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169 Cards in this Set

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What are the 6 Digestive organs (organs that make up the GI Tract)

▪️Oral cavity




▪️Small intestine

▪️Large intestine

What are the 6 Accessory digestive organs?



▪️salivary glands




The digestive system can be categorized into which two divisions?

Digestive organs

Accessory organs

What are hr 6 Digestive System Functions?

1. Ingestion

2. Digestion

3. Propulsion

4. Secretion

5. Absorption

6. Elimination

What are the two components of digestion?



What are the two components of propulsion?



Describe propulsion

Wave like contraction of smooth muscle

Describe propulsion

Wave like contraction of smooth muscle

Describe segementation

Mixes more than moves things through the digestive tract. It also mechanically breaks stuff up.

What kinds of things are secretes in secretion?


Digestive enzymes



Describe absorption

The blood stream picks up most of the nutrients except for lipids that are picked up by the lymphatic system.

What is "fiber" made of?


The roof of the mouth is made up of the _____________&______________.

Hard pallet

Soft pallet

The floor of the oral cavity is made of...

Muscles like the myohyoid muscle covered with mucosa.

The lateral muscle of the oral cavity is made up of the...

Buccinator muscle

The muscle that makes up the lips is the...

Orbicularis oris

The alveolar processes concision the...

Roots of the teeth

The scientific name for gums is...


Your gingivae are attached to your lips by little folds of mucosa called...

Labial frenulum

Is the hard pallet anterior or posterior?


The soft pallet is anterior and is made of...

Muscle and mucosa

The soft pallet is anterior and is made of...

Muscle and mucosa

When you swallow what happens to the soft pallet?

It elevates and tenses and keeps things from going from your oral cavity and oral pharynx up into your nasal pharynx and nasal cavity.

The uvula or "little grape" is part of your

Soft pallet

The hard and soft pallet prevent eating from getting in the way of ________________.


What does the palate have to do with nursing?

Makes a seal

The hard palate is made up of which two bones?

Palletine and maxilla

The tongue helps with...

Manipulating food and speech

Your tongue is attached to the floor of your oral cavity by...

Lingual frenulum

What are the three salivary glands?

1. Parotid glands

2. Submandibular glands

3. Sublingual glands

What does saliva do?

▪️Moistens the mouth & food

▪️Contains salivary amylase that starts the digestion of starches

▪️fights bacteria in your mouth

What does saliva do?

▪️Moistens the mouth & food

▪️Contains salivary amylase that starts the digestion of starches

▪️fights bacteria in your mouth

The parotid duct emptied into the oral cavity opposite the ...

Second upper molar

The ducts for the Submandibular gland are on either side of the ______________ ________________

Lingual frenulum

The Sublingual glands are underneath the ___________ and are ___________.



"Baby" teeth are called

Deciduous teeth

Your complete set of teeth are called your...


How many adult teeth do you have?


Your throat is your


There are three sets of skeletal muscles that form the walls of your Pharynx and allow you to swallow and they are called...





Below your Pharynx is the...


In the abdominal cavity serous membrane is called...


The layer of peritoneum that lines the body wall on the inside is...

Parietal peritoneum

The peritoneum that covers the organs themselves is...

Visceral peritoneum

The cavity between the parietal peritoneum and the visceral peritoneum is called the

Peritoneal cavity

Organs that are completely covered by peritoneum are called...


Organs that are only partially covered by peritoneum are called...


(Bladder and organs on your posterior abdominal wall)

The fold of peritoneum hanging off of the greater curvature of the stomach like a big fatty apron covering the intestines is called the...

Greater Omentum

The Lesser Omentum attaches to the...

Lesser curvature of the stomach and the proximal duodenum and the liver

Most of the small intestines are...


The folds of peritoneum that surround the small intestine are...


The Mesentary attaches the small intestine to the...

Posterior body wall

The Mesentery that is associated with the small intestine is called the...

Mesentery proper

The part of the large intestine covered in Mesentery is the...


A fold of peritoneum that runs from the liver to the anterior body wall is the...

