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130 Cards in this Set

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Eyelids (palpebrae) separated by____

palpebral fissure

Reddish elevation at the medial canthus (meeting of eyelids)

Lacrimal caruncle

Connective tissue within the eyelids

Tarsal plates

Modified sebaceous glands in the eye

Tarsal glands

Three parts of conjunctiva

Palpebral conjunctiva (superior), bulbar conjunctiva (inferior), conjunctival sac

Lacrimal apparatus function

Keeps the surface of the eye moist

Produces lacrimal fluid

Lacrimal gland

Fluid empties into nasal cavity

Lacrimal sac

The extrinsic eye muscles _______ on the outer surface of the eyeball and ______ in the walls of the orbit

insert, originate

Origin of the four rectus muscles

Annular ring

Lateral rectus action and cranial nerve

Moves eye laterally, VI (abducens)

Medial rectus action and cranial nerve

Moves eye medially, III (oculomotor)

Superior rectus action and cranial nerve

Elevates eye and turns it medially, III (oculomotor)

Inferior rectus action and cranial nerve

Depresses eye and turns it medially, III (oculomotor)

Inferior oblique action and cranial nerve

Elevates eye and turns it laterally, III (oculomotor)

Superior oblique action and cranial nerve

Depresses eye and turns it laterally, IV (trochlear)

Most anterior and posterior part of the eye

Anterior pole and posterior pole

Most external layer of the eyeball

Fibrous tunic

Two regions of fibrous tunic of eyeball

Sclera (posterior 5/6) and cornea (anterior 1/6)

Junction between sclera and cornea


Allows aqueous humor to drain

Scleral venous sinus

The middle coat of the eyeball

The vascular layer

Three parts of vascular layer

Choroid, ciliary body, and iris

Choroid description/function

Vascular, darkly pigmented (from melanocytes) membrane, posterior 5/6 of vascular tunic, prevents scattering of light rays within the eye, corresponds to the arachnoid and pia maters

Ciliary body description

thickened ring of tissue which encircles the lens composed of ciliary muscle

Two types of ciliary muscle

Ciliary processes (posterior surface of the ciliary body) and ciliary zonule (suspensory ligament, attached around entire circumference of the lens)

Description of the Iris

Visible colored part of the eye, attached to the ciliary body, composed of smooth muscle

The _______ muscle contracts to decrease the size of the pupil and the ________ muscle contracts to increase the size of the pupil

Sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae

Protective response of pupil constriction when a bright light is flashed in the eye

pupillary light reflex

The deepest tunic


Two layers of retina

Pigmented layer and neural layer

Pigmented layer has a _________ layer of _________ cells

single, melanocytes

Neural layer is a sheet of _________ tissue that contains three main types of neurons: ________, ________, and __________ cells

nervous, photoreceptor, bipolar, ganglion

Light signal pathway

Photoreceptor cells signal bipolar cells signal ganglion cells to generate nerve impulses that converge posteriorly to form the optic nerve

Rod cells are ______ sensitive to light than cone cells


The _______ segments of cones and rods regenerate


Specialized region of the retina containing mostly cones

Macula lutea

Specialized region of the retina containing only cones

Fovea centralis

Blind spot containing no photoreceptors

Optic disc, where optic nerve leaves eye

Posterior segment (cavity) filled with ________, a jellylike substance that transmits light, supports the posterior surface of the lens, and maintains intraocular pressure

vitreous humor

Anterior segment, divided into anterior chamber, which is between the _______ and the _______, and the posterior chamber between the __________ and the _________

cornea, iris, iris, lens

Anterior segment is filled with _________, which is renewed continuously, formed as a blood filtrate, and supplies nutrients to the the lens and cornea

aqueous humor

The _______ is a thick, transparent, biconvex disc held in place by its ciliary zonule

the lens

Covers the anterior surface of the lens

Lens epithelium

Lens _____ form the bulk of the lens


The lens, cornea and humors are light bending structures called ____________

refractory media

The adjustable curvature of the lens


Sympathetic input _______ the ciliary muscle, which _______ the ciliary zonule and ______ the lens, bettering ________ vision

relaxes, tightens, flattens, distance

Parasympathetic input _______ the ciliary muscle, which _______ the ciliary zonule and ______ the lens, bettering ________ vision

contracts, loosens, buldges, close


Lens is bulbous so distance sight is blurry (nearsighted)


