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61 Cards in this Set

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What is also known as Urodela?


What is the larva of all amphibians?


What does the name amphibian mean?

Double life

What is the biggest threat to all amphibian population?


What is it called when the male frog holds the female during breeding?


What is a group of amphibians that do not have legs?


Which creature is a master of regeneration?


What type of loop is the blood circulation of frogs?


Where was the smallest species of vertebrate in the world discovered in 2009?

New Guinea

What are the organisms that let us know if an environment is healthy or not?


What are the teeth on the roof of a frog’s mouth?


What means ‘four legs’?


What is the special eyelid that amphibians use when they go under water?


What is the survival method of amphibians during the summer or in the desert?


What is the period known as the ‘Age of Amphibians’?


What is a skin pigment cell called?


What is a type of warning coloration?


What is the largest Anuran in the world?


What is one of the few salamanders known to make noise and remain aquatic as adults?

Water dogs

One of the reasons why amphibians should be saved is because they eat vast amounts of what?


What is the largest aquatic salamander in the US?


What is the growing back of body parts?


What is respiration through the skin called?


What is the special family of frogs known for the toxin they produce by eating ants, beetles, and millipedes?

Poison dart

What is the lethal fungal disease of amphibians?


What has warty, dry skin designed for drier climates?


What is the substance that helps reduce moisture loss in the skin of amphibians?


What is the amphibian order containing Caecilians?


What term means ‘no tail’?


What is the study of amphibians and reptiles called?


What do all amphibians have to secrete a white, water poison or a foul tasting substance for defense?

Granular serous glands

What contains pigments that appear black or brown melanin?


What contain yellow colored pigments?


What contains reflective or iridescent pigments?


What makes up the three chambered heart?

Two atria and one ventricle

What is the order of blood flow?

Heart- lungs- heart- body

What is a spermatophore?

Packet of sperm

What type of heart and circulation do larvae have?

Two chambered

Single loop

What does it mean to have a true tongue?

It is attached at the anterior margin of the jaw and folds back over the floor of the mouth.

What adaptation do toads’ tongues have?

A sticky tip used as a flip-and-grab feeding mechanism

Where does food travel during digestion?

Mouth- esophagus- stomach- small intestine- large intestines (colon)- cloaca

What is the flow of excretion?

Kidneys- ureters- small urinary bladder- cloaca

What protects and washes the eyes?

Eyelids and lachrymal glands

What does the tympanic membrane do?

Senses vibrations (hearing)

What are three examples of thermoregulation?

Show dormancy or torpor

Hibernate in winter

Estivate in summer/ desert

What term means ‘leaping’?


How does a frog produce sound?

By passing air back and forth over the vocal cords between the lungs and a large pair of sacs in the floor of the mouth

What is killing amphibians?

Pollution, pesticides, infections, diseases, habitat loss, invasive species, climate change, over harvesting

How do tadpoles keep waterways clean?

By feeding in algae

What is the purpose of aposematic coloration?

To warn other animals that it is toxic or dangerous

What do evolutionists claim to be the first animals adapted to life entirely on land?


What structure allows animals to reproduce without water?

Amniotic egg

Why is the amniotic egg different from fish and amphibian eggs?

They have four extra membranes

What is the amnion?

Thin membrane enclosing the fluid in which the embryo floats

What is the purpose of the allantois?

Store metabolic wastes produced by the embryo

What is the purpose of the yolk sac?

Enclosed yolk (fat-rich food supply for the developing embryo)

What is the chorion?

The outermost membrane of the egg, surrounds all other membranes. It helps protect the embryo and allows water to enter egg while removing carbon dioxide

What is the albumen?

Additional protein and water in the egg

What did reptiles evolve from and when?

From amphibians during the Carboniferous period and displaced amphibians in many environments

What were the first reptiles called?

Stem reptiles

What is known as the age of the reptiles?

The Mesozoic Era