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113 Cards in this Set

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A sustained contraction of a muscle is called a
A) twitch.
B) latent period.
C) tetanus.
D) refractory period.
E) summation.
Muscle tone is due to
A) sustained muscle contraction.
B) the contraction of most muscle fibers in a whole muscle.
C) a small number of motor units activated.
D) None of the above.
E) All of the above.
a small number of motor units activated
Which layer of the skin becomes keratinized.?
A) dermis.
B) stratum corneum.
C) stratum basale.
D) parietal layer
E) stratum lucidum.
stratum corneum
Groups of neuron cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system are called
A) nuclei.
B) horns.
C) nerves.
D) ganglia.
E) tracts.
Which of the following substances can block the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction?
A) botulinum toxin
B) acetylcholinesterase
C) cocaine
D) curare
E) anticholinesterases
Bundles of unmyelinated axons, dendrites, and neuron cell bodies are called
A) columns.
B) nuclei.
C) white matter.
D) tracts.
E) gray matter.
gray matter
Which of the following is not correct concerning the skin?
A) The subcutaneous layer is between the dermis and epidermis.
B) The dermis is usually thicker than the epidermis.
C) The epidermis is avascular.
D) The stratum basale forms the deepest layer of the epidermis.
E) The dermis contains smooth muscle and nerve tissue.
the subcutaneous layer is between the dermis and the epidermis.
The cardiovascular center of the brain belongs to the
A) hypothalamus.
B) medulla oblongata.
C) diencephalon.
D) cerebellum.
E) cerebrum.
medulla oblongata
Freely moveable joints are called
A) symphysis.
B) amphiarthroses.
C) gomphosis.
D) synarthroses.
E) diarthroses.
Where are the melanocytes found?
A) stratum lucidum.
B) visceral layer.
C) stratum corneum.
D) parietal layer.
E) stratum basale.
stratum basale
The shoulder joint is an example of a
A) gliding joint.
B) hinge joint.
C) saddle joint.
D) ball-and-socket joint.
E) pivot joint.
ball and socket joint
DNA and RNA are composed of:
A) large polysaccharide chains
B) unsaturated fatty acids
C) small polypeptides of amino acids
D) phospholipids bilayers.
E) huge polymers of nucleotides
huge polymers of nucleotides
The pigment in the muscle fibers that stores oxygen is
A) glycogen.
B) hemoglobin.
C) melanin.
D) myoglobin.
E) keratin.
The corpuscles of touch (Meissner's corpuscles) are found in the
A) basement membrane.
B) hypodermis.
C) epidermis.
D) dermis.
E) subcutaneous layer.
The portion of the brain which is continuous with the spinal cord is the
A) pons.
B) medulla.
C) cerebellum.
D) cerebrum.
E) midbrain.
The best anatomical term to describe the back region of the body would be
A) popliteal.
B) gluteal.
C) ventral.
D) dorsal.
E) vertebral.
A shallow groove on the surface of the cortex is a
A) gyrus.
B) furrow.
C) indentation.
D) fissure.
E) sulcus.
All of the following are functions of the skin EXCEPT
A) temperature regulation.
B) sensation.
C) protection.
D) vitamin B synthesis.
E) excretion.
vitamin B synthesis
All of the following reflect homeostatic imbalances of the body manifested in the skin EXCEPT
A) cold sores.
B) rashes.
C) warts.
D) measles.
E) chicken pox.
The anatomical term for navel is
A) coxal.
B) femoral.
C) crural.
D) umbilical.
E) inguinal.
The cardiovascular center is located in the
A) cerebrum.
B) diencephalon.
C) medulla oblongata.
D) insula.
E) hippocampus.
medulla oblongata
The building blocks of carbohydrates is/are
A) glycogen.
B) polysaccharides.
C) disaccharide.
D) starches.
E) monosaccharides.
Protein synthesis occurs in structures attached to the
A) mitochondria.
B) lysosomes.
C) rough endoplasmic reticulum.
D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
E) Golgi complexes.
rough endoplasmic reticulum
The science dealing with the functions of the body parts is called
A) biology.
B) anatomy.
C) histology.
D) physiology.
E) cytology.
Muscle fatigue can be caused by
A) increased ADP.
B) insufficient oxygen.
C) depletion of creatine phosphate.
D) A and B.
E) All of the above.
all of the above
All of the following are classified as loose connective tissue EXCEPT
A) adipose tissue.
B) areolar connective tissue.
C) reticular connective tissue.
D) elastic connective tissue.
E) Both C and D.
elastic connective tissue
Which of the following is NOT a ventricle in an adult brain?
A) first ventricle
B) third ventricle
C) fourth ventricle
D) lateral ventricle
E) All of the above are ventricles in the adult brain.
first ventricle
The ___________ is the region between the lungs from the breastbone to the vertebra.
