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20 Cards in this Set

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Smallest portion of the Small Intestine, addition of digestive juices, follows a C-shaped path.


Majority of the Small Intestine, site of absorption and digestion.


Last part of small intestine, attaches to the cecum in the large intestine, rate of digestion varys with foos


Makes insulin to maintain homeostaaia of bloos glucose, secretes sodium bicarbonate, secreted digestive enzymes,


Produces digestive fluid called bile, stimulated by the pancreas to convert glucose into glycogen, destroys dead bloos cells, destroys blood toxins like alcohol, divided into several lobes.

Gall Bladder

Stores bile between meals, pear-shaped sac on inside of the liver, capacity of 30-50 militers, lined with columnar epithelial cells, concentrates bile by absorbing water, contracts to release bile into the small intestine.


Yellow-greenish liquid that is secreted from hepatic cells, contains bile salts, pigments, cholesterol, electrolytes.

Gastric Inhibitory Protein (GIP)

Stimulated when food enters the duodenum, it blocks gastric secretions and motility, stimulates insulin production

Cholecystokinin (CCK)

Secreted in the presence of lipids or protein in the duodenum, initiates release of sodium bicarbonate.


Recieves chyme from the ileum, the appendix attaches to the base of the cecum, it is located at the beginning of the large intestine, it cultures beneficial bacteria for the large intestine.


Divided into four parts, largest part of the large intestine, contains pockets called 'Haustra', as the chyme moves throughout it dries out and forms feces, contains bacteria colonies that free vitamins for absorption.


Its an accessory organ that secretes immune and digestive fluids into the cecum


Attached to the sacrum and the anus, stores feces between movements, has 2 sphincter (internal and external)


Protein splitting enzyme, secreted by the pancreas, activates chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase.

Kupffer Cells

Remove most of the bacteria from the blood by the process of phagocytosis, located in the liver


Greatly increase the surface area of the intestinal lining, aiding in absorption of digestive products. Each one consists of a layer of simple columnar epithelium and a core of connective tissue containing blood capillaries, lymphatic capillaries, and nerve fibers.


it is a peptide hormone that stimulates the pancreas to secrete abundant fluid when acidic chyme enters the duodenum. Its released into the blood from the duodenal mucous membrane in response to the acid in chyme.


Yellowish skin, may result from excess deposition of bile pigments, may be caused by blockages of the bile ducts, or by having gallstones or tumors.


If the small intestine wall becomes overdistened or irritated, a strong peristalic rush may pass along the organ's entire length. This movement sweeps the contents into the large intestine so quickly that the water, nutrients, and electrolytes that would be absorbed are not, and the result is this.


Pouches in the wall of the large intestine