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73 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back

where does the spinal cord lie

in the vertebral canal

where does the spinal cord extend from and to

foramen magnum to L1 and L@

how long is the spinal cord in adults

18 inches

How many pairs of cervical nerves


How many pairs of thoracic nerves


How many pairs of lumbar nerves


How many pairs of sacral nerves


How many pairs of coccygeal nerves


what does the PNS consist of

spinal nerves

what are the changes in shape of the cross section of the spinal cord are due to what?

increased numbers of motor neurons in the gray matter of the cervical and lumbar regions

what are the increased numbers of motor neurons needed for

innervate the upper and lower limbs

where do you do a lumbar puncture on an adult


where do you do a lumbar puncture on a child


Where does the spinal cord develop from

the caudal portion of the neural tube

how do myeloceles form

as a result of failure of the neural groove to close

what does common forms of spina bifida result from

failure of the vertebrae to enclose the spinal cord

what is the most common form of spina bifida

meningomyelocele (spina bifida cystica)

what gives rise to all spinal cord neurons


what gives rise to spinal cord glia


what three layers do the neuroepithelial cells divide to

1. Neuroepithelial layer

2. Mantle layer

3. Marginal layer

what does the neuroepithelium layer consists of

layer of dividing cells

what does the mantle layer consist of

layer of neuronal and glial cells bodies

what does the marginal layer consist of

layer of neuronal processes

what type of nerve are the ascending tracts of the spinal cord white matter


what type of nerve are the descending tracts of the spinal cord white matter


where do general sensory pathways terminate

somatosensory cortex

skin over the entire body is innervated by _____

spinal nerves

what is the distribution like with dermatomes


all spinal nerves (except C1) supply______


small diameter fibers that transit sensory information slowly and without precise localization

Spinothalamic system

what are the two tracts of the spinothalamic system

lateral spinothalamic tract and anterior spinothalamic tract

what does the lateral spinothalamic tract deal with

pain and temperature

what does the anterior spinothalamic tract deal with

crude touch

where does the spinothalamic tract cross over in the cord

at level of first synapse

ascending sensory tracts of spinal cord white matter

lateral and anterior spinothalamic tracts

pathway of LST and AST

dorsal horn neurons-thalamus-s.s cortex

what does the Dorsal column system consist of

large diameter fibers

what do the large diameter fibers transmit

sensory information with great speed and precise localization

two tracts of the dorsal column system

fasciculus gracilis and faciculus cuneatus

where is the fasciculus gracilis

from the lower 1/2 of the body

where is the fasciculus cuneatus

from the upper 1/2 of the body

functions of the faciculus gracilis and cuneatus

fine touch, conscious proprioception

pathway of the faciculus gracilis and cuneatus

medulla oblongata-thalamus-s.s cortex

what doe the spinocerebellar system

fibers that transmit unconscious proprioceptive information

where do the fibers of spinocerebellar system trasmit to

to the cerebellum (pain,crude touch and pressure

where is the cross over in the posterior column tracts

in the medulla

Descending pathways

1. Pyramidal system

what does the pyramidal system consist of

all fibers originating in the precentral gyrus and projecting on to subcortical structures

what does the pyramidal system consist of

lateral corticospinal and anterior cortcospinal tracts

what percent of lateral corticospinal tract is corticospinal fibers


what percent of anterior corticospinal tract is corticospinal fibers


where does crossing over occur in the lateral corticospinal tract

pyramidal decussation in the medulla

where does crossing over occur in the anterior corticospinal tract

spinal cord at the level of the synapse

modalities of pyramidal tracts

fine, precise motor movement

what are the extrapyramidal tracts

all the other descending tracts except the pyramidal tracts

what do the extrapyramidal tracts consist of

1. rubrospinal

2. vestibulospinal

3. reticulospinal

4. tectospinal

function of the extrapyramidal tract

subconscious movements, posture

upper motor neuron lesions: upper motor neuron syndrome


where are reflexes intact with a upper motor neuron lesion: stroke

between brain and spinal cord

lower motor neuron lesions: lower motor neuron syndrome


during lower motor neuron syndrome where are reflexes absent

between muscle and spinal cord

what does the ventral primary ramus innervate

anterolateral trunk muscles + muscles of the extremities and overlying skin

what does the dorsal primary ramus innervate

deep muscles of the back and overlying skin

where do the spinal nerves emerge from

intervertebral foramina

what do spinal nerves divide into

ventral and dorsal rami

what forms a plexus

the ventral rami of all spinal nerves (except T2-T12) join with ventral rami of adjacent nerves

Brachial Plexus (C5-C8, T1)

Lumbar Plexus (T12), L1-L4

Sacral Plexus (L4, L5, S1-S4)

what occurs during a lumbar puncture

CSF is withdrawn from the subarachnoid space

where does epidural anesthesia inserted

epidural space

absence of vertebral laminae

spina bifida

where do dorsal column tracts cross over

in the medulla