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75 Cards in this Set

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1. Anesthetizes the terminal nerve branches in the area of treatment
a. Dental - pulp
b. Interradicular – PDL and buccal gingiva
c. Interdental – PDL and buccal gingiva
2. When used on maxillary teeth, it is referred to a plexus anesthesia because of the over-lapping of fibers of the posterior, middle and anterior alveolar nerves
Nerve block
1. Anesthesia is deposited along the trunk of the nerve, which will anesthetized a larger area
2. Generally used on mandibular teeth because the cortical bone is too thick for infiltration
3. May used when infections block the penetration of the anesthesia
4. Prevent multiple injections and less discomfort to the patient
Fiber components of trigeminal nerve
1. Motor (to muscles of pharyngeal arch origin)
2. Sensory (general sensation)
Functions important to the dental profession of trigeminal nerve
1. General sensation to the face, to the TMJ and to parts of the mucous membranes of the head
2. Motor and proprioceptive fibers to the muscles of mastication
3. Carries postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to target organs
Ciliary ganglion
Ophthalmic division of trigeminal
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Maxillary division of V
Otic ganglion
Mandibular division of V
Submandibular ganglion
Mandibular division of V
Location of cell bodies of Trigeminal Nerve
1. Motor nucleus of V
2. Mesencephalic nucleus of V – proprioception
3. Trigeminal ganglion – general sensory
Ophthalmic Division – V1
1. Sensory only
2. No branches associated with teeth or surrounding tissue
Maxillary Division – V2
1. Sensory only
2. Review of branches
a. Pterygopalatine branches
b. Greater & lesser palatine nn.
c. Pharyngeal nerve
d. Nasopalatine nerve
e. Zygomatic nerve
f. Posterior superior alveolar n.
h. nerve
(1) Middle superior alveolar n.
(2) Anterior superior alveolar n.
(3) Palpebral, labial, nasal nn.
Branches for Intraoral Injection of Maxillary V2
Infraorbital nerve
Anterior superior alveolar nerve
Middle superior alveolar n.
Posterior superior alveolar nerve
Nasopalatine nerve
Greater Palatine Nerve
Infraorbital nerve
Anatomical considerations
(a) Palpebral, labial, nasal nn.
(b) Infraorbital vessels
(c) Orbit
Anterior superior alveolar nerve distribution
(a) Roots of canines and incisors of ipsilateral side with some cross-over to the contralateral incisors
(b) Periodontal ligament and alveolar periosteum
(c) Buccal gingiva
Middle superior alveolar n distribution
(a) Mesiobuccal root of first molar and roots of both premolars
(b) Periodontal ligament and alveolar periosteum
(c) Buccal gingiva

Note: In absence of the MSA, the PSA supplies the premolars approximately 25% of the time; otherwise they are innervated by the ASA
Posterior superior alveolar nerve distribution
(a) Roots of all molars, with the exception of the mesiobuccal root of the first molar
(b) Periodontal ligament and alveolar periosteum
(c) Buccal gingival
Posterior superior alveolar nerve anatomical considerations
(a) Foramina
(b) Posterior superior alveolar a.
(c) Pterygomaxillary fissure
(d) Approach to the maxillary nerve
Nasopalatine nerve
(a) Mucosa of primary palate
(b) Lingual alveolar periosteum of incisors and canines
(c) Lingual gingival of incisors and canines
Nasopalatine nerve anatomical considerations
(a) Greater palatine foramen
(b) Greater palatine artery

(c) Intraoral approach to the maxillary nerve through the pterygopalatine canal
Mandibular Division – V3 Anterior division
a. Motor to muscles of mastication
b. Sensory
(1) Long buccal nerve
(a) Skin of cheek wall
(b) Buccal mucosa
(c) Buccal gingiva of mandibular molars
Mandibular Division – V3 Posterior Division Motor to
(1) Mylohyoid muscle
(2) Anterior Belly of Digastric
Mandibular Division – V3 Posterior Division Sensory to
Lingual nerve
Inferior alveolar nerve
Auriculotemporal nerve
(1) Lingual nerve
Sensory to

(a) To anterior 2/3 of tongue
(b) Mucosa of floor of the mouth
(c) Lingual mandibular gingiva
(d) Submandibular & sublingual glands
(2) Inferior alveolar nerve
Sensory to

(a) Nerve to mylohyoid m.
(b) Dental branches to molar and premolars
(c) Mental n. to skin of lip
(d) Incisive n. - Overlap
[a] Dental branches to canines and incisors
Auriculotemporal nerve
sensory to

