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30 Cards in this Set

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The regulation of red blood cell production is thought to be controlled by:
Hemoglobin does not directly control RBC production. If there is insufficient hemoglobin to adequately oxygenate the tissue, then erythropoietin may be released.
Which of the following is an accurate description of the physiologic defect caused by anemia?
Decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of blood
A mother states that she brought her child to the clinic because the 3-year-old girl was not keeping up with her siblings. During physical assessment, the nurse notes that the child has pale skin and conjunctiva and has muscle weakness. The hemoglobin on admission is 6.4 g/dl. After notifying the practitioner of the results, the nurse’s priority intervention is to:
Minimize energy expenditure to decrease cardiac workload.
expected range is 11.5 to 15.5 g/dl.
A child with severe anemia requires a unit of RBCs. The nurse explains to the child that the transfusion is necessary to:
Increase her energy so she will not be as tired
An 8-year-old girl is receiving a blood transfusion when the nurse notes that she has developed precordial pain, dyspnea, distended neck veins, slight cyanosis, and a dry cough. These manifestations are most suggestive of which of the following complications?
Circulatory overload
Which of the following explains why iron deficiency anemia is common during infancy?
Cow’s milk is a poor source of iron.
Which of the following statements best describes iron deficiency anemia in infants?
Clinical manifestations are related to a reduction in the amount of oxygen available to tissues.
Which of the following should the nurse include when teaching the mother of a 9-month-old infant about administering liquid iron preparations?
Adequate dosage will turn the stools a tarry green color.
Therapeutic management of a 6-year-old child with hereditary spherocytosis would usually be which of the following?
Perform a splenectomy.
corrects the hemolysis that occurs in HS. The splenectomy is generally reserved for children older than age 5 years with symptomatic anemia
Which of the following is a condition in which the normal adult hemoglobin is partly or completely replaced by abnormal hemoglobin?
Sickle cell anemia
The parents of a child with sickle cell anemia (SCA) are concerned about subsequent children having the disease. The nurse should know that:
Each sibling has a 25% chance of having SCA.
The clinical manifestations of SCA are primarily the result of which of the following?
Increased RBC destruction
A school-age child is admitted in vasoocclusive sickle cell crisis (pain episode). The child’s care should include which of the following?
Hydration, pain management
A child with SCA develops severe chest and back pain, fever, a cough, and dyspnea. The first action by the nurse is to:
Notify practitioner, since chest syndrome is suspected.
Adequate hydration is essential to minimize sickling and delay the vasooclusion and hypoxia-ischemia cycle. The nurse teaches the parents to:
Check for moist mucous membranes.
Which of the following statements best describes -thalassemia major (Cooley anemia)?
Increased incidence occurs in families of Mediterranean extraction.
The therapeutic management of children with -thalassemia major consists primarily of which of the following?
Frequent blood transfusions
Iron overload is a side effect of chronic transfusion therapy. Treatment to minimize this complication includes:
Infusion of deferoxamine
In which of the following conditions are all the formed elements of the blood simultaneously depressed?
Aplastic anemia

refers to a bone marrow–failure
For children who do not have a matched sibling bone marrow donor, the therapeutic management of aplastic anemia includes:
Immunosuppressive therapy
Which of the following is descriptive of most cases of hemophilia?
X-linked recessive inherited disorder in which a blood clotting factor is deficient
The nurse is teaching the family of a child, age 8 years, with moderate hemophilia about home care. The initial therapy for a joint injury is:
IV infusion of factor VIII concentrates
Which of the following is an acquired hemorrhagic disorder that is characterized by excessive destruction of platelets?
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Nursing care for the child with acute ITP includes:
Intravenous administration of anti-D antibody
A toddler is diagnosed with chronic benign neutropenia. The parents are being taught about caring for their child. Which of the following is important to include?
Avoid large indoor crowds and people who are ill.
The majority of children in the United States with HIV infection acquired the disease:
Perinatally from their mothers
A young child with human immunodeficiency virus is receiving several antiretroviral drugs. The purpose of these drugs is to:
Delay disease progression
The nurse is planning care for an adolescent with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Which of the following is the priority nursing goal?
Prevent infection.
The school nurse is informed that a child with HIV will be attending school soon. Which of the following is an important nursing intervention?
Carefully follow universal precautions.
Which of the following is an inherited immunodeficiency disorder characterized by absence of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity?
Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome