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101 Cards in this Set

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The ANS is involved with control of ____
viseceral processes of organs
The goal of the ANS is to maintain ____
The ANS has ____ and ____ components
Senosry (Afferent) and motor (efferent)
The 3 components of the ANS:
Symathetic, parasympathetic and enteric
The Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system reside in
The CNS and PNS
The enterric nervous system resides in:
Walls of most of the digestive tract and accesory organs of the GI
The two categories of visceral sensory receptors include:
Nocioreceptiors and physiological receptors
Nocioreceptors respond to
Damaged tissue or or conditions that have the potential to damage tissue
Stimulation from nocioreceptors i perceived as ___
visceral pain
What is referred pain?
Pain that is perecived to arise from a somatic area; senoesry and autonomic nerves enter the same level and "cross signals"
Example of referred pain
cardiac pain radiating to left arm
Charecteristics of visceral pain
Dull; difficult to localize
Visceral pain sensations are carried by ___ nerve fibers in the ____ portion of ANS
afferent; sympathetic
Physiologic receptors respond to ______ stimuli
Sensations from physiologic receptirs are carried by _____
afferent nerve fibers in the parasympathetic portion of ANS
Examples of physiologic receptors include:
chemoreceptirs, mechanoreceptors and baroreceptors
Chemoreceptirs respond to changes in : ______
chemical composition
Example of chemoreceptiors
Receptirs that monitor oxygen and carbon dioxide in blodd- carotid and aortic bodies
Reduction of oxygen and increasein CO2 stimulate
reflex increase in pulmonary ventilation
Mechanoreceptors respond to
stretch, tension and pressure within the walls of the organs
Example of mechanoreceptor
lower esophageal sphincter (LES) (refelx reaction so that food can enter the stomach)
Barcorecptors respond to ____ and are located with the ______
Stretch in arterial walls; carotid sinus and aortic arch
Baroreceptors monitor changes in ____
arterial blood pressue
Reduction of arterial pressure (i.e. stretching of the arteries) elicits an _____
increase in cardiac output and heart rate
Physiologic receptors monitor visceral functions via ______
Efferent motor limb of the ANS
The target cells for the efferent nerve fibers of the ANS include:
Vascular muscle cells (smooth and non smooth); cardiac muscle cells; Epithelial secretory; gastrointestinal endocrine
Two major networks of the enterric system
myernteric and submucosal plexus
What kinds of neurons/cells does the enterric nervous system contain?
Motor neurons, sensory neurons, interneourons and glia
What does the enterric nervous system control?
gastric motility (perstalsis and chyme churning); scretion and absorption, blood flow, sphincter regulation
What provides from communication between the enterric nervous system and teh CNS?
Parasympathetic and sympathetic portions of ANS
The PS and Sympathetic nervous system interact with ______ systems of the body
all major visceral systems
The _______ nervous system is concerned with anabolic activities concerned with conservation of energy
The _______ nervous system deals with stressful situations that require high levels of energy
What is the basal rate of activity of PS and S nervous system known as?
Parasympathetic tone and sympathetic tone
True or false: Most organs receive both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation
An example of an organ with dual innervation is the _____
Stimulation of parasympathetic system in the heart causes ______
a reduction in the number of heart contractions per minute
Stimulation of the sympathetic system in the heart causes
an increase in the number of heart contractions per minute
Blood vasculature in skeletal muscles ONLY receives ____ innervation
How many components controle the coonstriction and relaxation of smooth muscle in the arterioles?
1 - sympathetic of ANS
If degree of sympathetic stimulation increases blood vessels ______
constrict (blood flow is reduced)
If degree of sympathmetic stimulation decreases blood vessels _____
Somatic refers to areas composed of _______
skeltal muscles, bones and skin
Where does the sympathetic area innervate?
smooth muscle of the vasculatur, secretory cells of sweat glands, arrector pili of hair muscles
The parasympatheic system has/does not havet somatic distribution
Does not have
Viscera of the _____ receive both parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation
thoraic, abdominal, pelvic and perineum
Select structure sof the head such as eyes and salivary glands receive _________ innervation
parasympathetic and sympathetic
Vasculature, sweat glands and arrector pili of the somatic structures in the head receive _____ innervation
PS and S neurons are ____ polar with cell bodies located ______
pseudounipolar; outside of the CNS
Where are the cell bodies of sympathetic portion located?
DRG of some spinal nerves - NO cranial nerves have a sympathetic component to them
Where are sensory nerve cell bodies of parasympathetic system located?
In DRG of some spainal nerves but also sensory ganglia associated with some cranioal nerves
Which CN is the main source of parasympathetic innervation to the body?
CN X; vagus nerve
Afferent nerve fibers are also known as _____ fibers
Efferent nerve fibers are also known as ___ fibers
In the PNS and S nervous system sensory fibers follow what course?
