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187 Cards in this Set

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Name the Highlighted portion of the brain.
optic chiasma
name the section of the brain highlighted in yellow.
Pituitary Gland
Name the section of the brain highlighted in gray.
Olfactory Bulb
what is the needle sticking through?
Dura Mater
Identify the section of the brain highlighted.
(pituitary stalk)
Identify the #24
Identify #13
medulla oblongata
Identify the portion of the brain highlighted in Green.
frontal lobe
name the portion of the brain highlighted in Green.
Parietal Lobe
Identify #29
Transverse Fissure
Identify #1
Identify the Highlighted portion of the brain.
Corpus Callosum
what is the arrow pointing to?
Lateral Ventricle
what part of the brain is identified by the number 5?
what part of the brain is the Arrow pointing to?
Pineal gland
what portion of the Cerebellum is highlighted?
Arbor Vitae
what portion of the brain is identified by the number 3?
Inferior Colliculi of corpora quadrigemina
Identify the highlighted portion of the brain
What part of the brain is the stick pointing to?
multipolar neuron
Medullated Nerve Teased
Identify A.
Identify C.
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Identify D
T Tubule
what part of the sarcomere is identified by A?
Z Disc
Identify the section of the Sarcomere identified by B.
H Zone
What is C in the sarcomere?
M line
M Line
identify the neuron
unipolar neuron
Identify the type of neuron
Bipolar Neuron
Identify the type of neuron
Multipolar Neuron
Identify number 1
Pia Mater
Identify number 2
Arachnoid Mater
Identify number 3
Dura Mater
Identify B
Dorsal Faniculus
Identify C
Ventral Faniculus
Identify D
Lateral Faniculus
Identify O
Dorsal Horn
identify N
Lateral Horn
Identify M
Ventral Horn
Identify P
Central Canal
Identify Q
Dorsal Median Sulcus
Named circled highlighted section
Neuromuscular junction
Identify D
Synaptic cleft
Identify number 5
Identify number 2
Identify number 3
identify number 1
Myofibril with striation
the external or outer ear is composed primarily of what?
External Acoustic Meatus
what is thE arrow pointing to?
Auricle or Pinna
What is the arrow pointing to?
External acoustic meatus or external auditory canal
Identify number 3
Tympanic membrane or eardrum
what bones are in the tympanic cavity
Auditory ossicles. malleus(hammer), incus(anvil), stapes(stirrup).
Identify number 11
Pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube
What are the chambers of the internal or inner ear called.
Osseous, or bony Labrinth
The osseous or bony labyrinth contains what type of fluid?
What is the membranous labyrinth filled with
Endolymph Fluid
What are the three subdivisions of the bony labyrinth?
Cochlea, vestibule, semi-circular canal
What subdivisions of the bony labyrinth are involved in equilibrium
Vestibules and semicircular canals
What subdivision of the bony labyrinth contains sensory receptors for hearing
How long is the cochlear duct
3.8 centimeters long
Identify number 5
Cochlear duct
Identify number 4
Saccule in vestibule
Identify number 14
Utricle in vestibule
identify numbers 1 8 & 7
Anterior, posterior, and lateral semi-circular ducts, in semi circular canals
What is the arrow pointing to
Vestibular nerve
What is the arrow pointing to
Cochlear nerve
Identify muscle
Lateral rectus muscle
Identify highlighted muscle
Medial rectus muscle
Identify highlighted muscle
Superior rectus muscle
Identify highlighted muscle
Inferior rectus muscle
Identify hightlighted muscle
Inferior oblique muscle
Identify highlighted muscle
Superior oblique muscle
What is the controlling cranial nerve of the lateral rectus muscle
What is the controlling cranial nerve of the medial rectus muscle
What is the controlling cranial nerve of the superior rectus muscle
What is the controlling cranial nerve of the inferior rectus muscle
What is the controlling cranial nerve of the inferior oblique muscle
What is the controlling cranial nerve of the superior oblique muscle
What muscle moves eye laterally
Lateral rectus muscle
what moves eye medially
Medial rectus muscle
what muscle elevates eye and turns it mediately
Superior rectus muscle
What muscle depresses eye and turns it medially
Inferior rectus
What muscle elevates eye and turns it laterally
Inferior oblique
What muscle depresses eye and turns it laterally
Superior oblique
What is the action of the lateral rectus muscle
Moves eye laterally
What is the action of the medial rectus muscle
move eye medially
What is the action of the superior rectus muscle
elevates eye and turns it medially
What is the action of the inferior rectus muscle
depressed eye and turns it medially
What is the action of the inferior oblique muscle
Elevates eye turns it laterally
What is the action of the superior oblique muscle
Depresses eye and turns it laterally
the wall of the eye has three layers, what are they?
