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44 Cards in this Set

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_______ (female) open into the external urethral orifice and are homologous structures to the ______ (male).
Paraurethral glands of Skene (female) open into the external urethral orifice and are homologous structures to the prostate (male).
Bulbourethral glands: ________ in male, _______ in female.
Bulbourethral glands: Cowper’s in male, Bartholin’s in female (homologous structures)
_______ is performed on a female to count the various cell types (atypical cells and low or high-grade lesions). It screens for cancers.
pap smear
________ (MALE) is homologous to the _______ (FEMALE).
Inf. vesical a. (MALE) is homologous to the vaginal a. (FEMALE).
________ (FEMALE) is homologous to the __________ (MALE).
Uterine a. (FEMALE) is homologous to the a. of the ductus deferens (MALE).
Fecal continence is primarily due to the ?
puborectalis m. (rectal sling).
Thermoregulators of the testis include ?
the pampiniform plexus
the dartos fascia
the cremaster m
The _________ are homologous to the bulbs of the penis
bulbs of the vestibule
fxn and innervation:
chief flexor of the hip; lateral flexion of vertebral column

lumbar plexus and femoral n (L1-L3)
fxn and innervation:
Obturator Internus
lateral rotation of thigh, abduction, holds femoral head in place

n. to obturator internus (L5-S2)
fxn and innervation:
Piriformis Muscle
lateral rotation of thigh, abduction, holds femoral head in place

n. to piriformis (from sacral plexus) S1-S2
Floor of pelvis = ?
levator ani + coccygeus
3 parts of levator ani muscle?
puborectalis, puboccygeus, iliococcygeus
Innervation of levator ani m?
S4, inf. rectal/anal n. (from pudendal n.), and coccygeal plexus
Innervation of coccygeus m?
Bladder can hold ____ of urine. Urgency occurs at?
• Can hold 500-700 ml of urine
• Urgency occurs at 280-350 ml
Paracystium symp. innervation?
inf. hypogastric plexus (lesser, least, lumbar splanchnic n.)
• Contracts internal urethral sphincter
• Relaxation detrusor m.
• Sensory (afferent)
Paracystium Parasympathetic innervation?
pelvic splanchnic n. (S2-S4) in inf. hypogastric plexus
• Contracts detrusor m.
• Relaxation detrusor m.
• Pain and stretch (sensory/afferent)
Blood supply of bladder ?
branches int. iliac a.
o Sup. vesical a.
o Obturator a.
o Inf. gluteal a.
o Inf. vesical a. from int. iliac a. (MALE)
o Inf. vesical a. from uterine a. (FEMALE)
o Vaginal a. (FEMALE)
Inf. vesical a. from ______. (MALE)
Inf. vesical a. from ________ (FEMALE)
Inf. vesical a. from int. iliac a. (MALE)
Inf. vesical a. from uterine a. (FEMALE)
Prostatic utricle?
blind opening, remnant of Mullerian/paramesonephric duct
preprostatic urethra location?

membranous urethra location? cell type?
preprostatic = pelvis

membranous = perineum; Pseudostratified or stratified columnar epithelium
spony urethra location? cell type?
in perineum
• Cowper’s/bulbourethral glands open into here
• Pseudostratified or stratified columnar epithelium, near end is squamous epithelium
Urethra Blood supply?
inf. vesical a., middle rectal a., int. pudendal a.

venous drainage = same name
Urethra innervation?
pudendal n., pelvic splanchnic n. (parasymp.), inf. hypogastric plexus (symp.)
Seminal vesicles = Glands that produce
alkaline secretion (7.29) that contains fructose (energy), prostaglandins, and other things. This secretion makes up bulk of semen.
Seminal vesicle cell type and blood supply?
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Blood supply: inf. vesical a., middle rectal a. (venous = same name)
innervation of seminal vesicles
sympathetic and parasympathetic (pelvic splanchnic n.)
Prostatic secretion
weakly acidic (6.45), citric acid, prostaglandins
Prostatic glandular tissue traits?
Androgen sensitive (castration = atrophy)
Secretes normal mucins
Produces pigment: lipofuscin
basal cells in the prostate
-separate secretory cells from basement membrane
-low cuboidal epithelium w/ columnar mucus-secreting cells
-reserve cells that are + for androgen receptors
Neuroendocrine cells are positive for ?
positive for chromogranin A/B, secretogranin II, peptide hormones, PSA
prostate blood supply?
inf. vesical a. , middle rectal a., int. pudendal a
broad ligament of uterus is a double layer of __________
parietal peritoneum
Each covers what?
Mesometrium: ?
Mesosalpinx: ?
Mesovarium: ?
Mesometrium: uterus
Mesosalpinx: uterine tubes
Mesovarium: ovaries
When Broad ligament extends to ovarian vessels/wall of pelvis it is known as?
suspensory l. of ovary
Contents of broad ligament?
Contents: uterine a./v./n., ovarian a./v./n., suspensory l. of ovary, parts of ovary, fallopian tube, ureter, transverse cervical/cardinal l., fat/areolar tissue, ovarian l., epoophoron, paroophoron, Gartner’s duct (remnant of Wolffian’s duct)
Suspensory l. contains
ovarian a. and v.
ovary epithelium
simple cuboidal
Oogenesis begins during fetal life and is arrested when
primary oocyte = stopped in prophase I of meiosis I
Meiosis continues when
first period happens
Graafian follicle ?
large mature follice just before rupturing
Ovary produces ______ when stimulated by ____from the ______
Ovary produces estrogen when stimulated by FSH from the pituitary gland
Blood supply of the ovary?

Venous drainage?
Blood supply: ovarian a. from abdominal aorta

Venous drainage: ovarian v.:
-Right directly to IVC
-Left to left renal v.