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41 Cards in this Set

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Skull - Cranial Bones

Frontal/Parietal (1-5)
1. supraorbital margin
2. supraorbital foramen/notch
3. superciliary arch
4. frontal sinus
5. superior temporal line
Skull - Cranial Bones

Temporal (1-9)
1. sqama (squamous portion)
2. zygomatic process
3. mandibular fossa
4. external auditory meatus
5. mastoid process
6. styloid process
7. stylomastoid foramen
8. carotid foramen
9. jugular foramen
Skull - Cranial Bones

Occipital (1-8)
1. foramen magnus
2. occipital condyles
3. external occipital crest
4. superior nuchal line
5. inferior nuchal line
6. jugular foramen
7. hypoglossal canal
Skull - Cranial Bones

Sphenoid (1-11)
1. body
2. sphenoid sinuses
3. sella turcica
4. dorsum sellae
5. A/P clinoid processes
6. greater wings
7. lesser wings
8. optic canal (foramen)
9. superior orbital fissure
10. L/M Pterygoid processes
11. foramen ovale, rotundum, spinosum
Skull - Cranial Bones

Ethmoid (1-7)
1. cribiform plate
2. olfactory foramina
3. crista galli
4. perpendicular plate
5. lateral masses
6. ethmoid air cells/sinuses
7. superior, middle and inferior nasal conchae
Skull - Cranial Bones

Sutures (1-4)
1. Coronal
2. Sagittal (parietal/pariental)
3. Labmdoisal
4. Squamousal
Skull - Facial Bones

Nasal + Zygomatic (4)
1. nasal bone
2. temporal process of zygomatic bone
3. zygomatic process of temporal bone
4. zygomatic arch
Skull - Facial Bones

Maxillae (1-4)
1. alveloar processes
2. infraorbital foramen
3. palatal process
4. incisive foramen
Skull - Facial Bones

Mandible (1-8)
1. body
2. rami
3. angle
4. condylar process (mandibular condyles)
5. coronoid process
6. alveolar process
7. mental foramen
8. mandibular foramen
Skull - Facial Bones

Lacrimal, Palatine, Vomer (3)
1. lacrimal groove (sulcus)
2. horizontal plates
3. vomer
Skull - Facial Bones

Orbit (1-11)
"Lazy Friends Should Make Perfect Zoological Examples"
ORBIT (7) = Frontal, Sphenoid, Zygomatic, Maxilla, Platine, Lacrimal, Ethmoid

1. optic foramen (canal)
2. superior orbital fissure
3. inferior orbital fissure
4. supraorbital foramen
Skull - Facial Bones

Sinuses (4)
1. frontal
2. sphenoidal
3. ethmoidal
4. maxillary
1. anterior fontanel
2. posterior fontanel
Skull - Cranial Bones

Fetal Skull
1. body
2. lesser horns
3. greater horns
Skull - Cranial Bones

Hyoid (1-3)
1. body
2. vertebral (neural arch)
a. pendivle
b. lamina
3. vertebral (spinal) canal
4. intervertebral foramen (IVF)
5. spinous process
6. transverse process
7. superior/inferior articulating process

General (1-7)
1. transverse foramen
2. vertebral prominens (C7)
3. A/P arch
4. A/P tubercles
5. S/I articular facets

Cervical Atlas (1-5)
1. transverse foramen
2. vertebral prominens (C7)
3. dens (odontoid process)

Cervical Axis (3)
1. S/I costal facets
a. whole facets: T1, T10-T12
b. demi facets: T1-T9
2. transverse costal facets (T1-T10)

Thoracic (1-2)
1. body
2. vertebral (neural arch)
a. pendivle
b. lamina
3. vertebral (spinal) canal
4. intervertebral foramen (IVF)
5. spinous process
6. transverse process
7. superior/inferior articulating process

Lumbar (~ general)
1. base
2. apex
3. transverse lines
4. sacral foramina
5. median sacral crest
6. auricular surface (of SI joint)
7. sacral canal
8. sacral cornu
9. sacral hiatus
10. cornu