A) manubrium
B) mediastinum
C) vertebral canal
D) pericardium
E) pleural cavity
The anatomical term which best describes a structure toward the head is
A) anterior.
B) inferior.
C) superior.
D) superficial.
E) deep.
The lateral movement of the arms away from the body is called
A) abduction.
B) pronation.
C) flexion.
D) elevation.
E) adduction.
The cell division which produces two identical cells is called
A) reproductive cell division.
B) somatic cell division.
C) cytokinesis.
D) meiosis I.
E) meiosis II.
somatic cell division
If someone suffered a stroke which interfered with their ability to speak, we would assume it affected the:
A) occipital lobe.
B) motor areas of the frontal lobe.
C) parietal lobe.
D) association area of the frontal lobe.
E) temporal lobe.
motor areas of the frontal lobe
Glands that are present in the external auditory meatus are
A) eccrine glands.
B) ceruminous glands.
C) sudoriferous glands.
D) apocrine glands.
E) sebaceous glands.
ceruminous glands
The pH of blood is
A) 7.65-8.00.
B) 4-5.
C) 6.76-7.00.
D) 7.20-7.60.
E) 7.35-7.45.
In humans, glycogen is stored in the cells of the
A) brain.
B) liver.
C) muscles.
D) Both A and B are correct.
E) Both B and C are correct.
both b and c are correct
The dura mater is composed of
A) adipose tissue.
B) dense irregular connective tissue.
C) smooth muscle.
D) loose connective tissue.
E) dense regular connective tissue.
dense irregular connective tissue
All of the following are considered a kind of contraction EXCEPT
A) isometric.
B) tetanus.
C) twitch.
D) isotonic.
E) All of the above are contractions.
all of the above are contractions
The meninges layer which is closest to the bone is called the:
A) subarachnoid space.
B) pia mater.
C) arachnoid mater.
D) paranoid mater.
E) dura mater.
pia mater
The anatomical term for shinbone is
A) humerus.
B) femur.
C) tibia.
D) ulna.
E) fibula.
The tissue lining body cavities is the
A) connective tissue.
B) nervous tissue.
C) epithelial tissue.
D) skeletal tissue.
E) muscle tissue.
The main function of stratified squamous epithelium is
A) absorption.
B) distension.
C) protection.
D) secretion.
E) diffusion.
The stage in an action potential that immediately follows depolarization is
A) polarization.
B) the resting period.
C) threshold.
D) superpolarization.
E) repolarization.
The neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction is
A) adrenaline.
B) calcium.
C) acetylcholine.
D) glycine.
E) norepinephrine.
The pericardial cavity contains the
A) heart.
B) stomach.
C) thyroid glands.
D) brain.
E) lungs.
A CGT base triplet on DNA is copied into mRNA as
Which of the following is true concerning fractures?
A) a complete fracture means the bone is broken into at least 2 pieces
B) a closed fracture means the bone broke into at least 2 pieces
C) a partial fracture means the bone did not break through the skin
D) an open fracture is an incomplete break
E) all of the above are true about fractures
a complete fracture means the bone is broken into at least 2 pieces
An inflammation of the joints is called
A) chondritis.
B) bursitis.
C) perichondritis.
D) tendonitis.
E) arthritis.
All of the following belong to the ventral body cavity EXCEPT
A) pleural cavity.
B) pericardial cavity.
C) abdominal cavity.
D) cranial cavity.
E) thoracic cavity.
thoracic cavity
The neuroglia that produce myelin in the peripheral nervous system are
A) microglia.
B) Schwann cells.
C) astrocytes.
D) pituicytes.
E) oligodendrocytes.
Schwann cells
A gluteal injection refers to an injection into the
A) trunk.
B) buttock.
C) upper limb.
D) lower limb.
E) ankle.
Goblet cells are found in which of the following tissues?
A) cuboidal epithelium
B) connective tissue
C) columnar epithelium
D) nervous tissue
E) none of the above
columnar epithelium
Which of the following tissues is avascular?
A) nervous tissue
B) epithelial tissue
C) connective tissue
D) skeletal tissue
E) muscle tissue
epithelial tissue
Flexion is when a body part is moved:
A) away from the body
B) in all planes but rotation.
C) towards the body.
D) around an axis.
E) to decrease the angle between that part and another.
to decrease the angle between that part and another
Sometimes Na+ seeps into the resting neuron or K+ seeps out. This occurs through the____ channels.
A) leakage
B) English
C) voltage gate
D) voltage
E) active transport
The ability of nerve cells to respond to stimuli and to convert them into nerve impulses is called
A) electrical excitability.
B) threshold.
C) hyperpolarization.
D) contractility.
E) depolarization.
The heaviest bone in the body is the
A) femur.
B) hipbone.
C) humerus.
D) tibia.
E) fibula.
