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138 Cards in this Set

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Antidiuretic hormone provides a means of controlling water____?


The increased osmolarity of the blood stimulates the hypothalamus to stimulate the_____ pituitary to releases ADH


ADH will work on the kidneys to______Water into the bloodstream


A negative feedback system is used until the blood_____And osmolarity return to normal levels


What 4 fluids does the extracellular fluid compartment include

Interstitial fluid – blood plasma – cerebral spinal fluid – plural and pericardial fluid

Name two sources of water gain



Name 5 sources of water loss





Cutaneous transpiration

During periods of declining water levels blood volume decreases causing a decline in blood pressure. This is referred to as


Low blood pressure causes the kidneys to increase the secretion of______ from the JG cells.


The activation of ____ stimulates widespread vasoconstriction, release of ADH from the posterior pituitary as well as the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone

Angiotensin II

Aldosterone acts on the ____ of the kidney tubules to ribs or greater amounts of sodium from tubular fluid

Distal consulates tubule (DCT)

The release of____Directly stimulates the collecting ducts of the kidney to increase water reabsorption from tubular filtrate


The net result of angiotensin II, aldosterone, and ADH cooperatively are an (increase/decrease) in the blood pressure resulting largely from the increase blood volume


The condition of acidosis can also cause _____ because the higher H+ concentration diffuses to the ICF, pushing K+ towards the ECF


Two imbalances that are related are ______ and hypochloremia because additional Cl-must be excreted to kidney tubules to buffer the high concentrations of H+ in tubules


Following hemorrhage, _____ can also cause alkalosis because through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system Na+ reabsorption is increased causing a larger excretion of H+ into tubular fluid


Systemic acidosis can cause ____ due to the high levels of H+ forcing greater binding of ECF calcium to anions


Aldosterone plays a primary role in adjustment of _____ excretion


Aldosterone plays a primary role in adjustment of _____ excretion


Conditions such as hyponatremia, hypotension, and hyperkalamia stimulate the _______ _______ to secrete aldosterone

This In turn stimulates the renal tubules to increase reabsorption of sodium and secretion of _____.

Both will result in the _____ of water

Adrenal cortex



The body is in a state of fluid ______ if there is an abnormality of total volume, concentration, or distribution


The body is in a state of fluid ______ if there is an abnormality of total volume, concentration, or distribution


There are 3 main factors affecting fluid balance: fluid deficiency, fluid excess, and fluid _____


Fluid deficiency arises when output_____ input


Fluid deficiency arises when output_____ input


Fluid excess can be caused by volume excess or a condition called_____ hydration


Fluid sequestration is when excess fluid_____ in a particular location


Electrolytes are physiologically important because they affect electrical potential across membranes and contribute to______ of the body fluids.


Electrolytes are physiologically important because they affect electrical potential across membranes and contribute to______ of the body fluids.


Major cations of the body include sodium potassium and_____


Major anions include chloride phosphates and_____


Major anions include chloride phosphates and_____


Concentrations of sodium, potassium, hydrogen, chloride, bicarbonate and phosphates are needed in specific amounts to maintain normal_____ of the body


Major anions include chloride phosphates and_____


Concentrations of sodium, potassium, hydrogen, chloride, bicarbonate and phosphates are needed in specific amounts to maintain normal_____ of the body


Electrolyte concentration above or below the normal needed amounts can lead to_____.


True or false. A physiological buffer is a system namely the digestive system that stabilizes pH by controlling the bodies output of acids, bases, or CO2


Name 4 things in the ICF compartment

Mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclei, Phagolysosome

Name 4 things resulting from ADH release

-Reduction in urine volume

-Increased water reabsorption from kidney tubules

-Increased aquaporin production

-Drinking water

Name 2 things that stimulates ADH release

-Increased blood Osmolarity

-Reduction in total body water

Dehydration can lead to increase/decrease blood Osmolarity


Dehydration can lead to increase/decrease blood Osmolarity


An increased blood Osmolarity will stimulate _____osmoreceptors


Dehydration can lead to increase/decrease blood Osmolarity


An increased blood Osmolarity will stimulate _____osmoreceptors


The stimulation of hypothalamic osmoreceptors will lead to reduced _____ and the sense of thirst


Through _____ of water a negative feedback system is completed


Name 3 things that contribute to metabolic acidosis

Diabetes mellitus


Excessive alcohol consumption

Name 3 things that contribute to metabolic acidosis

Diabetes mellitus


Excessive alcohol consumption

Name 3 things that contribute to metabolic alkalosis

Chronic vomiting

Taking too many antacids

Hyper secretion of aldosterone

Name 3 things that contribute to metabolic acidosis

Diabetes mellitus


Excessive alcohol consumption

Name 3 things that contribute to metabolic alkalosis

Chronic vomiting

Taking too many antacids

Hyper secretion of aldosterone

Name 2 things that contribute to respiratory alkalosis


Traveling to and exercising at high elevations

Name 3 things that contribute to metabolic acidosis

Diabetes mellitus


Excessive alcohol consumption

Name 3 things that contribute to metabolic alkalosis

Chronic vomiting

Taking too many antacids

Hyper secretion of aldosterone

Name 2 things that contribute to respiratory alkalosis


Traveling to and exercising at high elevations

Name 2 things that contribute to respiratory acidosis



Name 5 things associated with respiratory compensation

Marked by hypercapnia

-increased respiratory rate increases the amount of carbon dioxide expired

-the faster acting compensation mechanism

-useful for acute imbalances due to surprise or emotional strain

-requires hyperpnea to releases acid to the environment

Name 5 things associated with respiratory compensation

Marked by hypercapnia

-increased respiratory rate increases the amount of carbon dioxide expired

-the faster acting compensation mechanism

-useful for acute imbalances due to surprise or emotional strain

-requires hyperpnea to releases acid to the environment

Name 3 things associated with renal compensation

Relies on the secretion of H+

- slower to respond to pH imbalances but better at restoring a fully normal pH

- effective at compensating for pH imbalances that last for a few days or longer

Name 5 things that is associated with sodium

-essential for depolarization for muscle and nerve function

- significant solute determining total body water

-aldosterone, ADH, and the natriuretic peptides help regulate it concentration

- principal cation of the ECF

- blood pressure controls its concentration

Name 5 things that is associated with sodium

-essential for depolarization for muscle and nerve function

- significant solute determining total body water

-aldosterone, ADH, and the natriuretic peptides help regulate it concentration

- principal cation of the ECF

- blood pressure controls its concentration

Name 3 things associated with potassium

Most abundant cation in ICF

-Essential cofactors for protein synthesis and some other metabolic processes

-determines intracellular Osmolarity and cell volume

Name 2 neural mechanisms of blood volume, and thus blood pressure regulation

Sympathetic stimulation; baroreceptors in the carotid artery

Name 4 renin-angiotensin system mechanisms of blood volume, and thus blood pressure regulation

A. C. E.


Sodium reabsorption

Distal convoluted tubules

Name 4 renin-angiotensin system mechanisms of blood volume, and thus blood pressure regulation

A. C. E.


Sodium reabsorption

Distal convoluted tubules

Name 2 ADH mechanisms of blood volume and thus blood pressure regulation

Collecting ducts of kidneys


Name 4 things associated with stimulates release of aldosterone




Higher concentration of K+ in the ECF

Name 4 things associated with stimulates release of aldosterone




Higher concentration of K+ in the ECF

Name 4 things resulting of aldosterone release

Increased production of DCT sodium-potassium ATPase pumps

Increased sodium reabsorption

Increased potassium secretion

Higher urine concentration of potassium

The kidneys can permanently remove substances which affect pH balance by secreting them into the_____


Tubule cells can catabolize certainly amino acids and release______ as a product


Tubule cells can catabolize certainly amino acids and release______ as a product


Ammonia will diffuse into the tubular fluid where it can act as a_____ to neutralize a fluid


Ammonia will react with hydrogen and _____which pass in the urine


With ammonia reacting with hydrogen and chloride, and passed in the urine, this action works as a______To reduce strong acidity of the fluid


Which five things cause water retention

ADH hypersecretion, dry mouth, renin release, ingestion of water, hyperkalemia

Which five things cause water retention

ADH hypersecretion, dry mouth, renin release, ingestion of water, hyperkalemia

Which five things cause water loss

Exercise in a warm climate, aldosterone hyposecretion, increased blood pressure, hyponatremia, decreased renal tubular reabsorption of water

What three things regarding homeostasis and function is phosphate responsible for

It is generated by hydrolysis of ATP

It activates many metabolic pathways

it's an important buffer

What two things regarding homeostasis and function is chloride responsible

It is the most abundant anion of the ECF

It is required for formation of stomach acid

What five things regarding homeostasis and function is calcium responsible for

It activates the sliding filament mechanism of muscular contraction

It serves as a second messenger for some hormones neurotransmitters

That activates exocytosis of neurotransmitters and other cellular secretions

It is essential factor in blood clotting

It is regulated by parathyroid hormone, calcitriol, and in children, calcitonin

A _____ is any mechanism that resist changes in pH


A ____ _____ uses direct elimination of acids, bases or carbon dioxide from the body in order to adjust a systemic acidity

Physiological buffer

A substance that binds hydrogen during times of acidity in releases hydrogen during the time of alkalinity is referred to as a_____ _____.

Chemical buffer

Carbon dioxide, when present and insufficient amounts, will bind with water to form____ ____ which is capable of disassociating into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions

Carbonic acid

The _____ _____ _____ plays a significant role in the ICF because phosphates are capable of binding and unbinding hydrogen depending on current conditions of acidity or alkalinity.

