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12 Cards in this Set

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Anatomical position

Standing upright

feet together

Hands by the side

Face looking forward

mouth closed

Facial expressions neutral

rim of bone under eyes in same horizontal plane as top of ear opening

eyes open and looking into distance

palms of hand face forward with fingers straight and pad of thumb turned 90° to pads of the fingers

toes point forward.

Coronal planes

Oriented vertically, divide body into anterior and posterior parts

Sagittal planes

Oriented vertically, divide the body into right and left parts.

Median sagittal plane

The plane dividing the body equally in the middle into left and right halves.

Transverse, horizontal or axial planes

Divide the body into superior or inferior parts.

Anterior (ventral) and Posterior (dorsal)

Describes the position of structures relative to the front and back of the body. Anterior is in front of, Posterior is behind.

Medial and lateral

Describe the position of structures relative to the median sagittal plane and sides of the body. Medial is nearer the median sagittal plane, Lateral is nearer the sides of the body (away from center).

Superior and inferior

Describe structures in reference to the vertical axis of the body. Superior is nearer the top, Inferior is nearer the bottom.

Proximal and Distal

Describe structures by their distance from a structure's origin. Proximal are nearer the origin, Distal are further from the origin.

Cranial and Caudal

Cranial means nearer the head and Caudal means nearer the tail.


Describes the position of a structure relative to the nose.

Superficial and Deep

Describe the relative positions of two structures with respect to the surface of the body. Superficial is nearer the skin, Deep is further from the skin. Can also be used as an absolute to define areas of the body. The superficial region includes skin, superficial facia and mammary glands whereas the Deep region includes most skeletal muscles and viscera.