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21 Cards in this Set

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The passage of time does not cause change..it is a marker variable. Explain.

You go through puberty NOT because of the ticking clock; the passage of time is marker variable, it does NOT cause change, it correlates with change. (Change is caused by G&E)

Explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative change and give examples

Quantitative change-- slow gradual; continuous change

Examples: growing bones, learning in school, way we act-eye contact

Qualitative change-- rapid change; discontinuous; change in state or quality

Examples: breaking bones, stroke, puberty,belief systems, way we act-getting married

Discuss the human developmentalists need to differentiate normal from normative. Be sure to discuss non-normtive and normal.

Mission of Developmental Psychologists:

1. Describe

2. Predict

3. Explain

4. Control: impact


Normative: the broad middle

Non-normative: the outside (of the hill figure)

All change is caused by the dynamic interaction between genes and environment. Explain and be sure to discuss the terms "all" and "and".

Genes-- set the broad and narrow limits

Environment-- sets you within these limits

Ex. Two identical twins from third world country; only one gets adopted and taken to USA; in the end have some similarities caused by their genes and some differences caused by their different environments

What are confounding variables?

Give examples.

What does good research do?

History Cofound?

Cofounding variables--other possible outcomes

Independent variables--what the experimenter manipulates (cause)

Dependent variables--what the research measures; or observations of behavior (effect)

Good research--eliminates the confounding variables

History cofound--any event that occurs in parallel with manipulation of the independent variable. (Ex. drug prevention in school leads to increase in overdoses)

Longitudinal Stuides--

Cross Sectional Studies--

Longitudinal-- (cofounded with time of measurement) when you study one person or same people over a certain amount of time; goal: to get rid of the cohort differences.

Cohort= group of people with common experiences

Cross Sectional--(cofounded with cohort) when you look at two or more age groups at the same time; examines age differences; goal: studies changes.

Cofounded by cohort=

1. Group of people with common experience

ex. i am a: student

2. A group of people around the same age --> relate age to common experiences

ex. baby boomers, generation x

What is the flaw in using testimonials as the basis for decision?

Testimonials are flawed as science, because what is true for one may not generalize

ex. Pentz Diet story--only 25% of people lost wightl other percentage left over either stayed the same or even gained weight. media only allows us to see testimonials on people who lost weight.

Difference between growth and development?

Development--unfolding of human potential in each persons unique environment (includes positive and negatives)

Growth--getting larger physically (includes developmental growth and aging growth)

Middle Age

1. Crisis...

Not universal why have it?


3. Empty nest: children leave the house

4. sandwich generation: taking care of both parent and child at same time

5. Cathetic flexibility: the ability to reinvest your physical, emotional, and intellectual energies from one direction to another when a barrier is placed in your path

Barriers that prevent us from thinking we are not "sciences"

1. Domain

2. Apparatus

3. White coat

4. complexity

5. laws

6. certainty

Probabilistic statements

--comes from a good research and acts as a guideline to maximize the likelihood an event will occur.

Don't go through life guessing..

There are always accept ions to the P.S.


5. Adolesences= Identity vs. Role Confusion

6. Young adulthood= Intimacy vs. Isolation

7. Middle age= generatively vs. Isolation

8. Older adult= Integrity vs. Despair

Cultural Markers that represent adolescence?




-Vision quest--indians

-Rights of passage for women: don't exist bc they have periods


1. Dream

2. Occupation

3. Mentor

4. Relationship

Dual Track of Gender Association--

Androgynous Track--

Dual track--gender itensification= 1. at birth 2. adolescence 3. when parents get pregnant; emphasizes differences in opposite sexes; women-feminine/ men- masculine

Androgynous track-- (purple) = role latitude & role overload; having behavioral characteristics that are both masculine and feminine

Gender scripts--


Gender scripts--

Socialization-- the passing on of values, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs in an individual society

Alzheimers disease

-Almost all issues decrease with age except one: chronic brain disorder

-alzheimers = chronic brain disorder

-caused by genes and environment

-very few people begin to manifest alzheimers disease before the age of 45; after that age there is a higher chance that they are suffering from it

-slow and gradual disease= qualitative

-it is irreversable

-brain scan studies are developing

-*acidocoline--not functioning properly


Goals of therapy:

1. Help people live better

2. Education

3. Supportive

4. Life review--integrity vs despair; life = more positive

5. Short --b/c your older

Terry Shivo--

Terry Shaivo--Terri Schiavo entered a vegetative state in 1990 for undetermined reasons, possibly related to her long-term, untreated bulimia. In this persistent vegetative state she remained the last fifteen years of her life. Both Schiavo's doctors and her court-appointed doctors expressed the opinion that there existed no hope of rehabilitation. Her husband, Michael Schiavo, contended that it was his wife's wish that she not be kept alive through unnatural, mechanical means.

Dr. Kovorkian--

In 1989, a quadriplegic, too handicapped to kill himself, publicly asked for assistance, and Dr. Kevorkian began tinkering on a suicide machine. But a different patient -- Janet Adkins, a 54-year-old with Alzheimer's -- was the first to test the device. It worked. Kevorkian then provided services to at least 45 and possibly more satisfied customers.

In 1997, however, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Americans who want to kill themselves -- but are physically unable to do so -- have no Constitutional right to end their lives. Kevorkian was sentenced to 10-25 years in prison, but was paroled in 2007, in failing health and nearing his own death.

Britney Maynerd--

Maynard was born in Anaheim, California, on November 19, 1984.[1] On January 1, 2014, she was diagnosed with grade 2 astrocytoma, a form of brain cancer,[4][6] and had a partial craniotomy and a partial resection of her temporal lobe.[7] The cancer returned in April 2014, and her diagnosis was then elevated to grade 4 astrocytoma, also known as glioblastoma, with a prognosis of six months to live.[7]

She moved from California to Oregon to take advantage of Oregon's Death with Dignity Law,[4] saying she had decided that "death with dignity was the best option for me and my family."[6][8] She partnered with Compassion & Choices to create the Brittany Maynard Fund, which seeks to legalize aid in dying in states where it is now illegal.[4] She also wrote a piece for CNN titled "My Right to Death with Dignity at 29".[9]

On October 29, 2014, she stated that "it doesn't seem like the right time right now" but that she would still end her own life at some future point.[10]Maynard planned to end her life on November 1, 2014, with drugs prescribed by her doctor.[11]