The same as visceral effernt fibers of teh corresponding system
How many neuron chain is involevd on the motor component of the PNS and Sympathetic system?
2 (two neuron chain)
The first neuron is called the _______ neuron and is located _______
preganglionic neuron; in the CNS
Preganglionic axon is myelinated and appeares _____
The second neuron in the chain is a ______ neuron and is located ________
postganglionic neuron; in the PNS in a ganglion
The postganglionic axon is unmyleinated and appears ____
There is an amplification of the efferent system: A preganglionic axon can synpase on ___ to ____ postganglionic nerve cell bodies
2 to 20
The parasympathetic nervous system is also referred to as
Where are PS nerve cell ganglion located?
Brainstem motor nuclei of certain cranial nerves or DRG of S2 through S4 portion of the spinal cord
Which spinal nerves have a parasympathetic component to them?
III, VII, IX and X
Where are most parasympathetic nerve fibers dervied from?
Vagus nerve
Where are PS postganglionic nerve cell bodies located?
Within or immediately adjactent to the walls of an organ
In the digestive system some PNS postganglionic cells bodies reside amoing and are integrated into the _____ system
Preganglionic PNS axons tend to be long/short in comaprison with postganglionic PNS axons
The sympathetic nervous system is also referred to as the ______ portion of the ANS
The preganglionic nerve cell bodies of the sympathetic NS are located in _______ levels of the spnial cord
Sensory nerve cell bodies of the sympathetic system are located in DRG of _____ nerves
Differences between the postganglionic nerve bodies of the sympathetic vs. parasymapthetic system
Larger in size; able to be seen in dissection; sites of clinical interventions; preganglionic axons are short where postganglionic are long
Sympathetic postganglionic ganglia can be divided into two populations:
Sympathtic trunks and preveterbrial ganglia
What is a sympathetic trunk (paraveterbral ganglion)?
Two vertical chains of ganglia and interconnecting axons that run parallel on each side of the vertebral column
Where are sympathetic trunks located?
They span all regfions in the trunk of the body (cervical, lumbar, sacral, thoracic)
How are trunks named?
By their region
How many sympathetic ganglia are there per trunk?
Ganglia in sympathetic trunks are connected by ______
bundles of nerve axons
Compare prevetebral and paraveterbral ganglion
Paraveterbral are are fewer in number some are larger in size
Where are preveterbal ganglia found?
Limited to the abdominal cavity, anterior to the vertebral column, adjacent to origins of major arterial branches of the abdominal aorta
How are prevertebral ganglion names?
for the arterial branch of the aorta where they originate
Preganglionic sympathetic axons exit the vertebral column as part of the ____ roots in the _____ spinal nerves
anterior roots; T1 to L3
What is a white rami comunicante?
Preganglionic axon branches of spnial nerves
What is a gray rami comunicantes?
Bundles of postganglionic axons going bacj to into T1-L3 spnial nerves
How are prevertebral ganglion names?
for the arterial branch of the aorta where they originate
Preganglionic sympathetic axons exit the vertebral column as part of the ____ roots in the _____ spinal nerves
anterior roots; T1 to L3
What is a white rami comunicante?
Preganglionic axon branches of spnial nerves
What is a gray rami comunicantes?
Bundles of postganglionic axons going bacj to into T1-L3 spnial nerves
Some of the preganglionic neurons ____ or ______ to reach postganglionic neurons ____ and ___ T1 and L3 levels
ascend; decsend; above; below
Much of the head recieves somatic innervation from ____
cranial nerves
The sympathetic trunks are/are not connected to the cranial nerves
are not; so there are no neuronal pathways that can be used
Where do superior cervical ganglia arise?
High up in the base of the skull
Describe distribution via periarterial nerve plexus
Postganglionic axons in superior cervical ganglia jump out onto uter surface of carotid arteries and distribute arterial branches to branches of the head
Innervation of visecra in the head (eye and salivary glands) uses ______ system above
Postganglionic axons exit cervical and upper thoracic ganglia and descend the thorax and prject into ____ and _____ plexuses
cardiac and pulmonary
The postganglionic axons join up with preganglionic axons of vagus nerve via a _________ or by coursing along the bronhcial tree and innervate the cells of the heart and lungs
perarterial nerve plexus
Preganglionic input to the cells of these cervicial and upper thoracic ganglia are dervied from _____
T1 to T5 levels of the spinal vord
What is a splanchic nerve?
Preganglionic axons that arise from cell bodies in T5-L3 that exit the sympathetic trunks without having synaposed on any postganglionic neurons
Splanchic nerves than course to ______ ganglia, providing the ganglia with a source of preganglionic axon innervation
The postganglionc axons then target abdominal and pelvic viscera thorough a ______
periarterial nerve plexus
Activities of the AS and its goal of homestastis are/are not achieved independntly of other components of the nervous system
Are not