Sacrum and Coccyx (1-10)
1. manubrium
2. body
3. xiphoid process
4. supra sternal notch (jugular notch)
5. clavicular notches
Sternum (1-5)
1. costal cartilage
2. true ribs (1-7)
3. false ribs (8-10)
4. floating ribs (11-12)
5. head
6. neck
7. tubercle
8. body (shaft)
9. costal angle
10. costal groove
Ribs (1-10)
1. malleus
2. incus
3. stapes
Ossicles (1-3)
1. sternal extremity
2. acromial extremity
3. conoid tubercle
4. acromioclavicular joint
Clavicle (1-4)
1. supraspinous fossa
2. spine
3. acromion
4. infraspinous fossa
5. glenoid cavity (fossa)
6. supra glenoid tubercle
7. coracoid process
8. medial (vertebral) & lateral (axillary) border
9. inferior angle
10. superior angle
11. subscapular fossa
Scapula (1-11)
1. head
2. greater & lesser tubercle
3. intertuberculuar sulcus (bicipital groove)
4. body
5. deltoid tuberosity
6. lateral epicondyle
7. capitulum
8. radial fossa
9. coronoid fossa
10. trochlea
11. medial epicondyle
12. olecranon fossa
Humerus (1-12)
1. olecranon process
2. coronoid process
3. trochlear (semilunar) notch
4. radial notch
5. styloid process
Ulna (1-5)
1. head
2. radial tuberosity
3. styloid process
4. ulnar notch
Radius (1-4)
1. scaphoid (navicular)
2. lunate
3. triquetrum
4. pisiform
5. trapezium
6. trapezoid
7. capitate
8. hamate
Carpals (1-8)

"Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle" (3 T's)
1. base
2. shaft
3. head
Metacarpals (1-5)
proximal, middle, distal rows

1. base
2. shaft
3. head

Pollex (thumb) = proximal and distal rows only
Phalanges (1-5)
1. os coxae (coxal bones)
2. pubic symphysis (cartilage)
3. acetabulum
4. arcuate line
5. greater (false) pelvis
6. leser (true) pelvis
7. pubic angle: men < women
Pelvic (hip) girdle (1-7)
1. iliac crest
2. anterior superior iliac spine
3. anterior inferior iliac spine
4. posterior superior iliac spine
5. posterior inferior iliac spine
6. greater sciatic notch
7. iliac fossa
8. sacroiliac (SI) joint
Pelvis - Os Coxae

Illium (1-8)
1. ischial spine
2. lesser sciatic notch
3. ischial tuberosity
4. obturator foramen
Pelvis - Os Coxae

Ischium (1-4)
1. superior ramus of pubis
2. pubic tubercle
3. inferior ramus of pubis
Pelvis - Os Coxae

Pubis (1-3)
1. fovea capitis
2. head
3. neck
4. greater and lesser trochanter
5. intertrochanteric line (anterior)
6. intertrochanteric crest (posterior)
7. linea aspera
8. medial & lateral condyle
9. medial & lateral epicondyle
10. intercondylar fossa/notch
11. patellar surface
Femur (1-11)
1. patella (base, apex, articular facets)
2. patellar ligament
3. medial (tibial) collateral ligament
4. lateral 9fibular) collateral ligament
5. anterior cruciate ligament
6. posterior cruciate ligament
7. medial meniscus
8. lateral meniscus
Knee (tibiofemoral) Joint and Patella (1-8)
1. lateral and medial condyle
2. intercondylar eminence
3. tibial tuberosity
4. medial malleolus
5. head
6. lateral malleolus
Tibia (1-4) and Fibula (5-6)
1. talus
2. calcaneus
3. navicular
4. cuneiforms (1st medial, 2nd intermediate, 3rd lateral)
5. cuboid
Tarsals (1-5)
I = medial, V = lateral

1. base
2. shaft
3. head
Metatarsals (1-5)
proximal, middle and distal rows (except hallux has no middle)

1. base
2. shaft
3. head
Phalanges (1-5)