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88 Cards in this Set

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Sherman's special field order 15

Set aside the Sea Islands and 40 acre tracts of land in South Carolina and Georgia for black families

Describes the black response to the ending of the Civil War and the coming of freedom

Blacks focus on family and looks for family members who had been separated from them during the slavery era

after the Civil War what happened in regards to religion

African Americans started their own churches

Anything less than __ would betray the civil wars meaning, black spokesmen insisted

Full citizenship

For most former slaves, freedom meant

Land ownership

The freedmen's Bureau

Made notable achievements in improving African-American education & Healthcare


Was preferred by African Americans to gang labor

During Reconstruction, southern cities

Enjoyed new found prosperity as merchants traded more frequently with the north

To replace the freedmen in the South after the civil war....

Laborers were brought from China

Southern Black Codes

Allowed the arrest on vagrancy charges of former slaves who failed to sign yearly labor contracts

Radical Republicans

Embraced the principle of equal rights for all

The most ambitious, but least successful, of the Radical Republicans aims was

Land reform

When Congress sent Andrew Johnson the civil rights bill of 1866 he

Stated that blacks did not deserve the right to citizenship

The 14th amendment

Marked the most important change in the US Constitution since the Bill of Rights

The 15th amendment

Guarantee that one could not be denied suffrage right based on race

During Reconstruction, Elizabeth Stanton and Susan Anthony

Opposed the 15th amendment

Hiram Revels & Blanche Bruce

The first two black US senators

Southern Republicans during Reconstruction

Established the South's first state supported school

The enforcement acts were designed to

Stop the activities of terrorist groups

Who claimed in the 1870s to have saved the white cells from the corruption and misgovernment of northern and black officials


The US Supreme Court ruled in the slaughterhouse cases that

Most rights of citizens are under the control of state governments

With the beginning of radical reconstruction Southern African Americans took direct action that included

Staking their claim to equal citizenship

The election of 1876

Involved disputed votes in Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana

The bargain of 1877

Resulted in Hayes agreeing to not having the federal government get involved in state politics

Didn't contribute to the explosive economic growth during the Gilded Age

Low tariffs

By 1890, the majority of Americans

Worked for wages

Statement that best summarizes the reasons for the troubling of railroad track miles in the US between 1860 and 1890

Private investment and massive grants of land and money by federal state and local governments spurred the building

In the 19th century, pools, trust, and mergers were

Ways Manufacturers sought to control the marketplace

One significant economic impact of the Second Industrial Revolution was

Frequent and prolonged economic depression

in how the other half lives, Jacob

Focused on the wretched conditions among the urban poor

The Indian victory at Little Bighorn

Only temporarily delayed the advance of white settlement

What was the aim of boarding schools for Indians?

To civilize the Indians, making them Americans as whites defined the term

The Dawes Act of 1887

Divided tribal lands into parcels of land for Indian families

What happened to 86 of the 138 million acres of land

Sold off to white settlers in a series of land rushes

The economic development of the American West was based on

Lumber, mining industries, tourism, and farming

Which event marked the end of the Indian Wars?

The Battle of Wounded Knee

Elections during the Gilded Age

Were closely contested affairs

The Civil Service Act 1883

Created a merit system for government workers

The Interstate Commerce Commission was established in 1887 to

Ensure that railroads charged Farmers and Merchants reasonable and fair rates

The theory of social Darwinism argued that

The theory of evolution applied to humans

The Knights of Labor

Was an inclusive organization that advocated reforms

Who insisted that freedom and spiritual self development...

Walter Rauschenbusch

The social gospel

Called for an equalization of wealth and power

The "Christian lobby"

Sought more to legislate individual morality

Farmers believe that their plight derived from all of the following EXCEPT

The free and unlimited coinage of silver

Which statement about the People's Party is False?

it emerged as an urban, middle-class vehicle for social, economic, and political reform

What was NOT part of the Populist platform?

higher tariffs

How were federal troops used in the Pullman Strike of 1894?

to help suppress the strikers on behalf of the owners

The silver issue

refers to the fight to increase the money supply by minting silver money

The election of 1896

is sometimes called the first modern pres

Who migrated to Kansas during the Kansas Exodus?


By the end of the nineteenth century, African-American men in the south...

were forced out of politics

Which statement about the South after 1890 is FALSE?

Whites feared that northerners would abolish the Jim Crow laws

How did the Civil War come to be remembered by the 1890's as the white North & South moved toward reconciliation?

as a tragic family quarrel among white Americans

What explains the appeal of the Lost Cause mythology for southern whites in the late nineteenth century?

it helped southern whites cope with defeat

The Supreme Court decision US V Wong Kim Ark

the fourteenth Amendment gave Chinese children born in the US citizenship

Founded in 1886, the American Federation of Labor

restricted membership to only skilled workers

Which statement about the Spanish-American War is TRUE?

the war only lasted 4 months

The Teller Amendment stated that

the US would not annex Cuba

The Platt Amendment

authorized the US to intervene militarily in Cuba

The Philippine War

was far longer and bloodier than the Span-Am war

President William McKinley justified US annexation of the Philippines on all of the grounds EXCEPT

the US needed to ensure that the Philippines became an independent democracy

In the Insular Cases, the Supreme Court

held that the constitution did not fully apply to the territories acquired by the US during the Span-Am war

The word "Progressivism" 1910

as a way of describing a loosely defined political movement

The Progressive movement drew its strength from

middle-class reformers

Newspaper & magazine writers who exposed the ills...


During the Progressive Era

new immigration from southern & eastern Europe reached its peak

Asian and Mexican immigrants

clustered in the west as agricultural workers

"Birds of passage" were

immigrants who planned on returning to their homeland

Most new immigrants who arrived during the early years of the twentieth century

lived in close-knit communities

Not true of mass consumption

Southerners fully participated in the mass-consuption society


motion-picture theater

The program that sought to streamline production and boost profits by systematically controlling costs

scientific management

Socialist Pary didn't advocate

national health insurance

By 1912, the socialist party

had elected scores of local officials

False about American Federation of Labor

The AFL proposed an overthrow of the capitalist system

Margaret Sanger

birth control advocate

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Progressive reformers?

Progressives pursued radical

Progressive governor of Wisconsin EXCEPT

promising lower taxes

Electoral reform during the Progressive era

actually limited many Americans right to vote

Jane Addams & Hull House not true

opposed government intervention in regards to workplace safety

Muller V. Oregon

Supreme court

Who used the Sherman Antitrust Act


To create national parks, the federal government

set aside millions of acres from economic development

1912 Freedom act

was woodrow wilson's campaign pledge

New Nationalism & New Freedom differed on issues of

regulating versus trust-busting

As a Progressive president, Woodrow Wilson

signed into law the Keating-Owen act

The Federal Trade Commision

was Woodrow Wilson program