The lipid bilayer is permeable to all of the following substances EXCEPT
A) oxygen.
B) steroids.
C) amino acids.
D) water.
E) fat-soluble vitamins.
amino acids
Group of related organs that have a common function is called a(n)
A) group.
B) organ.
C) organism.
D) tissue.
E) system.
Processes that receive impulses and conduct them toward the cell body are
A) axon collaterals.
B) neurolemmocytes.
C) synaptic end bulbs.
D) axons.
E) dendrites.
The redness of the skin that can occur during allergic reactions is
A) due to melanine.
B) caused by hemoglobin.
C) erythema.
D) due to carotene.
E) albinism.
Which of the following is NOT a covering of the nerves?
A) endoneurium.
B) all are coverings of nerves.
C) epineurium.
D) endomysium
E) perineurium.
Which of the following are considered the "powerhouses" of the cell?
A) peroxisomes
B) lysosomes
C) ribosomes
D) nucleoli
E) mitochondria
The thalamus is part of the
A) hypothalamus.
B) cerebrum.
C) brain stem.
D) diencephalon.
E) cerebellum.
The building blocks of proteins are
A) glycerol.
B) carbons.
C) nucleic acids.
D) fatty acids.
E) amino acids.
amino acids
Blood belongs to which major tissue type?
A) nervous tissue
B) epithelial tissue
C) connective tissue
D) skeletal tissue
E) muscle tissue
connective tissue
The space between an axon terminal and the sarcolemma is the
A) motor unit.
B) synaptic vesicle.
C) motor end plate.
D) neuromuscular junction.
E) synaptic cleft.
neuromuscular junction
The cranial nerve that innervates the gastrointestional tract is the
A) abducens (VI).
B) None of the cranial nerves innervate the gastrointestinal tract.
C) accessory (XI).
D) vagus (X).
E) hypoglossal (XII).
vagus (X)
The protein that helps protect and water proof the skin and underlying cells is
A) melatonin.
B) actin.
C) carotene.
D) keratin.
E) melanin.
A red blood cell placed in a hypotonic solution
A) gains water.
B) will not change shape.
C) shrinks.
D) loses water.
E) neither gains nor loses water.
gains water
The medulla oblongata passes through the
A) occipital condyles.
B) mental foramen.
C) carotid foramen.
D) foramen magnum.
E) foramen ovale.
foramen magnum
The body cavity containing the urinary bladder and portions of the large intestine is the
A) dorsal cavity.
B) pleural cavity.
C) abdominal cavity.
D) pelvic cavity.
E) mediastinum.
pelvic cavity
Neurolgia cells belong to which of the following tissues?
A) muscle tissue
B) nervous tissue
C) osseous tissue
D) connective tissue
E) epithelial tissue
nervous tissue
Which is not part of the axial skeleton?
A) ribs.
B) cranial skull bones.
C) talus.
D) vertebrae.
E) facial skull bones.
The bone that does not articulate with any other bone is the
A) ethmoid bone.
B) vomer bone.
C) zygomatic bone.
D) hyoid bone.
E) lacrimal bone.
hyiod bone
Cells of the skin that are active in the immune process are
A) adipocytes.
B) Merkel cells.
C) keratinocytes.
D) Langerhans cells.
E) melanocytes.
Langerhans cells
The human somatic cells contain ______ chromosomes.
A) 23
B) 24
C) 46
D) 54
E) 43
Osteogenic cells
A) deposit calcium into the bone.
B) surround themselves with matrix.
C) are mature bone cells.
D) develop into osteoblasts.
E) break down bone.
develop into osteoblasts
The shaft of a long bone is called the:
A) metaphysis.
B) endosteum.
C) periosteum.
D) diaphysis.
E) epiphysis.
The articulation between the root of the teeth and the alveoli is an example of a
A) diarthrosis.
B) suture.
C) synchondrosis.
D) gomphosis.
E) amphiarthrosis.
The suture between the parietal bones and the temporal bones is the
A) coronal suture.
B) sagittal suture.
C) parasaggittal suture.
D) squamous suture.
E) lamboid suture.
squamous suture
The plasma membrane consists of
A) entirely of phospholipids.
B) cellulose and carbohydrates.
C) phospholipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.
D) carbohydrates and lipids.
E) proteins mostly.
phospholipids, proteins, and carbohydrates
The area of the brain that regulates posture and balance is the
A) brain stem.
B) thalamus.
C) limbic system.
D) cerebrum.
E) cerebellum.
Hinge joints are capable of
A) flexion and extension.
B) depression and elevation.
C) elevation and flexion.
D) adduction and abduction.
E) all of the above.
flexion and extension
Technically, the cheekbones are called
A) lacrimal bones.
B) vomer bones.
C) zygomatic bones.
D) frontal bones.
E) maxillae.
zygomatic bones
Which of the following is NOT a reason Calcium is important to our bodies?
