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213 Cards in this Set

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4 major types of tissues
muscle, nervous, connective, epithelial
components of protoplasm (living component of cells)
cytoplasm and karyoplasm
from nuclear to cell membrane
within in the nuclear membrane
Steps of tissue preparation
fixation, dehydration and clearing, embedding, sectioning, (rehydration), mounting and staining.
Tissue preparation: Fixation
fix the structure of the tissue using formaldehyde
Tissue preparation: dehydration and clearing
dehydrate to remove water and add alcohol (so that alcohol can be replaced by paraffin in the next step, water cannot be replaced by paraffin directly). Clear using xylene so that the tissue can be viewed under a microscope.
Tissue preparation: Embedding
add paraffin to replace alcohol. Paraffin makes the tissue solid, so that it can be cut.
Tissue preparation: Sectioning
cut tissue, using a microtome, into very small sections
Tissue preparation: (Rehydration)
rehydrate tissue so that it can be stained with water soluble dyes
Tissue preparation: Mounting and Staining
mount sections on glass slides, stain with water soluble dyes. Cover with coverslip.
H & E staining method
Hematoxylin and Eosin
Basic Blue dye, binds acidic regions on the cell (cartilage matrix, and nucleus[w/ nucleic acids])
Acidic Pink Dye, binds most other oraganelles AND collagen fibres.
Types of Microscopes
Light and Electron (magnets used to focus electron beams to magnify image)
Transmission electron microscope. black and white details inside the cell
Scanning Electron Microscope. 3D details of the surface of the cell.
Cell Membrane
Plasmalemma: Phospolipid bilayer, plus proteins (integral + peripheral)
3 types of intracellular junctions
tight junctions, anchoring junctions, gap junctions
tight junctions
zonula occludens; tight seal between cells that prevents anything else from going thru
achoring junctions
zonula adherens; junctions between cells, maintains cell cell contact. eg. desmosome and hemidesmosome
cell cell contact(anchoring junction) between cell sides.
contact(anchoring junction) between basal surface and cell.
Gap junctions
Communicating junctions: bunch on intercellular channels used to transport chemicals, which leads to cell cell talk.
Components on nucleus
Nucleolus, Chromatin, nucleoplasm(karyoplasm), nuclear envelope
What does karyoplasm Contain
macromolecules and nuclear particles
What is nucleolus made of?
rRNA synthesis and assembly happens here.
Types of Chromatin
Hetero and eu. Eu in uncolied, looks lighter and is a sign of a lot of activity.
Components of a nuclear membrane
2 layers (w/ a peri-nuclear cisternae in the middle)...and nuclear pores
Nuclear pores properties
The number of nuclear pores changes with activity level. They also have a diaphargm, which acts as a selective barrier.
Mitochondria Types
Tubular and Crista. Depends on the type of folding they have. The functions are the same. Space between 2 membranes: inter-membrane/inter-cristal space
Tubular mitochondria
Found in special tissue like heptocytes and adrenal and sexual(for steroid production). They can work under different environements.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
triglyceride, steroid and cholestrol synthesis. Mostly in liver and sexual and adrenal tissues.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
continuous with the nuclear membrane. makes proteins (for secretion or integral)
small and large subunits. If attached to RER than protein is for export.
Polyribosomes: bunch of ribosomes doing the samething, but not attached to ER.
Protein synthesis
initiator tRNA..P site...A site...release factor
Translation into the RER
Signal sequence at the start of translation by the ribosome. Signal sequence bound by SRP. translation stops. SRP goes and bind the SRP receptor in the RER. The protein is threaded thru and translation is unpaused. Protein folding and modification is done in the lumen of the RER
Golgi: Structure and function
sacs of membrane bound cisternae.
cis: makes proteins and carbohydrates
medial: modifies
trans: sorts and transports proteins made by RER
It also produces lipids and lysosomes
Golgi: Location and Staining
Close to the nucleus. Convex to it. Doesnt stain very well with H and E staining. SO light pink.
Lysosomes: Where do they come from?
Released from the golgi, filled with hydrolytic enzymes.
Lysosomes: Types
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Primary..newly made. Tertiary..have used up all their enzymes
Tertiary Lysosome
Sometimes called residual body. Filled with debris. Are never cleared and eventually pigment the skin.
Contain oxidative enzymes. If open they kill the cells (programmed to do this during apoptosis). Otherwise useful for fatty acid and bile digestion.
What are inclusions?
particles that are not bound by membranes and do not possess any metabolic activity. lipid droplets, glycogen, pigments, crystals
Cytoskeleton: Components
Microtubules, Thin filaments, Intermediate filaments
Cytoskeleton: Function
Cell morphology, cell motion and intracellular transport.
Centrosome: Structure
2 centrioles, surrounded by per-centrioler matrix
Centriole: Structure
9 triplets of microtubules.
Centrosome: Function
generation of more microtubules, generation of a mitotic spindle.
arise from basal bodies. basal bodies arise from centriole.
cilia has 9 triplets of microtubules on the outside and 2 microtubules in the centre
the 9+2 structure of cilia is called this
Parts in a cell cycle
G1(organelles multiply), S(DNA multiplies), G2(energy storage) and division(mitosis)
Part in Cell division
Mitosis, Cytokenesis
Coiling of DNA. Chromatids are lined up at the centre using a mitotic spindle(prophase and anaphase). the sister chromatids are pulled apart(metaphase and telophase)
Epithelium tissue (intro)
Can be surface or glandular
Gladular epithelial tissue
Endo or Exocrine
How is epithelial tissue different from other tissues?
- Avascular. Top layer of cells die and are replaced by the layer beneath. That's how the cells stay nourished.
- Closely packed cells with little extracellular matrix.
- Rapid mitosis. Loss in control of this mitosis causes cancer
Epithelial Cancer
glandular carcinoma
4 functions of epithelial tissue
- Protects: underlying organs
- Transports: to other tissues
- Absorbs: substances from surface or lumen
- Synthesizes and secretes
2 types of epithelial tissue
Types of surface epithelium
Types of Simple Surface Epithelium and their structure
Simple(1 layer)
-Squamous(flat): blood vessels(endo and mesothelium)
-Cuboidal(cube like): kidney tubules..
-Columnar(oval): small intestine and gall bladder
Types of Stratified Surface Epithelium
Stratified(more than 1 layer)
-sqamous, non-keratinized: wet surfaces like oral cavity and such
- squamous, keratinized: dry surfaces, like skin
- cuboidal: ducts like esophagus and sweat
- columnar: large ducts and eyelids
Pseudostratified surface epithelium
Single layer...nuclei at different heights
basement membrane
layer of cells between epithelial tissue and connective tissue. its the extracellular matrix. Epithelial tumors are staged here. If there is a break in the basement, we might have a tumor spread using the connective tissue.
Transitional surface epithelium
Stratified. Changes shape with extension. Like in the urinary bladder. Add stuff, cells become flat with 2-4 layers. Take stuff out, cell become dome shaped with 5-7 layers.
Polar components of the surface epithelium
The internal components of the cells are lined up according to the external polarity.
Apical, basal and lateral are the 3 sides of the cell.
Cell surface characteristics of the Apical surface
Microvilli (actin), Cilia (microtubules)
Cell surface characteristics of the Lateral Surface
- Zonula Occludens: Tight junctions
- Zonula adherens: Anchoring junctions, zone of adherence
- Macula adherens: Spot of adherence (ex. desmosome)
- Gap(communicating) junctions
Cell Surface characteristics of the Basal Surface
hemidesmosomes. junctions which link the epithelia to the underlying connecective tissue.
Intracellular polarity of the surface epithelia
Basal: Nucleus, mitochondria, RER
Apical: Secretory Vesicles, Golgi
How is the glandular epithelium formed?
Surface epithelia..invades underlying connective tissue...resulting in glands with two parts: the parenchyma(functional unit) and the stroma(support)
Types of glandular epithelium
Exocrine: Dont lose support of the surface epithelium, product is secreted via a duct into the lumen.
