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47 Cards in this Set

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The kidney is referred to as an excretory organ because it excretes _______ wastes.

The kidney is also a major homeostatic organ because it maintains the electrolyte, ______ and ______ balance of the blood.

*Acid (base)


Urine is continuously formed by the ________ and is routed down the ________ by the mechanism of ________ to a storage organ called the _________.





Eventually, the urine is conducted to the body _______ by the urethra.


In the male, the urethra is _______ long and tansports both urine and ________?

*20 centimeters


The female urethra is _________ long and transports only urine?

4 centimeters

Voiding or emptying the bladder is called ________.


Voiding has both voluntary and involuntary components. The voluntary sphincter is the ________ sphincter. An inability to control this sphincter I referred to as ________?



What is the function of the fat cushion that surrounds the kidneys in life?

Perirenal fat capsules anchor the kidneys to the dorsal body wall in a retroperitoneal position and cushions it against blows.
Kidneys are less securely anchored and drop to a more inferior position called?


Why is incontinence a normal phenomenon in the child under 1.5 to 2 years old?

because they have not gained muscle control over their external sphincter yet.

What events may lead to its incontinence in the adult.

Spinal cord injury, emotional problems, bladder irritability, or some other pathology of the urinary tract.
Smooth membrane, tightly adherent to the kidney surface.

Fibrous capsule

Portion of the kidney containing mostly collecting ducts.


Portion of the kidney containing the bulk of the nephron structures.

superficial region of kidney tissue


basinlike area of the kidney, continuous with the ureter.

renal pelvis
a cup-shaped extension of the pelvis that encircles the apex of a pyramid

minor calyx

area of cortical tissue running between the medullary pyramids

renal column
site of filtrate formation


primary site of tubular reabsorption

proximal convulated tubule

structure that conveys the processed filtrate (urine) to the renal pelvis

distal convulated tubule

blood supply that directly receives substances from the tubular cells

peritubular capillaries

its inner (visceral) membrane forms part of the filtration membrane

glomerular capsule

A drop of blood enters the kidney via the renal artery and leaves through the ______ _____?

renal vein.

Region of nephron that plays an important role in forming concentrated urine.

Juxtaglomerular apparatus

What substance is responsible for the normal yellow color of urine?


Name 3 constituents that might be present if a urinary tract infection exists.

*WBC's (pus)



How does a urinary tract infection influence urine pH?


How does starvation influence urine pH?


Presence of erythrocytes in the urine


Presence of hemoglobin in the urine


presence of glucose in the urine


presence of albumin in the urine


presence of ketone bodies (acetone and others) in the urine


presence of pus (white blood cells) in the urine


what are renal calculi, and what conditions favor their formation?

Kidney stones; urinary retention, urinary tract infection, and alkaline urine

Low specific gravity causes what?

Diabetes Insipidus

High specific gravity causes what?

Kidney stones, Diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, gonorrhea

Glucose causes

Diabetes mellitus; eating a 5lb box of sweets for lunch.

albumin causes

glomerulonephritis; pregnancy exertion.
Blood cells cause what?

kidney stones; cystis

hemoglobin causes what?

hemolytic anemias
Bilirubin causes what?

hepatitis; cirrhosis of liver

ketone bodies cause what?

Diabetes mellitus; starvation

casts cause what?

glomerulonephritis; pyelonephritis

pus causes what?

Pyelonephritis; gonorrhea; cystis