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20 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is the best definition of the"Process of Incorporation?"

Gradually applying most of the provisions of the Bill of Rights to the states and state laws using the "Due Process" clause of the 14th Amendment

According to the Federalists, the advantage of federalism over a confederation was that it:

Divides power between the federal and state governments

Americans' belief in procedural guarantees is reflected in all of the following EXCEPT:

Affirmative action

According to James Madison, the effects of factions are best managed by:

A large republic

In authoritarian systems _________, whereas in nonauthoritarian systems _________.

government makes substantive decisions about how people ought to live their lives, government merely guarantees that there are fair rules and leaves the rest to individual control

According to the text, Americans believe that democratic decisions are fair because:

They are democratic.

Compared with most countries, in the United States the range of the ideological spectrum is:

Narrower because of our shared political culture

The Great Compromise:

Established a legislature with equal representation for each state in the Senate and representation by state population in the House

________ can be described as a system or an organization for exercising authority over a body of people.


The key concept of the pluralist theory of democracy is that the following is the key to political power:

Citizen participation in groups

A set of beliefs about politics and society that helps people make sense of their world is called:

An ideology

All of the following statements concerning the Federalist Papers are true, EXCEPT they:

Were intended as a philosophical treatise in support of democracy and preserving the power of the states

Shays' rebellion demonstrated:

Frustration of debtors and failure of the Articles of Confederation

The difference between the Native American view of property and the European view of property was that:

Native Americans believed in communal property, whereas the Europeans believed in private property.

The American concept of equality tends to consist of ensuring

That the rules treat everyone the same

Students should be very wary of the following when reading statistical data EXCEPT:

Any attempt to discern complicated patterns over time

A political system in which the state holds all power over the social order is:

Authoritarian government

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech & Abraham Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" share which of the following shared qualities?

A sense of justice rooted in the American sense of mission and the Declaration of Independence

All of the following were contributors to Texas' impact on the K-12 textbook market, except?

National educational standards

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the status of rights in the Constitution and amendments?

There are no absolute rights no matter what it seems to say in the Constitution. Rights must be balanced between competing rights and between governmental powers also listed in the Constitution