A) the heart may stop if the level is too high
B) respiration may stop if the level is too low
C) osteoporosis may result if the level is too low
D) insulin can not form if the level is too high.
E) many enzymes need it as a cofactor
insulin can not form if the level is too high
In the anatomical position the subject
A) has arms folded on the chest.
B) is lying down.
C) is standing upright facing the observer with the palms forward.
D) has arms placed above the head.
E) is standing upright facing the observer with the palms backwards.
is standing upright facing the observer with the palms forward
Which of the following are classified as flat bones?
A) spongy bones
B) cranial bones
C) vertebrae
D) sesamoid bones
E) ankle bones
cranial bones
The bone of the upper arm is the
A) humerus.
B) femur.
C) ulna.
D) tibia.
E) radius.
The largest and strongest of the vertebrae in the spinal column are the
A) thoracic vertebrae.
B) coccygeal vertebrae.
C) cervical vertebrae.
D) lumbar vertebrae.
E) sacral vertebrae.
lumbar vertebrae
The epithelial tissue which contains cells of different shapes and is capable of distention is
A) stratified cuboidal epithelium.
B) squamous epithelium.
C) simple columnar epithelium.
D) pseudostratified epithelium.
E) transitional epithelium.
transitional epithelium
The sarcomere is the area between two
A) I bands.
B) H zones.
C) Z discs.
D) B lines.
E) A bands.
Z discs
The primary movement of a pivot joint is
A) hyperextension.
B) adduction.
C) circumduction.
D) rotation.
E) abduction.
Which of the following molecules contains the sugar ribose?
Which of the following has the poorest capacity for repair or renewal?
A) skeletal muscle
B) nervous tissue
C) bone
D) epithelium
E) cardiac muscle
nervous tissue
Saltatory conduction refers to the conduction of impulses in
A) unmyelinated fibers.
B) myelinated fibers.
C) all axons.
D) cardiac muscle.
E) skeletal muscle.
myelinated fibers
Intercalated discs are characteristic structures in
A) smooth muscle.
B) striated and smooth muscle.
C) cardiac muscle.
D) skeletal muscle.
E) any striated muscle.
cardiac muscle
Which of the following contain(s) a large amount of elastic connective tissue?
A) the periosteum
B) epidermis
C) wall of arteries
D) dermis
E) heart valves
wall of arteries
When two or more atoms combine, the resulting combination is called
A) atomic number.
B) molecule.
C) salt.
D) inert element.
E) atomic mass.
Which type of tissue is responsible for most secretions?
A) muscle
B) connective
C) epithelium
D) nervous
E) none of the above
Which of the following is the ion channel used to generate and conduct action potentials?
A) television channels.
B) leakage channels.
C) voltage-gated channels.
D) stoppage channels.
E) gated channels.
voltage-gated channels
Which of the following molecules contain the genetic information in a cell?
Compared to unmyleninated axons, myelinated axons
A) produce larger action potentials.
B) conduct impulses slower.
C) produce longer lasting action potentials.
D) conduct impulses more often.
E) conduct impulses faster.
conduct impulses faster
Hyperextension represents
A) the movement of the distal end of a part of the body in a circle.
B) the movement of a part of the body forward.
C) an extension beyond the anatomical position.
D) movement of a protracted part of the body back to the anatomical position.
E) the movement of a bone away from the midline.
an extension beyond the anatomical position
Meiosis is the nuclear division used during the formation of
A) cancer cells.
B) red blood cells.
C) sperm cells.
D) skin cells.
E) All of the above are correct.
sperm cells
The sternum is ___________ to the heart.
A) inferior
B) lateral
C) distal
D) posterior
E) anterior
The ring finger is _______________to the little and middle fingers
A) proximal
B) lateral
C) intermediate
D) deep
E) distal
All of the following cells can be found in connective tissue EXCEPT
A) mast cells.
B) plasma cells.
C) fibroblasts.
D) glial cells.
E) macrophages.
glial cells
Slightly movable joints are called
A) amphiarthorses.
B) synarthrosis.
C) sutures.
D) diarthroses.
E) synovial joints.
The outermost of the meninges is the
A) Arachnoid mater
B) subdural layer.
C) pia mater.
D) dura mater.
E) Subarachnoid space.
dura mater
The primary function of hair is
A) movement.
B) temperature regulation.
C) sensory perception.
D) protection.
E) to increase surface area.
The skin belongs to the
A) sensory system.
B) muscular system.
C) skeletal system.
D) circulatory system.
E) integumentary system.
intugumentary system
The basic structural and functional units of an organism are
A) cells.
B) atoms.
C) organs.
D) molecules.
E) tissues.
Which of the following is a cranial bone?
A) lacrimal bone
B) sphenoid bone
C) vomer bone
D) palatine bone
E) zygomatic bone
sphenoid bone