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47 Cards in this Set

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Benefits of using database systems

1. data integration and sharing

2. minimal data redundancy

3. cross-functional analysis and reporting

Database systems > file-oriented

Database systems separate physical and logical views. This facilitates developing new applications using a logical view

Difference between file-oriented and relational

File-oriented: more unstructured data store for arbitrary, unrelated data. More general

Relational: built on top of the general data storage services provided by file systems

Difference between logical and physical view

Logical: how people conceptually organize and understand the data

Physical: how and where data are physically arranged an stored in the computer system.

3 types of schemas

conceptual, external, internal

Conceptual-level schema

organization wide view of entire database listing all data elements and relationships between them

External-level schema

set of individual user views of subschemas

Internal-level schema

provides a low level view of database including descriptions about pointer,s indexes, record lengths, etc

Role of accountants in the development of schemas

involved in conceptual and external levels

Data dictionary- def

the "blueprint" of the structure of the database and includes data elements, field types, programs that use the elements, outputs, etc.

How does a DBMS facilitate creating, changing, and querying data

-creating data through DDL

-changing data through DML

-querying data through DQL

4 DMBS languages- who uses each

-DDL and DML used by authorized administrators and programmers

-DQL and Report writer used by users

DDL (data definition language)

builds the data dictionary, creates the database, describes logical view for users and specifies records or field security constraints

DML (data manipulation language)

changes database content, including data element updates, insertions, and deletions

DQL (data query language)

contains powerful, easy to use commands that enable users to receive, sort, order, and display data

Report Writer

simplifies report creation

What sort of info is contained in the data dictionary

new or deleted data elements and changes in data element names, descriptions, or uses

-ex: records containing a specific data item, source of the data item, field type

Primary key

uniquely define a specific row in a table

Foreign key

used to link tables

Other nonkey attributes

store info about that entity

2 advantages of semantic data modeling over normalization

1. facilitates efficient design of transaction processing databases.

2. facilitates communication with system users, which helps ensure the new system meets users' actual needs

How does redundancy apply to database design

Databases store all data in one uniform data which leads to redundancy, which makes fie maintenance time-consuming and error prone

Explain the relational database data model

represents conceptual and external-level schemas as if data are store in tables, in the manner described in the internal-level schema

4 basic requirements when logically designing a relational database model

1. every column in a row must be single valued

2. primary keys cannot be null

3. foreign keys must have values that correspond to the value of the primary key in another table

4. all nonkey attributes must describe a characteristic of the object identified by the primary key

What is meant by, "Accountants can and should participate in all stages of the database design process"

make sure steps are followed properly

Describe an REA data model

-developed specifically for use in designing AIS

-provides guidance for database design by identifying what entities should be included and prescribing how to structure relationships

Define cardinality

describe the nature of the relationship between 2 entities by indicating how many instances of one entity can be linked to each specific instance of another entity

Steps in developing an REA diagram

-identify events about which management wants to collect info

-identify the resources affected by each event and the agents who participate in those events

-determine the cardinalities of each relationship

Explain how an AIS system can be viewed as a set of "give-to-get" exchanges

-events must be linked to at least one resource that they affect

-"Get"= increase quantity of inventory and amount of cash

-"Give"= decrease quantity of inventory and amount of cash

Define min and max cardinalities

1:1= max cardinality for each entity is 1

1:N= max of 1 entity is 1 and other is many

M:N= max for both is many


-links the way data are physically stored with each user's logical view of the data

-allows users to access, query, or update the database with out reference to how or where data are physically stored

Data warehouse

contains detailed and summarized data for many years and used for analysis

Business intelligence

using a data warehouse for strategic decision making

2 types BI

data mining and OLAP

Data mining

using statistical analysis to discover unhypothesized relationships


using queries to guide the investigation of hypothesized relationships

Update/insert/delete anomaly

update- when data values are recorded incorrectly

insert- when certain attributes can't be inserted without the presence of other attributes

delete- when deleting a row has unintended consequences

Two approaches to database design

normalization and semantic data modeling


assumes everything is initially stored in one large table and decomposed into a set of tables


set of tables free of anomalies

Database design process (5 steps)

1. system analysis

2. conceptual design

3. physical design

4. implementation and conversion

5. operation and maintenance

ER diagrams

-graphical technique for portraying a database schema

- shows the various entities being modeled and the important relationships among them


resources- have economic value to the organization

ex: cash, inventory


events- various business activities that management wants to collect info on

ex: sales, purchases, payroll, receive/disburse cash


agents- people and organizations that participate in events about whom info is desired for planning, control, and evaluation purposes

ex: employees, customers, suppliers

A well-structured relational database

every tables must be related to at least one other table

What stage of the database design process is data modeling

system analysis, conceptual design, physical design