner serous layers.
The inner serous layer is invaginated by the developing heart & becomes a double layer forming a ___ & ___ ____ layer.
visceral and
parietal serous layer
what is the space between the two layers of serous pericardium?
pericardial cavity
Why is the transverse sinus more important clinically than the oblique sinus?
you can separate the inflow of the heart from the outflow of the heart.
what does the transverse sinus separate?
the inflow and outflow of the heart -
- IVC, SVC, headed for lungs and deoxy.
- RPV x2 and LPV x2, just left the lungs and headed for body.
- Aorta - filled with oxy and headed to body,
- Pulmonary trunk (aka pulmonary artery) with deoxygenated blood headed for lungs
TRUE /FALSE - the pericardium and the heart share the same blood and nerve supply.
FALSE! They are very different.
the ericardiacophrenic artery is a branch of what artery?
internal thoracic a.
the main blood supply of the pericardium is what artery?
pericardiacophrenic a., a branch of the internal thoracic a.
venous drainage of the pericardium is from what veins, and where do they feed?
Venous drainage is mainly via pericardiacophrenic veins to the brachiocephalic veins
is the phrenic nerve (C3-C5) visceral or somatic?
since the phrenic nerve is somatic, pain felt in the pericardium often does what?
it is referred to the C3-C5 dermatomes. (neck shoulder and lateral arm)
Heart pain will have its own set of nerves that it affects. but what else might be affected and have a different set of nerves with referred pain?
heart pain is usually accompanied with pericardium pain, as this sack typically will be compressed or hurt if the heart is having problems.
Relate shoulder neck and lateral arm pain to the heart.
These dermatomes can have referred pain from the phrenic nerve, which additionally innervates the pericardium. If the heart is hurting as in a heart attack or something similar, this will also have an effect on the pericardum and cause problems for the C3-C5 dermatomes, as the phrenic nerve is not visceral but is somatic.
Pericardiocentesis, is removal of excess fluid from the pericardial cavity. Where is the needle inserted?
Left 5th or 6th intercostal space near the sternum.
does the phrenic or the vagus nerve pass anterior to the root of the lung?
what are the muscles of the heart attached to?
a fibrous skeleton
The four fibrous rings of the heart, annuli fibrosi, hold the valves in place and are ___ together.
What are the biggest things you see when youre looking at the heart from the sternocostal surface?
Its the anterior view so Formed mostly by right ventricle & small part of right atrium
The base (posterior) surface of the heart contains mostly what structure?
the left atrium (small part of right atrium)
the base of the heart lies anterior to what structure?
the esophagus
and anterior ulceration of the esophagus could erode into what structure of the heart?
left atrium
the superior vena cava opens into the right atrium at what costal level?
right 3rd costal cartilage
the inferior vena cava opens into the right atrium at what costa level?
right fifth costal cartilage
what is on the external surface of the right atrium just over the crista terminalis?
the sulcus terminalis
the coronary sinus receives blood from what?
the coronary veins
What is a non-support related function of the septomarginal trabeculae?
this moderator band is a curved muscular bundle that runs from the intermuscular septum to the anterior papillary muscle. This trabeculae carries right bundle branches of the AV bundle of the conducting system of the hear,t to the anterior papillary muscle. this allows the valves to open slightly before the rest of the ventricle contracts (preventing prolapsed valves)
which papillary muscle does the septomarginal trabeculae attach to?
anterior papillary m.