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14 Cards in this Set

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Branchial cleft derivatives

First cleft

Second - fourth cleft
four pairs; ectoderm that forms only epithelium

1st cleft: gives rise to the external auditory meatus

2nd cleft: typically regress; may form a cervical sinus
Pharyngeal Arches – There are five pharyngeal arches; mesoderm forms skeletal muscle; neural crest grows into each arch and forms all connective tissue (cartilage, bone and blood vessels)
There are five pharyngeal arches; mesoderm forms skeletal muscle; neural crest grows into each arch and forms all connective tissue (cartilage, bone and blood vessels)
1st pharyngal arches
Muscles: muscles of mastication, anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid, tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini

Artery: maxillary

Cartilage: malleus and incus
2nd pharyngal arches
Muscle: facial muscles, stapedius, posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid

Artery: hyoid and stapedial

Cartilage: stapes, styloid process, lesser horn and superior portion of body of hyoid
3rd pharyngal arches
Muscle: Stylopharyngeus

Artery: common and internal carotid

Cartilage: greater horn and inferior portion of body of hyoid
4th pharyngal arches
Muscle: muscles of palate, pharynx and cricothyroid

Artery: left: portion of arch; right: part one of subclavian

Cartilage: laryngeal cartilage
5th pharyngeal arches
Muscle: muscles of larynx, inferior constrictor, cricopharyngeus and superior portion of esophagus

Artery: Pulmonary trunk (left - ductus arteriosus)

Cartilage: laryngeal cartilage
Pharyngeal Pouches – four pairs; endoderm that forms only epithelium

What are the 1st - 4th pouches?
The first pouch gives rise to the auditory tube, mastoid antrum and tympanic cavity.

The second pouch forms the palatine tonsil.

The third pouch gives rise to the thymus and inferior parathyroid gland.

The fourth pouch gives rise to the superior parathyroid
This is a condition characterized by a shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and results in an elevation of the chin to the opposite side; can be caused by damage to the muscle, spinal accessory nerve or can be congenital.
Cysts of the Neck

Lateral cervical cysts (branchial fistula)

Midline cysts
Arises from the second through fourth pharyngeal clefts

Most often arise from a remnant of the thyroglossal duct (thyroglossal duct cysts)
Cleft Lip
Cleft Lip – Results from failure of the maxillary prominence to join the medial nasal prominences to form the intermaxillary segment (primary palate derives from intermaxillary segment)
Cleft Palate

Anterior cleft

Posterior cleft

Complete cleft
Anterior to incisive foramen; lateral palatine process fails to fuse with primary palate

Occurs through the secondary palate where lateral palatine process does not fuse or meet nasal septum

Involves both the primary and secondary palate
Situs inversus


Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Stem villi

Intervillous space
Reversal of organs; can involve all organs or just single organs (heart – dextrocardia)

Develops from the septum transversum, pleuroperitoneal membranes, paraxial mesoderm and dorsal mesentery of the esophagus

Results from a failure of the pleuroperitoneal fold to close the pericardioperitoneal canal; most common on the left side

Form trophoblast and somatic layer of extraembryonic mesoderm

Contains maternal blood
Changes at birth:

umbilical arteries

umbilical vein


foramen ovale

ductus arteriosus

ductus venosus
paired medial umbilical ligaments

round ligament of liver

median umbilical ligament

fossa ovalis

ligamentum arteriosum

ligamentum venosum