Lens is flattened so close up vision is blurry (farsighted)

Outer (external) ear composed of the:

Auricle (pinna), external acoustic meatus (hairs, sebaceous glands, ceruminous glands) and tympanic membrane

The middle ear is composed of the:

tympanic cavity (small air-filled space), medial wall penetrated by the oval and round windows, and the pharyngotympanic tube (links the middle ear and pharynx)

The three ear ossicles are the

Malleus (hammer), incus and stapes (stirrup), which vibrates against the oval window

Two tiny skeletal muscles in the middle ear cavity that help regulate sound intensity

Tensor tympani and stapedius

In the internal ear, the bony labryinth is a cavity consisting of three parts, the...

semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea

The membranous labyrinth is a series of membrane-walled sacs and ducts that fit with the bony labyrinth, consisting of three main parts...

semicircular ducts, utricle and saccule, and cochlear duct

The membranous labyrinth is filled with _________ and the bony labyrinth is filled with perilymph, which is continuous with CSF

endolymph, perilymph

The cochlea coils around a pillar of bone called the ________


The _________ is a spiral of bone in the modiolus

Spiral lamina

The ____________ (scala media) contains receptors for hearing

cochlear duct

The receptor epithelium for hearing is called the __________, and consists of the ______ and _______ hair cells

spiral organ, inner, outer

The receptors that transmit vibrations of the basilar membrane are the ________ hair cells, while the receptors that actively tune the cochlea and amplify the signal are the ________ hair cells

inner, outer

The ________ is the range of pitches we can hear

length of cochlear duct

Sounds below our frequency range travel through the _______ and out the _______ window

helicotrema, round

The ________ and _________ are two egg-shaped parts of the membranous labyrinth suspended in _______ that house the __________, a spot of sensory epithelium, and detects ______________

utricle and saccule, perilymph, macula, static equilibrium

Function of the macula

Contains receptor cells that monitor the position of the head when the head is still, contains columnar supporting cells, receptor cells called hair cells that synapse with the vestibular nerve

Tips of hair cells in macula embedded in _______ membrane containing calcium carbonate crystals called _________

otolith, otoliths

The semicircular canals are involved in detecting ____________

dynamic equilibrium

The ___________ and ____________ semicircular canals lie in the vertical plane at right angles, and the ____________ semicircular canal lies in the horizontal plane

anterior, posterior, lateral

The __________ is located with the bony ampulla and houses a structure called a _____________, which contain receptor cells of rotational acceleration

membranous ampulla, crista ampullaris

Meniere's syndrome

equilibrium is greatly disturbed due to excessive amounts of endolymph in the membranous labyrinth

Sound vibrations cannot be conducted to the inner ear (ruptured membranes)

Conduction deafness

Damage to any part of the auditory pathway results in

Sensorineural deafness

Taste and smell receptors are classified as _______


Two types of papillae (taste buds)

fungiform papillae and vallate papillae

Taste buds contain two major cell types, _________ epithelial cells that support, and __________ epithelial cells that are gustatory, contain long microvilli, replaced every 7-10 days

gustatory, basal

Five tastes

sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami

Taste travels mostly through cranial nerves

VII (facial) and glossopharyngeal (IX), but also X (vagus)

Olfactory epithelium is ______ and contains these three cell types:

pseudostratified columnar, olfactory sensory neurons, supporting epithelial cells, and olfactory stem cells

Pure endocrine organs:

Pituitary, pineal, thyroid and parathyroid, adrenal glands

Organs containing a large proportion of endocrine cells

Pancreas, thymus, gonads, hypothalamus

Organs containing some endocrine cells

Heart, digestive tract, kidneys, skin

Three main types of hormone secretion triggers and examples

Humoral (changing ion or nutrient levels in blood, PTH from calcium), Neural (nerve fibers, NE from adrenal medulla), and Hormonal (received from other glands, hypothalamus->pituitary->other gland)

The pituitary gland is attached to the hypothalamus through the _______________ and secretes ______ major hormones

infundibulum, nine

Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland secretes these four tropic hormones (regulate other glands) and these three hormones which act directly on non-endocrine targets



Signals thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormone


Stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete hormones that help cope with stress



FSH and LH

Where is growth hormone produced?

