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78 Cards in this Set

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3 functions of the spinal cord
conduction- 2 way communication, to and from brain
locomotion- walking- coordinates muscle movement in legs
reflexes- involuntary muscle movement in response to stimuli
where does the spinal cord start
foramen magnum
how many pairs of spinal nerves are there
1st part of the pinal comes out in between __ and ____
atlas (c1)
the rest of the spinal cord comes out between ____
what is the part of the vvertebrae where the spinal cord comes out of called
invertible foramina
5 divisions of spinal nerves, total numbers in each, and their number names
cervical nerves (8) c1-c8
thoracic (12) T1- T12
Lumbar (5) L1-L5
Sacral (5) S1-S5
Coccygeal (1) C0

8 12 5 5 1
what is a fibrous connective tssue covering
3 layers of the meninges and description
Dura- thickest
Arachnoid- 2nd thickest, web-like
Pia- softest and touches brain or spinal cord
what causes the arachnoid mater to be web like
in the spinal cord- the site of info processing
gray matter
in spinal cord- carry out signal from one part of the CNS to another
white matter
name the amount of myelin found on the axons in the white and gray matter
white- a lot of myelin'gray matter- very little
in the gray matter what carries sensory fibers and interneurons
posterior (dorsal) root
in gray matter what leads to roots and carriess motor fibers
ventral root
in white matter- 3 types of columns
ventral, doral, lateral
in white matter- what are tracks and what 2 kinds are there
subdivisions of columns
ascending, decending
what is the spinal tract that goes up the spinal cord to the brain
what is the spinal tract that goes down the spinal cord from brain
which spinal tract is motor and which is sensory
ascending- sensory
descending- motor
number of neurons in ascending tract in the white matter and what are their names
1st order neuron
2nd order neuron
3rd order neuron
number of neurons in descending tract in the white matter and what are their names
upper motor neuron
lower motor neuron
which nerve in the spinal cord bulges
dorsal root
which root in the spinal cord brings messages to the spinal cord
which root in the spinal cord acts as a motor neuron
cordlike organ composed of numerous nerve fibers bound together by connective tissue
bulge in dorsal root (PNS) because outside spinal cors, cluster of cell bodies
what is the axon covered in in a nerve
what are fibers conered by in a nerve
what is the whole bunle covered by in a nerve
what is the branching of spinal nerves
which ramus- the anterior and lateral skin gives rise to nerves and imbs
anterior ramus
which ramus- controls muscles, joints, and back
posterior ramus
what gives rise to the back, spinal cord, and meninges
meningeal branch
what is a network of axons
5 different plexus and where they are located
cervical- neck
brachial- near shoulder
lumbar- lower back
sacral- pelvis
coccygeal- s4, s5, c0
which rami form the plexus
anterior rami
what does the cervical plexus do
supply skin, muscles of head and neck, shoulder, and chest
what does the brachial plexus do
supply upper limbs and some of shoulder and neck
what does the lumbar plexus do
supply abdominalwall, anterior thigh, and genitalia
what soes the sacral plexus do
supply remainder of trunk
what does coccygeal plexus do
supply small are of skin
what is an area of skin that is innervated by a pair of spinal nerves
how much does each dermatome overlap
how many nerves do you have to anesthasize to knock out feeling
what is the nature of reflexes
quick, involuntary
4 important properties of reflexes
requires stimulation- not spontaneous
involuntary- occurs without intent
stereotyped- will occur same way every time
what is the paralysis of both upper limbs
what is paralysis of all limbs
what is paralysis of half of the body
what is partial paralysis, muscle weakness
what 4 things protect the brain
blood brain barrier
watery cushion
how much of the blood goes to the brain
what does the blood brain barrier do
regulates what can enter brain
forms tight junctions so things cant enter
what neuroglial cells make up the blood brain berrier
what is cerebral spinal fluid made of
glucose, proteins, lactic acid, urea, anions, cations, and white blood cells
function of cerebral spinal fluid
produces buoyancy
shock absorbant protection
remove waste
where is cerebral spinal fluid found
found in ventricles of brain and spinal fluid
what is a capillary network found in ventricles
choroid plexus
what neuroglial cell lines the ventricles
ependymal cells
where does the plasma from the choroid plexus get pulled into
ependymal cells
which part of the brain controls thevital centers (cardiac, repiratory, and blood vessel)
medulla oblongata
which part of the brain relays impulses fom the motor portion of the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum
whaqt is the second largest part of the brain
contains 50% of the total neurons found in brain
function of cerebellum
coordinate balance, regulate posture, coordinating movement
5 lobes
parietal, occipital, parietal, frontal, insula
which lobe controls voluntary motor function
frontal lobe
which lobe recieves sensory info and processes it
which lobe has the visual cortex
which lobe has hearing, smell, learning
temporal lobe
which lobe is hidden
which lobe has taste and sensory info
what is a thin layer of gray matter and 40 % mass of the brain
cerebral cortex
what is the site of conscious mind
cerebral cortex
what allows us to recognize spoken, written language
what allows us to control muscles, and generates motor rpogram
what do the left and right hemisphere of the brain do
left- math, science
right- art, music