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123 Cards in this Set

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Which is a disorder at the cranial end of the neural tube?
___________ are ___________ that form myelin sheaths
Oligodendrocytes, glial cells of the CNS
The presynaptic neuron contains _____________, while the postsynaptic neuron contains _____________
synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitters, receptors
Cell bodies are found in PNS nerves and CNS white matter T or F?
__________ division receives sensory information from internal organs
visceral sensory
Which statement is most true?
Dendrites receive impulse, transmit through axon to synaptic knobs.
__________ are unipolar neurons. ____________ are bipolar neurons.
Sensory neurons, special senses
Put the following nervous tissue coverings in order from superficial to deep: perineurium, epineurium, endoneurium, myelin sheath
epineurium, perineurium, endoneurium, myelin sheath
While cooking your dinner, you accidentally touch the hot stove. Trace the path of the impulse from the touch of initial contact to your hand moving away from the stove.
afferent neuron to interneuron to efferent neuron
Which is not true of myelin sheath?
It decreases speed of conduction
Which glial cell controls the ionic environment and induces formation of the blood-brain barrier?
Name the structure the arrow is pointing to in this picture. (TEST IMAGE 1)
Which structure does not originate from the prosencephalon?
Arrange the meninges from deep to superficial.
pia mater, arachnoid mater, dura mater
Where is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) found?
all ventricles
What is the function of the insula lobe?
From personal experience relating to mobility of your fingers in comparison to your toes, how do you think their areas on the primary motor cortex compare? Think back to the homunculus
Fingers have more surface area than toes on the primary motor cortex.
The hippocampus has what primary function?
The corpus callosum contains
commissural tracts
The _______________ is the relay station for sensory and motor information.
A person who has clinical problems with balance and muscle coordination could have a defect in the
Which portion of the brain controls reflex centers essential for survival?
What is known as the "emotional brain?"
limbic system
Obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow and overproduction of CSF are causes of what disorder?
Anterior funiculus is composed of __________ and the anterior horn is composed of _________
white matter, gray matter
A patient has no sensory function on the anterior two-thirds of her tongue. What cranial nerve is most likely impaired?
facial nerve VII
Motor neurons are located on the __________ side of the spinal cord.
A __________ is a specific segment of skin that is supplied by a single pair of spinal nerves.
Which is not true of shingles?
The virus remains latent until onset of puberty.
Phrenic nerve resides in which nerve plexus?
cervical plexus
The patellar or knee-jerk reflex is an example of
monosynpatic reflex
The _______ motor is voluntary, whereas the ________ motor is involuntary
somatic, autonomic
The two motor neurons in sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are
postganglionic and preganglionic neurons.
In post-ganglionic neurons, how does myelination differ between parasymphatetic and sympathetic divisions?
Both are unmyelinated
Under parasympathetic mode, the pupils will
Pain is a type of _________ sense.
Thermoreceptors respond to
Tactile receptors are found in ________ and respond to ____________.
dermis and hypodermis, touch
Which cells in the tongue are chemoreceptors?
gustatory cells
Olfaction uses which type of receptors?
Place the pathway of tears in the correct order from secretion to drainage.
lacrimal gland to lacrimal canal to nasolacrimal duct
The optic disk contains
no rods and no cones
What inner ear structure detects rotational movement?
semicircular canals
Choose the correct pathway for wave vibration in the cochlea.
Sound waves enter through oval window → scala vestibuli → cochlear duct → scala tympani and exit through round window
Which does not cause cataracts?
wearing contacts
Which is not true concerning the endocrine system?
The endocrine has a fast response but lasts shorter than nervous system
What is meant by a tropic hormone?
It affects the release of other hormones.
Which is true concerning the neurohypophysis?
It releases hormones made in the hypothalamus.
Which is not a hormone produced from the anterior pituitary gland?
Calcitonin is produced from the __________ and ________ blood calcium levels.
thyroid gland, decreases
What hormone increases blood calcium levels?
parathyroid hormone
Which hormones is/are produced from the thymus?
Thymopoietin, thymosins
Which hormones is/are produced in the adrenal cortex?
Aldosterone, cortisol
Which is a symptom of hypersecretion of cortisol?
re-distributed body obesity
Which disorder(s) is(are) from an excess production of GH during adulthood?
High metabolic rate, weight loss, tachycardia are symptoms of
Corticosteroids are used clinically to
treat inflammation
Which is true about Type 1 diabetes?
autoimmune disorder
What layer of the heart wall is also known as visceral pericardium?
Which tissue(s) is/are the heart valves composed of?
Heart valves are made of dense connective tissue
Vessel structure is composed of a tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica externa. Which of vessel type has the thickest tunica media?
Which type of capillary is found in the bone marrow, and has a unique structure that allows blood cells to easily enter and exit the capillary?
