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46 Cards in this Set

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What is the average output of urine for a healthy normal adult in a day?

1500 mL

What are the male gonads called?

The Testes

What is the name for a fertilized egg developing within the uterus


what is the exocrine function of the male testes

testosterone production

what are the sperm forming factories

seminiferous tubules

What are the components of semen

sperm and sminial plasm

what percentage of fluid volume of semen is produced by the seminal vesicles


what is the main purpose of the milky colored fluid secreted from the prostate gland

to activate sperm

when does spermatogenesis begin

during puberty

what is the final outcome of meiosis within both the testicles and ovaries

four gametes

how many chromosomes does each spermatid and ovum have

23 chromosomes

how long does the entire process of each spermatid and ovum take

64-72 days

what are the secondary sex characteristics typical of males?

deepening of voice, enlargement of skeletal muscles, increased body hair growth

where does the fertilization usually occur

the fallopian (uterine) tube

how long does the journey of the oocyte through the uterine tubes to the uterus following ovulation take

3-4 days

what is the superior rounded region of the uterus above the entrance of the uterine tubes

the fundals

what is the inner mucosal layer of the uterus that is sloughed off approximately every 28 days

the endometrium

what is the method of birth control available to men only


what hormone is responsible for ovulation

lutenizing hormone

how long is the menstrual cycle

28 days

what are the secondary sex characteristics of young women

enlargement of accessory organs of reproduction, appearance of axillary and pubic hair, breast development

what is the primary product of corpus luteum


what are the modified sweat glands in male and females

mammory glands

what are the clusters of specific glands that produce milk when a woman is lactating

alveolar glands

for a sperm cell to fertilize an ovum, how soon before ovulation must sexual intercourse occur

72 hours

at what point of embryonic development are all the organ systems formed at least in rudimentary form and the embryo looks distinctly human

by the 8th week

what is the hormone produced by the placenta that causes the pelvic ligaments and pubic symphysis to relax


what is the normal period of human gestation as calculated from the last menstrual period

280 days

what two hormones/chemicals initiate labor

prostaglandis and oxytocin

what are the triangular regions of the kidneys that are striped in appearance and separated by the renal columns

medullary pyramids

what is the correct pathway of the arterial blood supply through the kidney

renal artery, interlober arteries, arevate arteries, interlobular arteries

what is the enlarged, cup shape closed end of the renal tubule that completely surrounds the glomerulus

bowmans capsule

how many nephrons are in each kidney

about 1 million

what is the correct order of the renal tubule regions starting from the glomerular capsule

proximal convoluted tubule, loop of henle, distal convoluted tubule

where are the most nephrons located in the kidneys

renal cortex

what are the characteristics of urine under normal healthy conditions

slightly alkaline, typically contains ammonia and is sterile

what is normally the composition of urine

urea, uric acid, creatine

what type of cells allow the bladder to expand as urine accumulates within it

transitional epithelial

about how much urine causes the average adult bladder to become moderately full

500 mL

in one 24 hour period, about how much blood plasma do the kidneys of an average sized healthy adult filter through their glomeruli into the tubules

150-180 liters

what are the major homeostatic roles of the kidneys in normal healthy adults

maintenance of water balance of the blood, maintenance of electrolyte balance of the blood, ensuring proper blood PH

where is extracellular fluid found in the body

humors of the eye and lymph, interseminal fluid, blood plasma

what is the main hormone that acts on the kidneys to regulate sodium ion concentration of extracellular fluid


what percentage of sodium is reabsorbed within the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney


what is the chemical buffer system that includes carbonic acid and its salt

the bicarbonate buffer systemq

what is carbon dioxide converted into for transport within blood plasma

bicarbonate ion