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51 Cards in this Set

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Which of these is true of receptors?

All of these

-Often found in specialized sense organs grouped with similar cells

-Specialized for specific modalities

-Convert stimulus into action potentials

Sensory adaptation refers to:

The ability of receptors to become less responsive to a stimulus of a given intensity

Sensory perception refers to:

The ability of interneuron circuits to interpret codified afferent input in order to "sample" reality

Stimulus intensity is encoded by:

B & C

-Generator potential frequency

-(Degree of) receptor recruitment

2nd order afferents carrying somatosensory input from the retina would form synapses in what area?


3rd order afferents carrying photoreceptor input from the retina would form synapses in what area?

Occipital lobe

Channels found in osmoreceptors responsible for sensing osmotic stress (tonicity) are ________.


Channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum responsible for sensing membrane potential changes are ________.


Which of these is true of visual receptors?

Cones have higher acuity than rods.

Which of these is true of auditory receptors?

Auditory receptors near the oval window transduce high frequency sounds.

The receptor cells for receiving auditory stimuli in fish are located in the ________.

Cochlear duct

The receptor cells for receiving auditory stimuli in vertebrates are located in the ________.


Mammals distinguish distinct olfactory odorants through the:

Olfactory glomeruli

Non-human mammals detect olfactory pheromones through the:

Vomeronasal organ

A tonic receptor:

All of these

-Slowly adapts to stimulus

-Doesn't have an off response

-Uses continuous information

A phasic receptor:

Can have an off response

Which of the following pairs are related?

-Salty taste & ENaC channels

-Bitter taste & metabotropism (g-protein coupled receptor)

-Umami & glutamate ligands (alkaloid)

-Sweet taste & G-protein coupled receptor (ionotropism)

Almost all steroid hormones activate their target cells by:

Binding with intracellular receptors of target cells & directly altering gene expression patterns

Peptide hormones activate their target cells by:

Binding with receptors on target cell membrane & using second messenger molecules in the target cell.

Which of these is true of hormones?

-Many endocrine organs have other functions besides hormone secretion.

-Endocrine glands can secrete more than one type of hormone.

-Most endocrine hormones are secreted primarily by a single endocrine tissue.

-Some endocrine hormones can activate a variety of receptors.

Which of the following events triggers molting in insects?

Decreased juvenile hormone.

Which of the following events triggers dramatic metamorphic transformations in insects?

Decreased juvenile hormone.

Which of these hormones is released by the liver in response to GH & stimulates bone growth?

Insulin-like growth factor 1

Which of these is released in response to cold exposure & stimulates metabolic heat production?


Which of the following symptoms is indicative of Cushing's Syndrome?


Which of the following symptoms is indicative of Addison's disease?

Widespread inflammation

The adenohypophyseal hormone ________ stimulates the mammary tissue to produce milk.


Nutritional tyrosine deficiency might cause a primary insufficiency of which hormone?

A & C only


-Thyroid hormone

The neurohypophyseal hormone ________ stimulates the mammary tissue to eject milk.


Although gap junctions are present in many cells, cardiac muscle cells organize connexons into specialized plates called ________.

Intercalated discs

In many respects, cortisol & epinephrine duplicate each other's effects in the stress response. However, cortisol and not epinephrine:

Causes an increase in amino acids in the blood.

Which of the following ATP-dependent steps of the contraction-relaxation cycle could be accomplished with a non-hydrolyzable form of ATP (e.g. ATP-gamma-S)?

Release of actin by myosin

Although actin is present in most cells, muscle cells organize actin with myosin into specialized organelles called ________.


Which of the following are important functions of ATP in skeletal muscle cells?

-ATP provides energy for cocking of the myosin head while unbound

-ATP provides energy for the active transport of calcium back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

-ATP binds to the myosin head and promotes dissociation of the actin-myosin cross-bridge

Troponin binds ________ to move ________ exposing binding sites for cross-bridge formation.



Calmodulin binds ________ to activate ________ promoting actin-myosin cross-bridge formation.


-Myosin light chain kinase

Which of the following is similar between single unit smooth muscle & cardiac muscle?

Both coordinate contraction of adjacent cells by equalizing ion gradients via gap junctions.

Which of the following is similar between skeletal muscle & cardiac muscle?

Both have myofilaments arranged in parallel lines.

Receptive Field Size



Longevity/Potency (of hormone effect)

Motor Unit Size

Dexterity (Nimbleness)

Cellular Mitochondrial Density

Endurance (Resistance to Fatigue)

Enzyme Activity Rate

Speed (of action)

Simplest photoreceptive organ that forms image.

Pinhole Eye

Best photoreceptive organ for movement & detection.

Compound Eye

Evolutionary adaptation for nocturnal vision.

Tapetum Lucidum

Most sensitive vertebrate photoreceptor.


Made of densely packed units, each with a lens & photoreceptors.

Compound Eye

Adjusts depth of focus for incoming light rays.


Slow twitch:

-Resists fatigue

-Has a richer blood supply

Fast twitch:

-Contains more glycogen

-Training stimulates hypertrophy

-Contains more glycolytic enzymes