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32 Cards in this Set

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The _____ reproductive system produces sperm and transports these gametes to the female reproductive tract so that fertilization of an ovum can take place. The _____ reproductive system produces ova and houses the developing embryo following fertilization.



In the male reproductive system, the primary organs are the paired oval-shaped _________ (male gonads), which are glands that produce sperm and male sex hormone testosterone. Secondary reproductive structures are grouped into the ________, _________, and ________.


-Duct System, Accessory Organs, External Genitalia

Site of spermatogenesis (production of sperm)?

Seminiferous Tubules

Transports sperm to the epididymis, the first component of the duct system?

Rete Testis

4 parts of the duct system?

-Ejaculatory Duct


-Ductus Deferens


C-shaped structure that is the site of sperm storage and maturation?


How long is the maturation process of sperm?

20 days (sperm gains ability to swim)

Terminal portion of the duct system in males?

Urethra (both urinary and reproductive system because it transports both urine and semen)

Two exocrine accessory glands contribute to seminal fluid which are _______ and _______.

-Prostate Gland

-Bulbourethral Gland

Produces approximately 70% of seminal fluid; its secretion provides energy for sperm?

Seminal Vesicles

Produces a slightly acidic, milky secretion that plays a role in activating sperm?

Prostate Gland

Produces a thick, clear, mucous pre-ejaculate secretion that lubricates the tip of the penis and also neutralizes any traces of acidic urine in the urethra prior to ejaculation?

Bulbourethral Gland

External genitalia of the male consists of the _____ and ______.



The organ of copulation (sexual intercourse), delivers sperm into the female reproductive tract?


Penis consists of 3 erectile bodies: corpus spongiosum- which surrounds the _____ urethra, paired dorsal corpora cavernosa- erection happens because this fills with ______, and glans penis.



Foreskin of glans penis?


Sac-like structure consisting of the testes; the slightly cooler temperature of this provides ideal conditions for the production of viable sperm?


In the female reproductive system, the primary organs are the paired almond-shaped _________.


Glands that produce eggs and the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone?


Secondary reproductive structures of females include ________, ________, and _______.

-Internal Sex Organs

-External Sex Organs

-Mammary Glands

Ovary is divided into 2 regions: _______ housing developing follicles, and a ________ consisting of blood vessels and nerves embedded in connective tissue. Each follicle consists of an ________ surrounded by one or more layers of supporting cells called follicle cells.

-Outer cortex

-Inner medulla

-Oocyte (egg)

3 layers of uterine wall?

1. Perimetrium

2. Myometrium

3. Endometrium

Layer of uterine wall consisting of smooth muscle?


Layer of uterine wall composed of simple columnar epithelium?


A thin-walled tube lying between the bladder and the rectum?


The vaginal wall consists of three layers: an outer fibrous _______, a smooth muscle ________, and an inner _______ consisting of moist stratified squamous epithelium.




A pad of adipose tissue deep to the skin overlying the pubic symphysis?

Mons Pubis

Homologous to the scrotum?

Labia Majora (skin fold)

Homologous to ventral penis?

Labia Minora (skin fold)

Flanks the vaginal opening that secretes mucus to lubricate the vagina during intercourse?

Greater Vestibular Glands

Modified sweat glands that are derivatives of the skin?

Mammary Gland

Each mammary gland consists of 15-25 lobes; each lobe contains smaller clusters called __________, which contain milk-producing _________.