Endocrine: lose contact with surface epithelium, product is secreted in the outlying connective tissue and carried away by blood.
Modes of classification of Exocrine glans
- Shape
- Type of product
- Mode of Secretion
Classification of Exocrine glands based on Shape
- Simple: tubular(tube-like), acinar(berry like), or both
- Compound: tubular, acinar or both.

Hair follicle: Example of compound acinar. Clogging causes acne
Classification of Exocrine glands based on type of product
Mucous: thick, like in respiratory or salivary
Serous: watery, like in pancreas or salivary glands
Both: many glands secrete both
Classification of Exocrine glands based on mode of secretion
-Holocrine: Cells burst and release their products. Sabatious(oil secreting) glands
-Merocrine: Cells release product only, by exocytosis. Least expensive. Used by most glands
- Apocrine: Cells pinch of part of themselves. Mammary glands (making lipids)
Connective Tissue: Composition
CT: Function
-platform for exchange
-storage of fat
CT: Categories
-Specialized: Blood, Bone, Cartilage
CT: Embryonic origin
Mesenchymal tissue
CT Proper types: Loose CT
Loose and random mix of fibres and cells in gel like membranes and tissue fluid(lamina propreia in mucus membranes)
-primary battle ground for inflammation
CT Proper types: Dense CT
Lot more fibres, lot less cells
Dense CT types
Based on orientation of collagen fibres:
Dense Irregular CT
Random dispersal of fibres. Found in dermis and capsule of some organs
Dense Regular CT
Cylindrical dispersal of fibres. Found in Tendons and Ligaments
-Most abundant cells in CT
-synthesize all the ECM
-elongated, with lots of RER and euchromatic nucleus
-active stage, are basophilic
-resting: acidophilic
Collagen Fibre: Structure
-makes up the ECM
-made up of a triple helix of tropocollagen, which goes on to make fibril, which in turn goes on to make a fibre, which in turn makes a bundle, bundle forms into a tendon
Collagen Fiber: Synthesis
DNA-->mRNA-->pre-procollagen(ER)-->procollagen triple helix in ER -->propeptidase cleaves procollagen into tropocollagen-->spontaneous assembly into fibril
Elastic CT
-made of loose CT called elastic fibers
-provide elasticity to the surface of the organs ECM (hence the organ..eg.skin, arteriole).
-inner core made of elastin(protein), outer layer made of microfibrils
Reticular CT
-type III collagen + loose CT
-framework for liver, spleen, adipose tissue, bone marrow, basement membrane
Mast Cells
-arise from bone marrow
-inflammation and allergy
-lots of granules(heparin and histamine)
-spherical nucleus
-filopodia(cytoplasmic processes)
Plasma Cell
-Ab secretion (no granules)
-Clockface nucleus(spots of heterochromatin all around)
-ovoid cells (with eccentric nucleus)
-well developed RER
-arise from monocytes(hematopoietic stem cells)
-well developed ctyskeleton, golgi, RER
-indented nucleus
-produce cytokines and Growth Factors
-irregular shape
-lots of lysosomes
Unilocar (White) Adipose Tissue
-richly vascularized
-found in subcutaneous layers
-have receptors for insulin, growth factors, norepinephrine, glucocorticoids and other growth regulators
Multilocar (Brown) Adipose Tissue
- highly vascularized
- fat is still white, but due to all the blood looks brown
- found in neck and interscapular region on newborns.
- many many more mitochondria (20X faster fat metabolism)
- 3X heat production (good for newborn)
- over feeding in newborn can convert brown fat to white fat
Muscle Tissue
originated from the mesoderm
- straited
- smooth
Types of straited muscles
Smooth muscle
found in the wall of hollow viscera, blood vessels and dermis of the skin
Cell membrane
Sacroplasmic reticulum
muscle structure
myofilaments --> myofibrils --> muscle fibre --> endomysium --> muscle bundle --> perimysium --> muscle --> epimysium
Each one surrounded by network of sarcoplasmic reticulum and a sarcosome
Types of Myofilaments
Thick (myosin) --> 2 parts (heavy and light parts..meromyosin)
Thin (actin) --> made of actin filament, troponin, and tropomyosin
-directly on indirectly attached to Z-disk
A band
Part of myofibril with both myosin and actin
I band
Part of myofibril with just actin
H band
part of myofibril with just myosin
functional unit of a muscle tissue
Sarcotubular system
- 2 ends of the sarcomere enlarge to form terminal cisternae
- two adjacent terminal cisternae are separated by a T-tubule.