Fibrous layer,
sclera ,
Identify number 7
Identify N
Identify number 13
Ciliary body
Identify number 2
fovea centralis
What is number 2
superior Colliculi of corpora quadrigemina
Identify the plexus
Cervical plexus
Identify the plexus
Branchial plexus
Identify the plexus
Lumbar plexus
Identify the plexus
Sacral plexus
Identify the highlighted portion of the spinal cord
Filum terminale
Identify the highlighted portion of the spinal cord
denticulate ligament
Name highlight a portion of the spinal cord
Conus medullaris
Named the circled portion of the spinal cord
Cauda equina
Name the highlighted muscle
fibularis longus
Identify the highlighted muscle
Extensor digitorum longus
Name the highlighted muscle
tibialis anterior
Name the highlighted muscles
Gluteus medius
Name the highlighted muscle
Gluteus maximus
Identify the highlighted muscle
Adductor Magnus
Identify highlighted muscle
Identify highlighted muscle?
Biceps femoris
Identify number 3
Identify highlighted muscle
Identify muscle highlighting green
psoas major
Identify highlighted muscle
Tensor fasciae latae
Identify highlighted muscle
Name the highlighted muscle
Quadriceps femoris
·rectus femoris
name highlighted muscle
vastus lateralis
name highlighted muscle
vastus medialis
Name the highlighted muscle
adductor longus
Name highlighted muscle
Triceps brachii
·Lateral head
·long head
What muscles are controlled by the ocular motor
Medial rectus,
superior rectus,
inferior rectus,
inferior oblique.
Name the layers of the eye from the outside inWord.
The cranial nerve abducens controls what muscle?
Lateral rectus muscle
Cranial nerve trochlear controls what muscle
Superior oblique muscle
Where is the cervical plexus located
between c1 in c5
Where's the branchial plexus located
From c5 through c8 and t1
Where is the lumbar plexus located
From L1 through L4
Where is the sacral plexus located
From l4 through s4
Identify highlighted muscle
Identify the muscle the Arrow is pointing to.
teres major
teres minor
serratus anterior
Pectoralis major
orbicularis oris
Major Minor
orbicularis oculi
Latissimus dorsi
Central sulcus
Skeletal muscle
Spinal cord
White and gray matter
identify the portion of the brain highlighted with a star
Pineal gland
What portion of the brain is the star pointing to
fourth ventricle
What part of the brain is the green arrow pointing to
Cerebral aqueduct
Identify the indicated portion of the brain
Choroid plexus
Identify number 1
ora serrata
Where is aqueous humor located in the eye
Anterior segment
Where is the vitreous humor located in the eye
Posterior segment
Identify B
Identify C
Identify E
Optic disc
Identify g
Optic nerve
What is number 1 pointing to
Axon hillock
What is number 2 pointing to
Schwann cell nucleus
What is number 5 pointing to
Myelin sheath
What is number three pointing to
Node of Ranvier
What is number 4 pointing to
biceps brachii
Extensor carpi radialis longus
What is number 5
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor digitorum
Extensor digiti minimi
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Palmaris longus
Flexor carpi radialis
Pronator teres
Flexor digitorum profundus
What are three types of controlling cranial nerves