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24 Cards in this Set

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___________ are rod-shaped bodies with interior folds, called cristae.


When a cell is placed in a hypertonic or hypotonic solution the volume change is generally due to the ____________.

net movement of water into or out of the cell

Microscopically, chromosomes appear as _____________.

rodlike bodies inside the cell

A dialysis sac is permeable to water, but relatively impermeable to glucose. A dialysis sac filled with 40% glucose that is placed into a beaker containing distilled water, should see a ____________.

net movement of water into the sac

Filtration rate is directly dependent on _________.

a pressure gradient

A living cell placed in a hypertonic solution would ____________.


Which transport mechanism occurs as dye molecules placed at the center of an agar matrix spread out?


Which transport mechanism will be observed if dye crystals are added to the bottom of a cylinder of water?


When looking at different cell types, it is evident that cell shape is associated with ____________.

cell function

The plasma membrane controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell. The plasma membrane is able to do this because it is ____________________.

selectively permeable

Several different kinds of internal structures do the work of the cell. These are referred to as __________.


A dialysis sac containing 40% glucose is placed into a 40% glucose solution. The sac does not change weight, suggesting that ________.

no net osmosis occurred

The difference between active transport and passive transport is that __________.

active transport uses cellular energy to drive the transport

The polar heads of phospholipid molecules in a bilayer are located ___________.

both outside the cell and inside the cell facing both the extracellular fluid and the cytoplasm

A dialysis sac is comparable to a plasma membrane because it is _____________.

selectively permeable

The three structures that most animal cells have and that can be readily seen under a compound microscope are _____________.

plasma membrane

The phase when a cell is growing, carrying out its usual activities, and preparing to divide is called __________.


The mitotic stage in which the chromosomes align at the middle of the cell is called ___________.


The net movement of dye molecules diffusing through water is from a ____________ to a ___________ concentration.

high to low

In osmosis, ________ moves through a differentially permeable membrane.


The function of ribosomes is __________.

the site of protein synthesis

In general, diffusion occurs when there is a(n) ____________.

concentration gradient

Which type of vesicular transport involves fluid and dissolved solutes entering the cell in a tiny vesicle?


Identify the stage of mitosis when chromosomes first appear and the nuclear envelope and nucleolus begin to break down.
