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70 Cards in this Set

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what are some advantages of biological clock
it allows animal to anticipate change in env., behavior can be timed with event that cannot be sensed directly, allows for measurement of time
what are some characteristics of bio clocks
cycles continue even without obvious env cues (light/dark), cycles are stable and quite precise.
T/F there is no drift in biological clock rhyths
false there is some
the Palolo worm and ant lion show what type of length biological clock?
Zeitgeber is teh german term for what?
the external cues that set biological clocks
what is entrainment
the process of setting biological clock
True / false the golden-mantled ground squirrel shows evidence for endogenous thythms because of its hybernation.
waht showed evidence for exogenous rhythms
cricket song
what showed evidence that cercadian rhythm has a cellular mechanism
drosophila / fruit fly
true/ false genes are dirrectly related to behavior?
false- genes far removed from behavior
in ___ and ___ XX= male and XY= female
birds/ butterflies
____ studied the genetic behavior of nest carrying in lovebirds
____ and ___ did research on genetics of dog behavior?
Scott and Fuller
_____ did study on that some honeybees are susceptible to bacterial infection that kills larvae
In honeybee experiment was hygenic behavior recessive or dominant
_____ is the name of the process where useless phenotypes get passed on because they are associated with usefull phenotypes.
pleitrophy `
_____ is the term used to describe organisms that are mix between males and females
In drosophila what is the genotype of wierd male
what causes some males to be XO in drosophila
the ring structure of the unstable male chromosone
In mice what chemical allows males to recognize females?
_____ did study where when you knock out the PET-1 gene in mice then when they are adults they show more agression
what does the PET-1 code for
the production of serotonin
what do monogamous and non-monogamous voles differ in
the distribution of Vasopressin receptors
true/ false vasopressin is both necessary and suffecient to creating of male/ female bonds
____ tested the genetic intelligence of rats by using maze and breeding smart with smart/ dumb with dumb.
in the study on the effects of environment on performance in rats the there was the biggest difference in the in the performance in the _____ evn.
learning is a specific modification or change of behavior involving the ______ that occurs as a result of _____ with an external event or seiries of events in an individual's life
nervous system, experience
True / false maturation of the nervous system does count as learning?
____ involves the gradual fading of an unlearned response to a stimulus that roves to be safe or irrelevant.
what is the unlearned behavior that was studied in the marnine snail
gill retraction
habituation involves less change at _____.
synapse between sensory and motor neurons
____ involves creating a response to a previously irrelevant stimulus because something relevant occured shorty before
what is based on changes in the stimului to elicit behavior
classical conditioning
in pavlov exp what is food, bell, salivation, slobbering when you hear bell
What are the 3 things that conditioning learning depends on
1 consistency with which US follows the CS 2 amount of time between the US and CS. 3 the relavence of the US to animal at time presented.
what is another name for predispostion to learn
programmed learning
who used study with two groups of rats to show that not all accociations are learned equally as well
Which two groups of rats avoided water
rats that were shown light, sound and shocked AND rats that were tasted sugar and got X-rays
____ is bassed on actions result in consequences: that reinforces influence the likelihood of those actions ocurring agian
Operant conditiong or trial and error learning
____ did work with operant conditiong
_____ involves gaining experience, when there is no immediate reinforces that modifies behavior.
latent (exploratory) learning
___ learning is where an animal learns to do something by watching what another is doing
observational (cultural) learning
The study of the Janancese macaque demostrated what form of learning
____ had the view that that observation did not happen but that you were just drown to usefull area by a animal and then you had to figure it out for yourself
what is the difference between immitation and observation
immitation you just copy what someone is doing at the same time as them and in observation you know why you are doing something.
___ is a type of learning where you working on problem and get idea on how to solve it,
insight learning
____ was a critic of insight learning and ___ was supporter
Macphail/ Heinrich
what class of learning is important in first weeks of organisms life
what is another name for predispostion to learn
programmed learning
_____ is teh type of learning involved in birds learning bird songs
programmed learning
what are the two functions of bird songs
mating call/ territorial defence
who used study with two groups of rats to show that not all accociations are learned equally as well
____ type of bird can learn new songs every year
Which two groups of rats avoided water
rats that were shown light, sound and shocked AND rats that were tasted sugar and got X-rays
____ is bassed on actions result in consequences: that reinforces influence the likelihood of those actions ocurring agian
Operant conditiong or trial and error learning
_____ is a visual representation of sound
sound spectrograph
true/ false the songs of white crowwned sparrows are the same in local regions.
false- they are different
____ did work with operant conditiong
_____ involves gaining experience, when there is no immediate reinforces that modifies behavior.
latent (exploratory) learning
what are the 4 stages of brid song development
1) early subsong
2 latesubsong
3 plastic song
4 full song
What area of the brain is enlarged in males who sing
robust archistraiturn (RA)
___ learning is where an animal learns to do something by watching what another is doing
observational (cultural) learning
The study of the Janancese macaque demostrated what form of learning
____ had the view that that observation did not happen but that you were just drown to usefull area by a animal and then you had to figure it out for yourself
what is the difference between immitation and observation
immitation you just copy what someone is doing at the same time as them and in observation you know why you are doing something.
during the ____ phase the male practices his song
what happens if W-c sparrow hears onl a sparrow song or nothing?
he has an identical simple tune that does not match the normal song
what song results when W-C sparrow hears w-c song but is dearened before he can practice?
he has imperfect song
can W-C learn the songs of other species
yes- think strawberry finchy example
_____ involves determing the adaptive value of a behavior