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48 Cards in this Set

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Layers of the Heart
1. ENDOCARDIUM- inner layer, lines inside of heart, covers valves
2. MYOCARDIUM- middle layer, contraction/ pumping
3. EPICARDIUM- external layer (visceral pericardium) contains coronary arteries
4. PERICARDIUM- outer covering, encloses the heart, approx 10 cc fluid between 2 inner layers
Heart Chambers
Right Atria
Left Atria
Right Ventricle
Left Ventricle
Atria recieve blood from the ______ ? Atria are ______ pressure and responsible for the ________ kick.
body: low: atrial
Ventricles ______ blood the the lungs and body. They are _____ pressure chambers.
Heart Valves Types
Atrioventricular and Semilunar Valves
Heart Valves

and their location ?
AV- 1. Tricuspid (right) separates right atrium and right ventricle
2. Bicuspid (mitral) separates left atrium and left ventricle
Semilunar- 3. Pulmonic (right) between right ventricle and pulmonary artery
4. Aortic (Left) between left ventricle and aorta
AV valves separate the ______ from the ______ ? They also prevent _______ ?
atria ; ventricles

; backflow of blood.
Semilunar Valves the ______ and _____ prevenet ______ from the aorta and pulmonary arteries.
Aortic and Pulmonic; backflow
Coronary Circulation consists of the ______ arteries and _____
coronary and veins
Coronary arteries are located at the base of the ______ and supply the heart with _____.
aorta ; oxygen
Cornary arteries fill during______?
RCA- right coronary artery feeds ___ Atrium, ___ ventricle ? Also supplies ___% of SA node and ___% of AV node.
Right, Right

50; 90
LCA- Left Coronary Artery
LAD - left anterior descending,
Left Circumflex- LC, supplies ___% SA node BBs and Purkinje Fibers
Cardiac Cyle
Diastolie- relax, fill time
Atria and ventricles relax

Systole- contract/ eject time

(atria relax, ventricles contract)
Cardiac Output- CO = ______?
Stroke Volume x HR
Preload is :
force exerted by the walls of ventricles at end of diastole
Afterload is:
pressure against which ventricles must pump to eject blood
Baroreceptors detect _____ ?
are found in _______ arteries and the ____ arch?
a change in blood pressure

internal corotid; aortic arch
Chemoreceptors detect _____?
changes in the concentration of hydrogen ions, oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
Blood flow through the heart-
rt atrium recieves______ and is high in ____ from the _____ vena cava and the _____sinus.
blood low in oxygen; carbon dioxide; superior; coronary
____ flows from the ____ atrium through the _____ valve into the ____ ventricle.
blood; right; tricuspid; right
____ flows through the ____ arteries to the ____. ( _____ and ___ are exchanged in the pulmonary ______. and then flows to the ____ veins.
blood; pulmonary; lungs; oxygen and carbon dioxide; capillaries; pulmonary
The efficiency of the heart as a pump may be affected by 3 abnormalities
Cardiac muscle, Valves, conduction system
___ muscle, Cardiac_____, _____ system.
The ____ and ____ coronary arteries are the first branches off the proximal aorta.
right; left
____ arteries fill when the heart is _____.
coronary; relaxed
Three major coronary arteries include the ____, the ______ and the _____ arteries.
Left anterior descending; left circumflex; right coronary arteries
RCA originates in the ____ side of the aorta. It travels along the groove between the _____ and the _____.
right; right atrium; right ventricle
RCA supples the ___ atrium, ____ ventricle, ___ node, and ___ node
right; right; SA; AV
LCA orginates from the _____ side of the _____. The first segment of the LCA is called _______ coronary artery.
Left; aorta; Left Main
The left main coronary artery supplies ______ blood to two primary branches, the _____ and _____ .
oxygenated; left anterior descending (anterior interventricular; Left circumflex artery.
THE LAD can be seen on the _____ surface of the heart. It travels along the groove that lies between the ____ and ____ ventricle toward the hearts apex.
outer (epicardial); right; left
Major branches of the LAD are the _____ and ____ arteries. ____ branches supply the _____. THE LAD supples the anterior_____ ventricle, lateral surface _____ ventricle. Most of the Septum.
septal; diagonal; Left; Left.
Left Circumflex Coronary circles around the ____ side of the heart. Supples blood to _____ atrium, lateral ____ ventricle and inferior surface of ___ ventricle. ____ node and the ____ node.
left; LEft; LEft; LEft, SA, AV
Coronary veins travel along side the arteries. _____ sinus is the larges vein that drains the heart. It lies in the groove that separates the ____ from the ____.
coronary sinus; atria; ventricle
Bororeceptors are specialized nerve tissue found in the ____ arteries and ___ arch.
They detect ____ in BP.
internal corotid; aortic

Sympathetic response is aka _____
Parasympathetic response is aka _______
Chronotropic means ________ in heart rate
Inotropic means _______ in myocardial contractility.
The primary neurotransmitter for the Sympathetic nervous system is ________
The Primary Neurotransmitter for Parasympathetic nervous system is _______
______ is a chemical messenger (neurotransmitter) that is released when parasympathetic nerves are stimulated.
__________ binds to Parasympathetic receptors
Two main types of parasympathetic receptors are ______ and _____ receptors.
Nicotinic; muscarinic
________ receptors are located in smooth muscle.
________ receptors are located in skeletal muscle.
_______ receptors sites are divided into alpha receptors and beta receptors.
______ manueuvers are performed and used to stimulate that _____ nerve.
When performed , _______ in the corotid arteries are stimulated in an attempt to slow conduction through the AV node. It will result in slowing of the heart rate.
Vagal; vagus