somatotropic cells

Growth hormone stimulates growth through __________ and ___________, also using the liver's secreting of ____________

Protein production, growth of epiphyseal plates, and IGF-1

Function of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)

appetite suppression

Targets milk-producing glands in the breast


The _______ controls secretion of the anterior lobe hormones by secreting ____________ and __________ hormones

hypothalamus, releasing, inhibiting

Pathway of releasing hormones

Secreted like neurotransmitters, enter primary capillary plexus, travel through hypophyseal portal veins to a secondary capillary plexus

The posterior pituitary lobe stores and releases these two hormones made in the hypothalamus:

ADH and oxytocin

Targets kidneys to reabsorb water

ADH (vasopressin)

induces smooth muscle contraction of reproductive organs, ejects milk during breast-feeding, signals contraction of the uterus during childbirth


Two hormones produced by thyroid gland

Thyroid hormone and calcitonin

Location and hormones of parathyroid glands

posterior surface of the thyroid gland, PTH (increases blood Ca)

Two endocrine glands of adrenal gland

Adrenal medulla (cluster of neurons, part of sympathetic nervous system) and adrenal cortex

The cells that secrete amine hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine are...

medullary chromaffin cells

Three layers of adrenal cortex

Zona glomerulosa (spherical clusters), zona fasciculata (parallel cords) and zona reticularis (branching network)

Hormones of the adrenal cortex are called _________ and are divided into the two main classes of __________ and ____________

Corticosteroids, mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids

Aldosterone is a _________ and is secreted by the _____________ in response to an increase/decrease in blood volume or pressure

mineralocorticoid, zona glomerulosa, decrease

Main glucocorticoid and where its secreted from

Cortisol, zona fasciculata and zona reticularis

Short term stress response:

Hypothalamus sends nerve impulse to sinal cord, which connects to adrenal medulla through preganglionic sympathetic fibers, which releases amino-acid based catecholamines

Long term stress response:

Hypothalamus secretes CRH, stimulates anterior pituitary to release ACTH, signals adrenal cortex to secrete mineralocorticoids (ADH to increase blood volume and blood pressure) and glucocorticoids (to release glucose from porteins and fats, and suppress immune system)

The pineal gland is located on the roof of the ____________ and secretes _________


Function of melatonin

Regulate circadian rhythms

The pancreas contains exocrine cells like _________ and endocrine cells like ___________

acinar cells (digestive enzymes) and pancreatic islets

Main endocrine cell types:

alpha (glucagon), beta (insulin), delta (somatostatin, inhibits alpha and beta cells), and F or PP (pancreatic polypeptide, also inhibitory of exocrine activity)

Location and function of thymus gland

lower neck/anterior thorax, important immune organ, transformation of lymphocytes

Which cells secrete male androgens (primarily testosterone)?

Interstitial cells of male gonads

These cells secrete female androgens and these cells convert them to estrogen

Theta folliculi, follicular granulosa

Hormone the heart secretes

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), opposes ADH

Endocrine cells of GI tract and function

Enteroendocrine cells, satiety and gut motility

Hormone of the placenta

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

Cells in _______ of the kidney secrete_________, and the endothelial and interstitial cells secrete

juxtaglomerular complex (JGA), renin, erythropoietin

Function of renin:

detects pressure in renule tubules (shows blood pressure), increases blood pressure by adding mineralites to blood which brings H20

The skin secretes modified cholesterol molecules which convert to

Vitamin D

Gigantism is caused by a

hypersecretion of GH

Pituitary dwarfism is caused by a

hyposecretion of GH

Diabetes insipidus is caused by

pars nervosa does not make enough ADH, PU/PD (polyuria/polydypsia)

Grave's disease

hyperthyroidism, oversecretion of TH by follicle cells, bulging eyes, nervousness, weight loss, sweating and rapid heart rate


Adult hypothyroidism, antibodies attack and destroy thyroid tissue, low metabolic rate

Endemic Goiter

Lack of iodine in diet, which is necessary for the production of thyroid hormone


Hypothyroidism in children, mental retardation and thick tongue

Cushing's syndrome

Hypersecretion of glucocorticoid hormones, mostly cortisol, causes weight gain?

Addison's disease

Hyposecretory disorder of the adrenal cortex, deficiencies in both mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids, problems utilizing glucose, not enough aldosterone, low blood pressure, emaciated look, JFK