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129 Cards in this Set

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Hormones are secreted into the...?


An erect penis has?

More blood entering erectile tissue from arteries than leaving through veins

The diploid chromosome number is always

An even number

Two methods for collecting urine samples that are considering sterile?

Cauterization and cystocentesis

Hormone to be effective it's target cell must have?

A receptor for the hormone

Copulation results in the release of ____ a hormone, from the posterior pituitary gland


If the diploid chromosome number for an animal is 44(rabbit), what is the haploid number of its gamates?


Most of the -Nitrogenous waste in the body is:

Protein metabolism

What type of hormone is synthesized from cholesterol?

Steroid hormones

Spermatozoa are transported to the oviducts in just minutes due primarily to:

Uterine contractions

Mitosis is:

Daughter cells will have 1/2 the number of chromosomes

Urea is:

Nitrogenous waste

Negative feedback control of hormone secrection begins when a:

Rising level of hormone is detected by the gland that produces it

____ is the term for the changes of spermatozoa undergo in the female reproductive tract.


Meiosis occurs:

Only in reproductive cells

Which species of amount normally has cloudy urine when it's passed?:


The endocrine system works closely with the ____ to control and coordinate the intricate parts and functions of the body.

Nervous system

What is the max # of spermatozoa that can enter an ovum to fertilize the ovum?


Spermatogenesis takes place in the:


The specific gravity of urine is a reflection of its:


The hypothalamus gland is physically attached to what other endocrine gland?


As soon as an ovum is fertilized it is called a:


Which part of the spermatozoa contains digestive enzymes?


Which two ions can the kidney preserve or excrete to regulate blood pH?

Hydrogen and bicarbonate

Which hormone died the hypothalamus gland produce?


Which gland is the master endocrine gland?


Implantation occurs in the ____ of the uterus.


Where is the nucleus of the spermatozoa located?


Which hormone is secreted and produced by the kidney when an animals blood pressure is too low?


When oxytocin is released into the bloodstream, what is one of its effects?

Milk letdown

The scrotum is a:

Sac of skin

Because the kidneys sit between the peritoneum and the dorsal abdominal muscles, they are considered?


Where is insulin produced?


The umbilical cord connects the:

Fetus to the placenta

In order to fully descend, the testes must pass through the :

Inguinal ring

Except the pig, the right kidney sits ____ to the left kidney


The hormone part of the flight or flight response is produced in the?

Adrenal glands

The urachus carries fluid from the fetal urinary bladder to the:

Allantoic sac

What structure adjusts the position if the testes relative to the body according to the environmental temperature?

Cremaster muscle

The basic functional unit of a kidney:


Anterior pituitary gland produce somatotracin which is also known as:

Growth hormone

The part if the placenta that attached to the uterus:


The thin membrane that is tightly adhered to each testis and the structures of the spermatic cord is the:

Visceral vagibal tunic

The ___ is a tuft of capillaries that filters blood In The first stage if urine production


Where is ADH hormone that is produced in the hypothalamus stored before its released into the bloodstream:

Posterior pituitary

Which membrane of the placenta forms a sac immediately around the fetus:


The primary endocrine cells of the testes?

Interstitial cells

The medulla of the kidney Is made up mostly of:

The loop of henle

TSH hormone is produced by

Anterior pituitary gland

Which type of placental attachment is characterized by attachment sites called placentomes:


Nurse cells to the young spetmatids are the:

Sertoli cells

Glomerular capillaries ate a continuation of the:

Afferent arterioles

The hormone that results in a ride in blood glucose when it is released into the bloodstream is:


Cryptorchidism refers to a condition of one or more:

Undescended testes

In what part of the kidney Is a majority of the PCT found?


The primary target for glucocorticoid hormone is:

Whole body

A place time consist of an area in the surface of the placenta called the:


The maturation and storage site for the immature spermatozoa is the:


The presence if abnormal amounts of protein in urine can be used as an indicator of?

Glomerular damage

Animals that suffer from a deficiency if ADH are likely to show clinical signs that include:


Which type of placental attachment is seen in dogs and cats?


The two portions if the male urethra are the

Pelvic and penile portions

The majority of the tubular reabsorption takes place in the


The most active form of thyroid hormone is:


The period of pregnancy for dogs and cats is approximately:

2 months

Which animals don't have seminal vesicles?

