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136 Cards in this Set

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Hormones are secreted into

The bloodstream

In order for a hormone to be effective its target cell must have a:

receptor for the hormone.

What type of hormone is synthesized from cholesterol?

steroid hormones

Which pair of hormones is hydrophilic?

peptide and catecholamine hormones

Which hormones must bind to transport proteins in order to reach their target cells?

hydrophobic hormones

Negative feedback control of hormone secretion begins when a

rising level of hormone is detected by the gland that produced it.

The endocrine system works closely with the ______ to control and coordinate the intricate parts and functions of the body.

nervous system

The hypothalamus gland is physically attached to what other endocrine gland?

pituitary gland

Which hormone does the hypothalamus gland produce?


Which gland is the master endocrine gland?


When oxytocin is released into the bloodstream, what is one of its effects?

milk letdown

Which hormones are responsible for male secondary sex characteristic development?


Where is insulin produced?


The hormonal part of the “flight-or-fight” response is produced in the

adrenal glands

The target for luteinizing hormone in females is


The anterior pituitary gland produces somatotropin, which is also known as

growth hormone

Where is antidiuretic hormone that is produced in the hypothalamus stored before its release into the bloodstream?

posterior pituitary gland

Bovine somatotropin (BST) is used to

increase milk production in dairy cows

Thyroid-stimulating hormone is produced by the

anterior pituitary gland

In a male, follicle-stimulation hormone

stimulates spermatogenesis

Dwarfism is a result of

GH deficiency

In a male, prolactin

has no known effect

The hormone that results in a rise in blood glucose when it is released into the bloodstream is


Which drug will cause a female to “superovulate” in preparation for embryo transfer?


The primary target for glucocorticoid hormone is the

whole body

The function of ADH is to

conserve water

Animals that suffer from a deficiency of ADH are likely to show clinical signs that include


The gland that helps regulate the body’s blood calcium levels is the

parathyroid gland

Administration of which classification of drugs can cause effects that mimic the body’s natural white blood cell stress response?


The most active form of thyroid hormone is


How does the metabolic rate affect an animal’s core temperature?

As the metabolic rate increases, so does the animal’s core temperature.

When a normal, healthy animal is exposed to cold temperatures, what happens to the production of thyroid hormone?

It is increased to increase the animal's metabolic rate

Which two hormones are involved in maintaining the homeostasis of blood calcium levels?

parathyroid homone and calcitonin

Milk fever and eclampsia are two pathologic conditions that result from


Which gland is not located in the head and neck area of an animal?

adrenal gland

The term iatrogenic means

caused by treatment

Aldosterone helps regulate __ levels in the body.


The fight-or-flight hormones are

epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by a deficiency of


The principle androgen produced in the testes is


Estrogens are produced when __ induces ovaries to develop follicles.


In most animal species ovulation occurs when the blood level of __ peaks.


Melatonin is produced by the

pineal body

Besides the gonads, which other gland produces sex hormones?

adrenal cortex

The gland that plays a direct role in development of the immune system is the:

Where do T lymphocytes mature?


Erythropoietin affects the development of

red blood cells

Amylase- aids in the digestion of 1.____________________.
Lipase- aids in the digestion of 2. ______________________.
Trypsin- aids in the digestion of 3. _____________________.

1. carbohydrates and starches
2. fats
3. proteins

If an anticoagulant is used when collecting a blood sample, the fluid obtained from the sample after it has been centrifuged is


There are 13 clotting factors. What is the minimum number of factors that can be deficient or absent before blood will not clot?


EDTA is a/an


_____________ are blood cells that have specific granules in their cytoplasm when the cells are mature.


An example of an agranulocytic leukocyte is a/an


A term that describes normal monocyte production is


An animal that has been vomiting frequently for the past 5 days and has been eating or drinking very little will most likely suffer from


In a 3-year-old sheep most leukocyte production takes place in the

red bone marrow.

Yellow bone marrow is composed primarily of

fat cells

Which of the following cells is the most primitive?


pluripotential stem cell

unipotential stem cell

pluripotential stem cell

The rate of erythropoiesis is controlled by erythropoietin, which is a/an

hormone produced by the kidney.

An NRBC (nucleated RBC) is __ a mature erythrocyte.

less mature than

Polychromasia seen in erythrocytes is a sign of


A megakaryocyte will eventually produce


Which mature blood cell is described as a non-nucleated biconcave disc?


How many heme molecules are contained in one hemoglobin molecule?


One hemoglobin molecule can carry how many molecules of oxygen?


Oxygen carried in a hemoglobin molecule is bound to a/an

iron atom

What gives hemoglobin its natural color?

the heme molecule

What nutrient do erythrocytes utilize to stay alive in a blood collection tube filled with blood?


A senescent erythrocyte is a/an __ erythrocyte.


The organ in an animal’s body that is the primary site of extravascular hemolysis is the


Stercobilin is a/an


Stercobilinogen is a breakdown product of


Jaundice (icterus) could be a result of

excessive amounts of unconjugated bilirubin.