Falciform ligament

At the bottom of the Falciform ligament is the ____________ ligament. This ligament used robbery a structure of your umbilical cord.


The three divisions of the GI tract are...




The foregut is made up of the...



Part of the small intestine

The foregut is made up of the...



Part of the small intestine

The midgut is made of...

Small and large intestine

The foregut is made up of the...



Part of the small intestine

The midgut is made of...

Small and large intestine

What is the artery that supplies the foregut?

Celiac trunk

The foregut is made up of the...



Part of the small intestine

The midgut is made of...

Small and large intestine

What is the artery that supplies the foregut?

Celiac trunk

What is the artery that supplies the midgut?

Superior Mesenteric

The foregut is made up of the...



Part of the small intestine

The midgut is made of...

Small and large intestine

What is the artery that supplies the foregut?

Celiac trunk

What is the artery that supplies the midgut?

Superior Mesenteric

What is the artery that supplies the hindgut?

Inferior Mesenteric

The Venus blood coming from the digestive system eventually all drains into one large vein called the...

Hepatic portal vein

What are two functions of the liver?

Detox your blood

Store vitamins/nutrients

The celiac plexus innervates structure they receive their blood supply from the...

Celiac trunk (forgut)

The superior mesenteric Plexus innervates the same structures that receive their blood supply from the...

Superior mesenteric artery (midgut)

The superior mesenteric Plexus innervates the same structures that receive their blood supply from the...

Superior mesenteric artery (midgut)

The inferior mesenteric Plexus innervates the same structures that receive blood from the...

Inferior mesenteric artery (hindgut)

The Esophagus extends from the _____________ to the ___________.



The job of the esophagus is to get food from the ______________ to the _____________. There is ______ absorption or digestion that happens in the Esophagus.




Most of the esophagus is in the _____________ but there is a tiny amount in the ___________.



The stomach continues _____________ and ____________ digestion.



The mechanical portion is the _____________ of the stomach.


There are _______ layers of smooth muscle around your stomach that help with the churning of the food.


The main portion of the stomach is called the __________.


The portion where the esophagus enters the stomach is called the...


If you were to cut into the cardia the opening would be called the....

Cardiac orafice

The rounded portion of the stomach superior and lateral to the cardia is the...


If you move distally through the stomach it narrows and the narrowed portion is called the...


The Pylorus attaches to the first part of the _____________.

Small intestine

The opening where the stomach empties into the small intestine is the...

Pyloric orifice

The circular muscle that surrounds hr Pyloric orifice is the...

Pyloric sphincter

The mucosal lining is the stomach is wrinkly (in a stomach that isn't full). These are called ___________ ___________. When the stomach is full they get stretched out to create more room.

Gastric folds

In the GI tract, after the stomach comes the ___________ _______________.

Small intestine

The small intestine has three segments:




Chemical digestion completed here and the absorption of most nutrients occurs here:

Small intestine

Chemical digestion completed here and the absorption of most nutrients occurs here:

Small intestine

The small intestine extends from the ___________ of the stomach to the ____________ of the large intestine.



The duodenum is snuggled up against the head of the _____________.


The place where the pancreas and the liver secretes into the Duodenum...

Major duadinal papilla

The sphincter between the large and small intestine is called...

Iliosecal valve

The large intestine is called he large intestine because the _____________ is larger even though it is shorter.


The large intestine starts at the ______________ valve and ends at the ___________.

Iliosecal valve


__________ and ion reabsorption happens in the large intestine.


The vermaform appendix hangs off the __________


The gallbladder stores __________ that's made by the __________.



The gallbladder secretes its bile into the


The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice into the...

Major duodenal papilla

There are two ducts coming out of the liver that carry bile they are called the...

Right and left hepatic ducts

The right and left hepatic duct join to form a...

Common hepatic duct

The cystic duct runs through the ___________ to help transport bile.


The cystic duct combines with the common hepatic duct to form the...

Common bile duct

The _____________is the duct the enters the major duodenal papilla.

