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73 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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suture along back of frontal bone
coronal suture
sinus behind/between eyes, hole above eyebrows
frontal sinus
suture between parietal bones
saggital suture
bone of the forehead
frontal bone
bottom/back of the head bone
occipital bone
suture along top edge of occipital bone
lambdoid suture
bump on under side of occipital bone, at the end of the crest
external occipital protuberence
two bumps outside the foramen magnum where the skull meets the atlas
occipital condyles
opening in the skull for the connection of the cranial cavity and spinal cavity
foramen magnum
bones along side of head above the ears
temporal bones
suture along top of the temporal bone
squamous suture
the thin area of the temporal bone
squamous part
large round bump behind ear lobe
mastoid process
small projection of the temporal bone anterior of the mastoid process
styloid process
large extension of the temporal bone which meets with the cheek bone
zygomatic process
outside ear hole
external acoustic meatus
thicker portion of the temporal bone
petrous part
inside ear hole
internal acoustic meatus
smooth opening for artery to brain
carotid canal/foramen
rough opening for vein from brain
jugular foramen
smooth groove in temporal bone where jaw sets
mandibular fossa
butterfly shaped bone behind nose and eyes
sphenoid bone
sinus for pituitary gland/turkish saddle
sella turcica
big wing shaped portion of sphenoid bone
greater wings
smaller inner wing shaped portion of sphenoid bone
lesser wings
two holes in the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone where nerves of the eyes connect to the brain
optic canal/foramen
two holes behind the body of the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone, behind ethmoid
sphenoidal sinus
bone posterior to nasal bone and anterior to sphenoid bone
ethmoid bone
section of the ethmoid bone where the foramina are located
cribiform plate
several holes along the cribiform plate
olfactory/cribiform foramina
prominent ridge that seperates the left and right side of the cribiform plate
crista galli
forms the nasal septum
perpendicular plate
interconnected network of ethmoidal air cells
ethmoidal labrynth
air cells of the ethmoid bone
ethmoidal sinuses
above jaw bone, below cheek bone
holes in your face under cheek bones
infraorbital foramen
the oral margin of the maxillae that contain the upper teeth
alveolar process
connecting part of the maxilla to the bone posterior in the roof of the mouth
palatine process
hole behind the nose and upper teeth
maxillary sinus
bone in the roof of the mouth behind the maxilla
cheek bone
zygomatic bone
projection from the cheek bone that connects to the temple
temporal process
nose bone
nasal bone
inferior portion of the nasal septum, below the ethmoid bone
vomer bone
3 sets of scroll like bones connected to the lateral wall of the nasal canal
inferior, middle, and superior nasal conchae
smallest bones of the skull, situated in the medial portion of each orbit, just behind tear ducts
lacrimal bones
passageway created by the lacrimal bone and the maxilla
nasolacrimal canal
the posterior projection leading to the head of the mandible that connects into the temporal bone
condylar process
projection anterior to the condylar process, and posterior to the molars
coronoid process
bone in the throat above the adams apple
hyoid bone
muscle connects to the ____, the bone that does not move
muscle connects to the ____, the bone that does move
muscular term referring to raising
muscular term referring to lowering
moving a limb away from the plane
moving a limb back toward the plane
bringing the big toe up toward the body
pointing the toe down
plantar flexion
along the plane, away from the body
along the plane, back toward the body
twisting the torso
right or left rotation
turning an appendicular limb away from the body
lateral rotation/external rotation
turning an appendicular limb toward the body
medial rotation/internal rotation
turn face up
turn face down
muscle that closes the eye
orbicularis oculi
muscle that elevates the mandible, cheek
muscle that elevates the mandible, above the ear
muscle that depresses the mandible and elevates the hyoid bone when swallowing, under the chin
flexes neck and rotates head, from the manubrium to the mastoid process
depresses hyoid after swallowing, superior border of scapula to hyoid bone
depresses hyoid after swallowing, from the manubrium to the hyoid bone