The PCV is determined using

whole blood with an anticoagulant added

The normal reference range for the hematocrit in an adult dog is 35% to 57%. Rex, an adult Golden Retriever, has a hematocrit of 15%. This is an indication that Rex might

be anemic

Which one of the following blood tests would measure the average size of an erythrocyte in a blood sample?

mean corpuscular volume

When performing a manual differential white blood cell count, how many white blood cells do you count per stained blood smear?

100 white blood cells

If you counted 95% neutrophils on a cow’s differential white blood cell count and the normal range is 15% to 33%, this would be classified as a


The process by which blood is prevented from leaking out of damaged blood vessels is


During hemostasis which process occurs first?

platelet adhesion

The function of ALL white blood cells is


The PMN is also known as a/an


Where do neutrophils mature in a normal, healthy animal?

red bone marrow

An immature neutrophil with a horseshoe-shaped nucleus is called a

band cell

If immature neutrophils are observed in peripheral blood, the condition is called a

left shift

White blood cells use peripheral blood for


You are looking at a stained smear of horse blood and you see a leukocyte with large red granules in its cytoplasm. What cell are you most likely seeing?


What is the minimum number of nuclear lobes seen in a hypersegmented neutrophil?


The process by which a neutrophil squeezes between the cells of the endothelium to leave a blood vessel and enter tissue is called


The process by which neutrophils are attracted to the site of an infection by the interaction between microorganisms and tissue is called

process of attaching a phagocyte to a bacteria cell wall.


The process by which neutrophils engulf invading foreign microorganisms is called


This granulocyte makes up less than 1% of the circulating leukocytes.

This granulocyte’s granules contain heparin.


Which leukocyte is responsible for cell-mediated immunity?

What cell is responsible for immunity against intracellular pathogens?

T lymphocyte

Immunoglobulins are produced by which leukocyte?

plasma cell

Natural killer cells are a type of


One antibody type has thousands of antigen receptors on its cell surface. How many types of antigens will typically fit these receptors?


Blastic transformation of B lymphocytes will produce

plasma cells

When monocytes enter tissue they become


Along with tissue macrophages, which leukocytes make up the mononuclear phagocyte system?


Which set of vessels may contain one-way valves to prevent backflow?

veins and lymph vessels

Lymph from the digestive tract is called


Where would you look for the thymus in a young animal?

cranial thorax

You would most likely see postprandial lipemia

shortly after an animal has eaten.

Which vessel carries lymph into a lymph node?

afferent lymph vessel

The organ that is made up of white pulp and red pulp is the:

Which organ is capable of storing blood that can be released into circulation when the animal needs it?


Tonsils differ from lymph nodes in that they

are NOT encapsulated

Any organism that is capable of causing disease is considered a/an


An animal’s first line of defense against potential disease-causing organisms is the


Excessive numbers of chylomicrons in blood can cause


Where on an animal would you look for the popliteal lymph node?

caudal aspect of the hamstring muscles

Which blood cell becomes a macrophage when it enters tissue?


A dendritic cell is a macrophage found in

lymph nodes

The ______ immune system is fast to respond to foreign invaders


External innate immunity depends on

intact skin

Redness, swelling, heat, and pain are the four cardinal signs of inflammation. A fifth sign that is frequently added is

loss of function

Lysosomes in the cytoplasm of a phagocyte contain

digestive enzymes

The two most important functions of the complement system are to alter microbial cell membranes and

initiate an inflammatory response.

The complement system can alter a microbial cell membrane through a process of ___ that makes the microbe more “visible” to a phagocyte.


The type of cytokine that is produced by virus-infected cells and attaches to the cell membranes of nearby noninfected cells is a/an


_______ ______ _____ are part of both the innate and adaptive immune systems.

Natural killer cells

Another name for programmed cell death caused by NK cells is


________ ________ is associated with memory cells.

Adaptive immunity

An immunoglobulin is also known as a/an


What cell is responsible for production, storage, and release of antibodies?

plasma cell

Which specific type of immunity is involved in antibody production?

humoral immunity

The first immunoglobulin produced by newborn animals is


The type of immunoglobulin produced through intranasal vaccination is

The immunoglobulin that protects body surfaces such as mucosal surfaces from foreign microorganisms is


The most common immunoglobulin produced after an animal has been exposed to a pathogen for a long time is


What type of immunologic cell can protect an animal from a pathogen after the animal’s initial exposure and during a subsequent exposure?

memory B cell

Helper T cells help the immune response by secreting __ into the surrounding tissue.


What type of cell will INHIBIT helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells?

regulatory T cells

An attenuated vaccine contains

modified live virus

Transplacental antibody transfer from mother to fetus is an example of

passive immunity.

The virulence of a pathogen refers to

the relative strength of the pathogen.

The type of hypersensitivity reaction that can be associated with a severe allergic reaction from a second exposure to an antigen is

type I reaction

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia results from a

type II reaction

If you see a lymphocyte on a stained blood smear, it is most likely what type of lymphocyte?

B cell