T-tubule(cont. with the cell membrane) and 2 terminal cisternae
Sliding Filament Theory
- Impulse thru Tubule
- Release of Ca2+ from the terminal cisternae into the cytosol
- binding of Ca2+ to troponin and the release of tropomyosin
- exposing of actin molecule and binding to myosin after ATP hydrolysis due to Mg ions
- binding of ATP and release of myosin from actin
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibres
- Red: I
- White: IIB
- Intermediate: IIA
Red Skeletal Muscle Fibre
High Endurance
Slow twitch
Lots of mitochondria
Lots of myoglobin
White Skeletal Muscle Fibre
Low mitochondria
Fast twitch
high force
Smooth muscle anatomy
-no tubular system
-thin layer of CT
-found in GI tract for perstaltic movements
Smooth muscle contractions
-slow, energy efficient, less fatigue
-3 myofilaments: actin, myosin, intermediate(desmin/vimentin)
attaches to actin and myosin in smooth muscle
Dense bodies
-in smooth muscle actin, myosin and vimentin bind to the cell membrane(or each other) via dense bodies.
Muscle tissue
develops from mesoderm
Nervous tissue origins
two parts of the nervous system
-PNS: nerves
-CNS: brain, spinal cord..........
What covers the CNS?
3 layers of meninges:
Pia Meter
Arachnoid Meter
Dura Meter
Pia meter
Innermost layer of the meninges
- blood circulation
-2nd layer of the meninges
- CSF circulation
Dura meter
-outermost layer of the meninges
-dense CT
-mechanical stress
Types of nervous tissue
Gray matter
White matter
Types of cells in the nervous tissue
excitable cells that carry impulses
-enchance transmission
-eg. astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes
Types of nerve fibres
Parts of a neuron
-axon terminal
Clasification of neurons based on number and position of axon and dendrites
Perikaryon (Soma)
-trophic centre of the cell
-has a euchromatic nucleus with prominent nucleolus
-golgi, mitochondria, nissl substance
Nissl substance
ribosome rich RER
Identifying the axon from the dendrite when looking at the soma
start of axon is paler than most dendrites
recpetive region of the cell
-lacks golgi
-SER but no RER
-microtubules for transport of vesicles
Axon terminal
-electric or chemical signal
-lots of secretory vesicles
-axon bulb
-disease: myastenia gravis...bad enzyme in synaptic cleft..no degradation of chemical signla
Types of synapses
part of synapses
-synaptic cleft
Glial Cell functions
-physical support
-csf production
-growth and maintainence
Types of Glia
-Ependymal: Make CSF
-Astrocytes: take nutrients from blood and pass to neurons
-Microglia: macrophages
-Oligodendrocytes: mylienate the nerve fibres in the CNS
Blood Brain Barrier
3 layers:
-basement membrane
-endothelial cells of the capillaries
PNS Myelination
-Schwann Cells
-1 fibre (1-2mm segment)
-nodes of ranvier
CNS Myelination
-can mylineate up to 60 fibres
Non-mylineated fibres
-Upto 10 supported by Schwann cells.