Common bile duct

List the structures in the Urinary Tract:


Urinary bladder


The Urinary System consists of the Urinary tract and the__________.


The Urinary Tract is primarily responsible for...

Transporting storing and getting rid of urine.

The ______________ goes from the bladder to the outside of the body.


The ___________ run from hr kidneys down to the bladder.


What to basic things do the kidneys do?

▪️Filter waste products from the blood stream

▪️Convert the filtrate into urine

The functional unit of the kidney is the ___________.


Where everything is going in and out of the kidney is called the


The Renal artery comes off of the...

Descending abdominal aorta

The Renal artery comes off of the...

Descending abdominal aorta

The renal vein comes off of the...

Inferior vena cava

The urinary bladder contains a layer of smooth muscle called _______________. This is the muscle that contracts to empty the bladder.

The detrusor muscle

There is a ligament that runs from the top of the bladder to the back side of the belly button called the...

Median umbilical ligament

Blood supply to the bladder is from the

Internal iliac artery

The bladder is drained by the

Internal iliac vein

What are the three names for the male urethra?

▪️Prostatic (runs through the prostate gland)

▪️Membranous (from the prostate to the urogenital diaphragm)

▪️Spongy (encased in the corpus spongiosum)

What is a homologue?

A structure that develops from the same embryological tissue and perform a similar function.

The testes are a homologue with the


The labia majora is a a homologue with the


The clitoris is a homologue with the


The vestibular glands is a homologue with the

Bulbourethral glands

Primary sex organs are called


Gonads produce


Sex hormones

Sex cells which unite to form a new individual are called


When male and female gametes fuse this is called


Accessory sex organs are

Ducts and glands & the uterus

The area between the thighs is the


The site of fertilization is with in the

Uterine/falopian tube

The barrier near the vaginal orifice is the


The external genitalia in a female is called the


The Dartose muscle is smooth muscle located in the


The Dartose muscle can move the testes __________ to the body if it is too cold or __________ from the body if it is too hot.



Structures running to and from the testes are part of the

Spermatic chord

Part of the wall of the spermatic chord is made up of the _____________ muscle


The ___________ muscle and the ___________ muscle both move the testes in response to temperature.



In the spermatic chord there are ...

▪️Testicular artery

▪️Penpinoform Plexus (the veins that take blood away from the testes)


In the spermatic chord there are ...

▪️Testicular artery

▪️Penpinoform Plexus (the veins that take blood away from the testes)


What do the vastephrens do?

Get the sperm to the urethra so it can leave the body.

_____________ are the male gonad.


What are the three ducts that get the sperm to the urethra in males?


Vas deferens

Ejaculatory duct

What are the three parts of the male urethra?

Prostatic urethra

Membranous urethra

Spongy urethra

What are the accessory glands in the male reproductive system that make seminal fluid?

Seminal vesicles

Prostate gland

Bulbourethral glands

What are the accessory glands in the male reproductive system that make seminal fluid?

Seminal vesicles

Prostate gland

Bulbourethral glands

Seminal fluid with sperm is ___________.


_______________ acts as a buffer against the vagina's acidity.

Seminal fluid

How is seminal fluid like a packed lunch for the sperm?

It nourishes them with nutrients that they need on their long journey.

The _____________ is where the sperm go to mature and become motile.


Trace the path of the sperm from the testes to the ducts then through the different parts of the urethra.


Ductus Deferens

Ejaculatory duct

Prostatic urethra

Membranous urethra

Spongy urethra

The penis has ________ erectile tissues.


The two paired erectile tissues that run on the dorsal surface of the penis are called...

Corpora cavernosa

The crus of the penis is where the

Corpora Cavernosa attach to the pubic bone.

The unpaired erectile tissue on the ventral side (in males) is called the...

Corpus spongiosum

Which erectile tissue does the urethra run through in males?

Corpus spongiosum

The bulb and the crus form the __________ of the penis.


The bulb and the glans of the penis are made of which erectile tissue?

Corpus spongiosum

The crus of the penis is made of which erectile tissue?

Corpora cavernosa