In fetal circulation, this structure diverts blood from the right atrium of the heart to the left atrium of the heart.
foramen ovale
Where does blood flow immediately after passing through the tricuspid valve?
right ventricle
The pulmonary valve is anterior to the aortic valve – T or F?
Which pulmonary vessel contains oxygen-rich blood?
pulmonary vein
The aorta is an example of what type of artery
an elastic artery.
What structure in fetal circulation bypasses blood away from the liver?
ductus venosus
Which term describes a progressive disease of the elastic and muscular arteries that leads to thickening of tunica intima and narrowing of arterial lumen from fatty plaque?
The apex of the heart is located
inferior and to the left
The right lymphatic duct drains which quadrant of the body?
What type of T-lymphocyte secretes chemical signals that bind to activate other immune system cells?
helper T-cells
Lymphatic vessels have valves to prevent backflow. T or F?
Where is the location of the spleen?
upper left quadrant of the abdomen
Edema due to lymph node obstruction is called?
Which are the functions of the lymphatic system?
screens lymph for foreign substances, houses lymphocytes that generate the immune response, returns interstitial fluid to bloodstream, transports nutrients.
Plasma B-Cells are responsible for
producing immunoglobulins.
T-lymphocytes mature in the __________, whereas natural killer (NK) cells and B-lymphocytes mature in __________.
thymus, red bone marrow
Each B- and T-cell can respond to a wide variety of infected cells, whereas natural killer cells can only respond to a single antigen. T or F?
Hemolysis is __________ and takes place in the __________
phagocytosis of old erythrocytes and platelets, red pulp of the spleen.
Put the flow of lymph in order: lymphatic trunks, lymph nodes, lymphatic ducts, venous circulation.
lymph nodes, lymphatic trunks, lymphatic ducts, venous circulation.
Gas exchange between blood and tissue cells is an example of
internal respiration
Alveolar type II cells
secrete surfactant
Which is/are a type of cartilage found in the larynx?
arytenoid cartilage, thyroid cartilage, and cricoid cartilage
The diaphragm, external intercostals, and scalenes contract for exhalation. T or F?
Which is a characteristic of emphysema?
loss of elastic tissue, making it difficult to exhale
Which lung has the cardiac notch?
left lung
Respiratory diverticulum and ___________ buds form off of endodermal tube around week 4.
primary bronchial
Which is/are a function of the respiratory system?
sound production, defense, pulmonary ventilation, and olfaction
How many secondary bronchi are on the right lung?
After hearing you're a new expert in anatomy, your friend comes to you with concern. When exposed to certain pollen, smoke, and exercise, he often starts wheezing, coughing, and experiencing a shortness of breath. He has no history of cigarette smoking. If he has a respiratory pathology, he most likely has
Decreasing the volume of the thoracic cavity _____________ and _____________.
increases internal lung pressure, air rushes out of lungs
__________ is muscular contractions that move food through GI tract; _________ is mixing and churning in the small intestine.
Peristalsis, segmentation
Which salivary gland produces the most saliva?
submandibular salivary gland
The gallbladder produces and releases bile into the gastrointestinal tract. T or F?
Erosion of stomach or duodenal mucosa that can be caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is
peptic ulcer.
Which is/are a function of the liver?
bile production, detoxification of poisons, metabolites, and drugs, and production of blood proteins
What type of tissue lines the oral cavity?
non-keratinized stratified squamous
The __________ is a muscular tube that propels swallowed food to the stomach through peristalsis.
The ureters are lined with what type of epithelium?
transitional epithelium
Active transport of solutes out of the blood into the tubules is called
tubular secretion.
The ___________ eventually develops into the adult human kidney.
The major calyces deposit the urine that they carry into the
renal pelvis
In the nephron, the process of filtration occurs in the
Fertilization occurs in the
uterine tube.
Oogenesis and follicle development begin at the onset of puberty. T or F?
What layer of the uterine wall is shed as menses?
stratum functionalis
The _____________ provides cooler temperature needed for sperm production.
What two organs are reproductive homologues?
vestibular glands and bulbourethral glands
How long does the Expulsion stage of labor last?
Expulsion lasts from full dilation to delivery of the baby
Pick the correct order of female genitalia from posterior to anterior.
anus, vaginal orifice, urethral orifice, clitoris
Ovulation occurs after a surge in
Spermatogenesis is controlled by which hormones?
FSH and testosterone.
What happens first in fertilization?
corona radiata penetration
The prostate gland is located ____________ to the bladder.
The dartos muscle has what function?
primarily wrinkles the skin of the scrotum
The part of the brain that is the primary visual processing center is the
occipital lobe
What structure does letter C highlight? (TEST IMAGE 3)
What type of cartilage is found in the epiglottis and auricle of the ear?
elastic cartilage
From what embryonic germ layer are muscles and cartilage derived?
Umbilical veins in the fetus will become __________ in adults.
medial umbilical ligaments
An increase in which hormone would most likely increase blood calcium levels?
parathyroid hormone
Carpals are best described as what type of bone?