-Axons can still communicate with ECM after support of schwann cells that cover them
Peripheral nerve structure
single nerve fibre --> covered by endoneurium(CT) --> bunch of nerve fibres(fasicle) --> perineurium --> entire nerve --> epineurium
Blood CSF barrier
3 layers (same layers in choroid plexus)
- ependymal cells (simple cuboidal)
- pia meter
- endothelial cells of capillaries
choroid plexus
-3 layers of tissue involved in CSF production
-found within the Brain ventricles
Nucleus and Ganglion
-Bundles of cell bodies within the white matter of the CNS are called nuclei
-Bundles of cell bodies outside the CNS are called ganglion
Peripheral ganglia
Made of:
- ganglionic cells: large round neurons
- satellite cells: modified shawann cells that make a flat layer..support ganglionic cells
Arachnoid villi
-project into blood sinus and act as drains for the CSF
Cartilage General
-Special CT
-no nerves or blood
-cells are called chondrocytes
-friction less, shock absorber
-ECM is made of GAGs and proteoglycans associated with Type II collagen and Proteoglycans
Types of cartilage
-Hyaline: type II collagen
-Elastic: type II collagen and elastic
-Fibro: type I collagen

-blood supply in cartilage by diffusion
Hyaline cartilage
-Embryonic mesenchymal cells differentiate into chondroblasts
-chondroblasts make matrix and fibres around themselves and trap them selves in lacunae
-part of matrix around chondrocytes rich in GAGs, rest if type II collagen
-surrounding cells may differentiate into dense irregular CT which will in turn form a perichondrium
-condrocytes in clusters of 2-6
-rich in blood and nerves and repairing cells
Hyaline Cartilage (Where is it found?)
Elastic Cartilage
-Like Hyaline
-More elastic and collagen fibres in matrix and perichondrium
-no clusters of chodrocytes
-but more dense populations of chondrocytes
-found in ear, epiglottis, euschian tube and stuff
Fibro Cartilage
-in intervertebral discs
-chondrocytes arise from fibroblasts and arrange in alternating patterns with type I collagen fibres
-it does not have a perichondrium
-outer surface = periostenum
-middle internal surface = endostenum
-embryonic mesenchymal cells
-close to periostenum and endostenum
-have surface receptor for PTH
-causes release of osteoprotegerin and hence the differentiation and activation of osteoclasts
-shrunken osteoblasts
-have cell processes that link them to other osteocytes(via gap junctions)
-house in lacunae
-cell proccess in narrow tunnels called calniculi
-Ca breakdown from bone
-activated upon lack of estrogen
-lost of scretory vesicles and digestive enzyme
Intra-membranous bone formation
-Flat bone formation
-mesechymal tissue
-some mesenchymal cells transform into osteoblasts
-bony trabeculae and spicules formed
-outer layer gets converted to peristenum and endostenum
-under the endostenum and peristenum the spongy bone gets converted to compact bone
Spongy bone
-random organization of bony trabaculae and spicules
-spaces left in the middle filled with red bone marrow
Endo-chondral bone ossification
-hyaline cartilage model of bone made
-chondroblasts and perichondrium get converted to osteoblasts and periostenum
-osteoblasts lay down bone matrix...leading to sub-cortical bone collar formation
-bone collar prevents diffusion of nutrients and hence death of chondrocytes ensues
-holes etched into collar opens up room for periosteal bud. which brings in osteoprogenitors
-new cells make more bone
-osteoclasts start to make a marrow cavity
-all cartilage is replaced except the epiphyseal plates
-2ndary centres of ossification start at either side of the epiphysis
Endo-chondral bone ossification
-long bone formation
-ephiphysal plates and periostenum control bone length
Compact bone
-thin layers of bone make it (lamellae)
-outer circumfretial(under peristenum)
-innter circumferential(around marrow)
-in the middle (haversian canal system)
-interstitial lamellae (interspersed in the middle)
Bone repair
-blood clot between fractured segments
-death of osteocytes, peristenum and endostenum
-osteoprogenitors from peristenum, endostenum and marrow invade clot and differntiate into chondro and osteoblasts
-hyaline cartilage(the repaired part on the sides) is replaced by primary(immature bone)