Dogs and cats

What two substances are normally 100% absorbed in the PCT?

Glucose and amino acids

Which two hormones are involved in Maintaining the homeostasis of blood calcium levels?

Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin

During what stage of labor does the cervix relax?

The first stage

The majority of the volume if semen is composed of:

Alkaline section from accessory reproductive glands

The BUN is a measure of

Blood urea nitrogen

Milk fever and eclampsia are two pathological conditions that result from:


Which stage of labor is characterized by strong uterine and abdominal muscle contractions?

Second stage

Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is often manifested clinically by:

Glycosuria, polyuria. Polydipsia

Phonation in an animal begins in the


An example of a hindgut fermenter is a


Of the 6 categories of nutrients which 3 produce energy when they are consumed

Carbohydrates. Lipids, and proteins

Taurine is essential nutrient for which species of animals?


An example of an omnivore


The upper respiratory tract includes all structures:

Outside the lungs

A nasal meatus is created by the


What effect does sympathetic nerve stimulation have on digestion?

Inhibits digestion

An animal requires taurine as an essential nutrient, a deficiency can leaf to?

Retinal degeneration

On average, mist mammald are about ____ water


Another name for buccal cavity Is the

Oral cavity

The opening if the larynx is called the


A loss if a minimum of ___ of its water would be fatal to an animal


The vestibule

The space between the outer surface of the teeth and the surrounding lips and cheeks

The three main condition functions of the nasal passages are:

Warming, humidifying, and filtering air

The surfaces of the teeth that come together when an animal closed its mouth are the ___ surfaces


The major cellular fuel for the body is


When an animal starts breaking down body fat to compensate for a caloric deficiency in diet ____ are released into the bloodstream


Which teeth are normally missing in ruminates?

Upper front incisors

The check teeth are:

Premolar and molars

The boundaries of the glottis are formed by the

Arytenoid cartilages and vocal cords

The tracheal rings are composed of

Hyaline cartilage

The ciliated epithelium that lines the trachea has a layer of ___ on top of it to trap foreign debris


Post parturient ketosis usually appears

During lactation

The largest cutting teeth in the jaw of a carnivore are known as


Which of the following animals has a dental pad?


Triglycerides are named for their?

3 fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule

Tracheal collapse is often seen with

Inspiratory dyspnea

Broncholdilation and bronchoconstriction ate controlled by

The autonomic nervous system acing on smooth muscle

Which species is more prone to asthma attacks?


The fat soluble vitamins are

A,D,E and K

The most important dietary steroid is


The blood vessel that brings blood to the lungs from the heart is the

Pulmonary artery

The blood entering the lungs from the heart us dark red because

The high carbon dioxide content

More than ___ amino acids linked together is considered a protein


Which salivary gland, located ventral to the ear, produces nearly half of the total volume of saliva produced


The cartilage that makes up part of the laryngeal cartilage and prevents food from being aspirated into the trachea is the ____ cartilage


How many amino acids are there?


In the relaxed state of the diaphragm assumes a dome shape with

The convex surface facing in a cranial direction

The unconscious act of breathing is controlled by the respiratory center in the...


If the CO2 level in the blood rises above a present limit. How will the respiratory center adjust the breathing to compensate?

Increase rate and depth of respiration

Antitussive are best used to treat a

Nonprefuctive cough

The nutritious balance in the body is maintained by excrection- of nitrogen primarily by the


Which system in the body is the most unaffected by starvation?


The position if the esophagus in relation to the trachea as it travels down the neck is:

To the left of the trachea

The cardiac sphincter is located

At the caudal end of the esophagus

Examples of macro minerals are

Calcium, magnesium. And potassium

In total, what is the maximum number of ATP molecules that can be formed from each molecule if glucose that enters a cell


The pattern of muscle contraction that moves through the GI tract is called


The stomach is connected to the abdominal wall by the


Horse dental formula

I 3/3

C 1/1

P 4/3

M 3/3

Total 40-42

Cow dental formula

I 0/3

C 1/1

P 3/3

M 3/3

Total= 32

Cat dental formula

I 3/3

C 1/1

P 3/2

M 1/1

Total: 30

Dog dental formula

I 3/3

C 1/1

P 4/4

M 2/3

Total: 42

Pig dental formula

I 3/3

P 1/1

P 4/4

M 3/3

Total: 44