(a) TMJ
(b) Parotid gland
(c) Skin posterior to ear
Otic ganglion attached to posterior division
(1) Postganglionic parasympathetic neurons
(2) Fibers gains access to parotid gland via auriculotemporal nerve
Lingual Nerve carries
Carries taste fibers from the chorda tympani nerve that innervate the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
Submandibular ganglion
(1) Attached to lingual nerve
(2) Postganglionic parasympathetic neurons send fibers to submandibular and sublingual glands
Branches for Intraoral Injection
a. Inferior Alveolar Nerve
b. Lingual Nerve
c. Long Buccal Nerve
d. Mental Nerve
e. Incisive Nerve
f. Nerve to the mylohyoid muscle?
Pterygomandibular Space
(1) Subdivision of masticator space
Pterygomandibular Space boundaries
(a) Medial – medial pterygoid muscle
(b) Lateral – ramus of the mandible
(c) Superior – lateral pterygoid muscle
(d) Posterior – connective tissue sheath of parotid gland
(e) Anterior – open – no structures
Pterygomandibular Space Medial boundary
medial pterygoid muscle
Pterygomandibular Space Lateral Boundary
ramus of the mandible
Pterygomandibular Space Superior Boundary
lateral pterygoid muscle
Pterygomandibular Space Posterior boundary
connective tissue sheath of parotid gland
Pterygomandibular Space Anterior boundary
No structures-open
Pterygomandibular Space contents
(3) Pterygoid Plexus
(4) Inferior alveolar artery and vein
(5) Muscular branches of the alveolar artery
(6) Nerve and vessels to the mylohyoid muscle
(7) Nerve and vessels to the medial pterygoid muscle
(8) Sphenomandibular ligament
Sphenomandibular ligament relationship to mylohyoid nerve
[1] Can cover mylohyoid n.
[2] May have sensory component
[a] Incomplete anesthesia
[b] Nerve fibers enter bone and pulp
Sphenomandibular ligament Relationship to the inferior alveolar nerve
[1] Can block anesthetic to nerve
[2] Incomplete anesthesia
Maxillary Dental Plexus Injections sites
1. Supraperiosteal injections
a. Along the roots by injection into the mucobuccal fold at the apices of the roots
b. Anesthesia penetrates the thin cortical plate of the alveolar bone to reach the pulp
2. Intraligamentary or periodontal ligament injection
3. Intraseptal or interdental injection to anesthetize the buccal gingiva
4. Local palatal injection to anesthetize the palatal (lingual) gingiva
Supraperiosteal injections
a. Along the roots by injection into the mucobuccal fold at the apices of the roots
b. Anesthesia penetrates the thin cortical plate of the alveolar bone to reach the pulp
Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Block injection site
Over second molar directed posteriorly
Mucobuccal fold at level of second molar
Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Block Avoid
a. Posterior superior alveolar artery & tearing periosteum
(1) Injection into vessel could cause serious cardiac arrhythmia
(2) Shearing vessel could cause a hematoma – bleeding in the masticator space
Middle Superior Alveolar Nerve Block injection site
Above 2nd premolar
Mucobuccal fold above 2nd premolar
Middle Superior Alveolar Nerve Block avoid
tearing periosteum & blood vessels
Anterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Block injection site
Over lateral incisor
Mucobuccal fold above the lateral incisor
Anterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Block avoid
Avoid tearing periosteum & blood vessels
Infraorbital Nerve Block injection site
Above the first premolar
Mucobuccal fold of the 1st premolar directed toward infraorbital foramen
Infraorbital Nerve Block
(a) Avoid sticking needle into the infraorbital foramen and orbit
(b) Tearing periosteum & blood vessels
Greater Palatine Nerve Block injection site
Distal border of 2nd maxillary molar
Junction between hard palate and lateral edge of alveolar distal to the 2nd molar
Greater Palatine Nerve Block avoid
. Sticking needle in foramen and damaging nerve & blood vessels
b. Tearing the periosteum
Nasopalatine Nerve Block injection site
Lateral to the incisive canal
Incisive papilla
Nasopalatine Nerve Block avoid
a. Sticking needle in foramen and damaging nerve & blood vessels
b. Tearing the periosteum
Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Block teeth
All roots of 1st, 2nd, 3rd molar, except mesiobuccal root of 1st molar, and their facial gingivae
Middle Superior Alveolar Nerve Block teeth
Mesiobuccal root of 1st molar, premolars, and their facial gingivae
Anterior Superior Alveolar Nerve Block teeth
Canine, incisors, their labial gingivae, and lip
Infraorbital nerve block teeth
Canine, incisors, and labial gingivae, lower eyelid, side of the nose and lip.
Greater palatine nerve block palpebral tissue
Hard palate and palatal gingiva from molars up to canines
Nasopalatine nerve block palpebral tissue
Palatal alveolar periosteum of anterior teeth
Palatal mucosa
Palatal gingiva
Inferior Alveolar Nerve, Lingual Nerve and Long Buccal Nerve Block injection site
Pterygotemporal fossa (anterior to the pterygomandibular fold)
Mucosa lateral to the pterygomandibular fold
Inferior Alveolar Nerve, Lingual Nerve and Long Buccal Nerve Block avoid
Muscles, Inferior alveolar artery, branches of pterygoid plexus and sheath of parotid gland
Gow-Gates injection site
Mucosa medial to temporalis tendon below the occlusal plane of the second maxillary molar to the tragus
Gow-Gates target
Mandibular nerve near coronoid process
Akinosi-Varian Closed Mouth Mandibular Block injection site
Mucogingival junction of 2nd or 3rd maxillary molar lateral to the pterygomandibular fold
Akinosi-Varian Closed Mouth Mandibular Block target site
Mental Nerve block injection site
Mental foramen
Between the roots of the first and second premolar
Mental nerve block avoid
Mental artery and damage to mental nerve by thrusting needle into the foramen
Inferior alveolar nerve block injection site
Mucosa lateral to the pterygomandibular fold
Inferior alveolar nerve block teeth and soft tissue
Mandibular teeth

Buccal gingiva of incisors, canines and premolars
Lingual nerve block injection site
Mucosa lateral to the pterygomandibular fold
Lingual nerve block soft tissue
Lingual gingiva of all teeth, floor of the mouth and tongue
Long buccal nerve injection site
Medial to the border of the ramus of the mandible at the occlusal plane of the maxillary molars
Long buccal nerve block soft tissue
Buccal gingiva and mucosa of the mandibular molars
Incisive nerve block injection site
Between the roots of the first and second premolar
Incisive nerve block teeth and soft tissue
Incisors, canines and premolars Buccal gingiva and lower lip in area of incisors, canines and premolars