-the callus(the repaired part in the middle) is then replaced by secondary bone and remodeled by osteoclasts
-Special CT
-7% of weight
-formed elements(not just cells): RBC, WBC, platelets
Plasma Vs Serum Vs Extra cellular fluid
Plasma = 92% water, 7% protein
Serum = Plasma without organic and inroganic components that leave to form clot
Fluid = plasma in tissues (this plasma has a different protein content)
-7 to 10 um
-120 days later destroyed by macrophages of spleen, liver and bone marrow
Process used by leukocytes to migrate to CT and perform their function
Types of leukocytes
-Granulocytes: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils
-Agranulocytes:Lymphocytes and monocytes
-multilobed nucleus
-live for a week
-large reddish granules
-bilobed nucleus
-eat entigen-antibody complex
-fight parasites
-S shaped nucleus
-dented, kidney shaped, nucleus
-large nucleus
-T and B
-granulomere(inner granular region)...enzymes for blood coagulation
-hyalomere(outer region)
-bud off from stem cell called megakaryocytes(found in bone marrow)
Cardiovascular system
-systemic circuit
-pulmonary circuit
Types of Tunics
-Tunica Intima
-Tunica Media
-Tunica Adventatia
Tunica Intima
-Sqamous epithelia supported by sub-endothelial CT
- Sub-endothelial CT made of loose CT, covered by internal elastic membrane
Tunica Media
-concentric layers of helically arranged smooth muscle fibres
-external elastic lamina marks the edge of tunica media
Tunica Adventitia
-outside of vessels
-loose CT
-carries vaso vasorum and nervi vasorum
Types of arteries
-elastic: large arteries with lots of elastic fibre in the tunica media..right next to aorta
-muscular: regulate blood flow to organs by regulating their diameter
-arteriole: regulate sytemic blood pressure
Types of Veins
-Large: muscular
-Venules: site of diapesis
Arteries General
They have very think tunica media
Veins General
Veins have a thick tunica adventitia
Arteriole Vs Venule
-most of the blood flows thru arterioles
-change in diameter of arteriole leads to change in blood pressure
-venules are bigger
capillaries general
-one layer of endothelium connected by tight junctions
-tranport vesicles used for trasport across tight junctions
-usually have no tunica media
-smooth muscle fibre not usually found around them, unless repairing an injury
-can differentiate into smooth muscle cells or endothelial cells to repair injuries
-share basal lamina with endothelial cells
-have contractile protein like actin and myosin
Fenestered capillary
-clusters of small pores present in capillaries(guarded by diaphragms)
-found in kidney
Sinusoidal Capillary
-large fensterae
-no diaphragm
-found in spleen,liver, lymph stuff,bone marrow
Lymphatic vessels
-pick up excess interstitial fluid and bring it to cardiovascular system
-thin CT, thin Tunica media, thin tunica adventitia
Location of heart
-2nd and 5th intercostal spaces
-4 valves
-left is right, right is left
-right heart leads to pulmonary, left to aorta
-blood flows into artia and ventricle

-atria contract to push blood into ventricle
-ventricles contract to push blood out

0.4sec each
Cardiac conduction
SA node --> atria contract --> AV node --> AV bundle --> Bundle of Hiss --> Pirkinje Fibres(modified cardiac muscle fibres) --> innervate cardiac muscle fibres
Layers above the heart
-fibrous pericardium(intimately attached to serous pericardium)
-serous pericardium(continuous with serous epicardium)
-serous epicardium(intimately attached to heart)
pericardial space
-between serous pericardium and serous epicardium
-has serous fluid
heart walls
-epicardium(adventitia)...same as covering
-produces serous fluid
-keeps heart frictionless
-made of squamous or cuboidal cells
-underneath epicardium, loose CT houses blood vessels and nerves
cardiac muscle
-fibres connected top to end(gap junctions)
-horiziontally they have tight junctions
-centrally located nucleus
-dyads instead of triads
-branched cells
Atrial Myocardial cells
-hold secretory granules
-hold atrial atriuretic peptide(ANP), which lowers blood pressure
Purkinje Fibres
-modified cardiac muscle cells
-less myofibrils, more mitochondria, glycogen(for ATP production), lots of gap junctions and well developed cytoskeleton