Phosphate buffer system

The carboxyl end of protein chains are capable of buffering hydrogen as a part of the____ ____ _____

Protein buffer system

When a person breathes in and out deeply and quickly for 30 seconds name the eight steps which occurred

1-CO2 concentrations fall

2-Carbonic acid levels decrease

3-The pH rises

4-Peripheral and central chemoreceptors are stimulated

5-The pulmonary ventilation rate is decreased

6-CO2 begins to accumulate

7-The pH begins to fall

8-The pH is returned to normal

Plasma sodium concentrations above 145 mEq per liter represent________ A condition that rarely occurs due to equal increases in water


The consumption of massive amounts of water and a short period time can produce_____Resulting from dilution of sodium in the ECF


One large quantities of potassium released from the ICF following mass of tissue trauma,________Results causing membrane potentials to being abnormally less negative due to a reduced concentration gradient


Due often to excess sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting_____ causes the cell membrane to be hyperpolarized due to increased concentration gradients


Hyperparathyroidism can result in______ The condition that reduces the membrane permeability to sodium in this inhibits membrane depolarization


Hyperparathyroidism can result in______ The condition that reduces the membrane permeability to sodium in this inhibits membrane depolarization


Muscular tetanus can occur as a result of ______ brought on by illness or vitamin D deficiency whereby the muscle inner membranes are hyperactive


A sperm count of any lower than______Million sperm per milliliter of semen is usually associated with infertility

20 to 25

What are the primary sex organs in both male and female

Testes and ovaries (produce gametes)

What are secondary sex organs

Organs other than the gonads that are necessary for reproduction

_____stimulates the interstitial cells of the testes to secrete____

Luteinizing hormone ; testosterone

Which of the following is an androgen? Estrogen; follicle-stimulating hormone; progesterone; Luteinizing hormone; testosterone


The acrosome contains enzymes used to______

Penetrate barriers surrounding the ovum

When do the testes start secreting testosterone

In the first trimester of fetal development

The deep region of the penis, surrounding the urethra, that in gorges the blood during an erection is known as the

Corpus spongiosum

True or false. Regarding the blood testes barrier, it prevents anti-bodies in the blood from getting to the germ cells


Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate peak during the____

Climax (orgasm)

Name 4 things that are associated with changes in the male body resulted from puberty

Deepening of the voice; gaining muscle mass; growth of the scrotum and penis; acne

The penile urethra is enclosed by the______

Corpus spongiosum

True or false. The mechanism that keeps the testes cooler than the bodies core temperature is called the descent of the testes


True or false. Sperm travels to the ampulla of the ductus deferens before reaching the spermatic cord


The process of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis begins with a ____ and ends with four_____

Germ cell; gametes

Male infertility, (sterility) refers to _____

The inability to fertilize an egg

The gene that codes for the testes determining factor is found in or on the_____

Y chromosome

Gonads begin to develop_____ weeks after fertilization

5 to 6

In meiosis each parent cell produces_______ cells

Four haploid

What are the three mechanisms play a role in thermoregulation of the testes

Cremaster muscle

Dartos muscle

Pampiniform plexus

-countercurrent heat exchanger

Sexual reproduction entails the union of two gonads to form a zygote /true or false


The_______ is the site of sperm maturation in storage


The______ is the small bilateral organ found lateral to the membranous urethra

Bulbourethral gland

By volume, most of the semen is produced in the_____

Seminal vesicles

The first haploid stage of spermatogenesis is prophase two/ true or false


The haploid result of meiosis I is called_____

Secondary spermatocytes

At what stage does a developing sperm cell begin to grow a tail


True or false. Testosterone stimulates development of secondary sex characteristics, spermatogenesis, and libido


At the end of meiosis one there are______ whereas at the end of meiosis 2 there are______

Two haploid; 4 haploid

Whether an organism will be genetically male or female is determined by______.

The sperm

The penis is homologous to the______.


Sustentacular cells secrete inhibin, which regulates the rate of sperm production. True or false


Descent of the testes is stimulated by though______.

Presence of testosterone

What is the primary sex organ and females


______ have 26 chromosomes whereas_____ have 23

Primary spermatocytes; spermatids

True or false. Spermatogenesis is the last stage of meiosis


Change is called male climacteric or a consequence of a_______

Decreased secretion of testosterone

Sildenafil (Viagra) prolongs erection by______

Inhibiting degradation of cGMP

True or false. The presence of Y chromosome guarantees the development of male secondary sex organs


Which of the following is the most important role of meiosis and sexual reproduction

It prevents the chromosome number from doubling in each generation

The mechanism of labor contractions is an example of______

A positive feedback loop

Female is born with approximately______million eggs each within its own follicle.

When there are about 1000 follicles left,_______ begins.

The remaining follicles secrete less estrogen and______.

The uterus, vagina, and breasts then begin to_______.

Sudden vasodilation of cutaneous arteries may cause________.





Hot flashes