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50 Cards in this Set

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Name the three Indian groups in Central and South America who built large civilizations before Columbus came
What does the word nomadic mean?
To constantly move from place to place in search of food
The Indians in ____________ ____________ did not form large nations.
North America
Which North American Indian group was known for its peaceful confederations?
Woodlands Indians
Which North American Indian group was known for building burial mounds?
Woodlands Indians
Which group of North American Indians used their horses as they hunted buffalo?
Plains Indians
Which Indian group lived in hogans?
Great Basin & Plateau Indians
What is a hogan?
an earth-covered lodge
Which group of North American Indians were known for their use of totem poles?
West Coast Indians
Which group of North American Indians were known for eating salmon and oysters?
West Coast Indians
What is the false belief that spirits live in objects in nature and also in natural events?
Name the European who reached America before Columbus?
Leif Ericson
What is another name for Norsemen?
What are some of the things that Europeans wanted from the Orient?
Who sponsored Columbus' voyage of discovery?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain
Columbus thought he had reached the _______________.
Who was most responsible for encouraging European exploration?
Christopher Columbus
Essay - Using at least four sentences explain how Spain, France, & England each pursued different goals int he New World.
PP. 6-9; 10
Why is America named after Amerigo Vespucci?
Because he was the first person to realize that Columbus had discovered a "new world".
What Spanish word means conquerors?
On what part of the New World did Spain focus its attention?
Central & South America
Why did Spain focus its attention in the New World on Central & South America?
Because of the mineral treasures there (like gold)
Who was the first European to see the land that is now the United States?
Juan Ponce de Leon
Who was the first European to see the Grand Canyon?
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
Which exploroer discovered the adobe villages of the Pueblo Indians?
Franciscio Vasquez de Coronado
Who claimed the Atlantic coast of North America for England?
John Cabot
Who were the "Sea Dogs"?
group of English sea captains who destroyed Spanish harbors and ships
Who was the most famous of the English Sea Dogs?
Sir Francis Drake
Which English queen favored Sir Francis Drake?
Queen Elizabeth I
After the Reformation, England became a ________________ country.
What was the religion of Spain?
Roman Catholicism
After the sea power of Spain was weakened, which country was able to colonize in the New World?
After losing its sea power, _____________ could no longer threaten England in North America.
Which explorer discovered the St. Lawerence River?
Jacques Cartier
Who claimed the Mississippi River for France?
Robert de La Salle
The French settled along major ___________.
Who were the French Protestants?
Where the French Protestant Huguenots allowed to settle in the New World?
Which country controlled the fur market in the New World?
What was the first English attempt to colonize the New World?
The Lost Colony
What man organized the founding of the Lost Colony?
Sir Walter Raleigh
On what island in North Carolina was the Lost Colony founded?
Roanoke Island
In what year was Jamestown founded?
Which Indian group lived in the part of Virginia where the English settled?
Powhatan Indians
Essay - Using at least 3 sentences, why were the first years at Jamestown so difficult?
P. 12
1. Little cooperation among settlers
2. Sickness
3. Impure water
4. Mosquitos
5. Indian attacks
6. Famine during "starving time"
At first, did the settlers at Jamestown cooperate with one another?
The first Africans in Jamestown probably lived and worked with the _______________ ___________.
indentured servants
What was the first representative assembly in America?
House of Burgesses
List the 3 major achievements of the Jamestown colony.
1. First representative law-making body in America
2. Developed crops to raise and sell to Europe
3. 1st permanent English settlement in the New World
What was the first permanent English settlement in the New World?