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46 Cards in this Set

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The late 1800's
era of CHANGE
First shot of Civil War
April 12, 1861
Alexander Graham Bell
Telephone patent 1876
By 1869 ______ spanned continent
___________ in urban center by 1880's
Electric Lights
Nation's population doubled between _____ & _____
jingoistic solidarity
chauvinistic; believed they were better than other parts
Hegemony of world affairs
we dominated the political landscape worldwide
Spirit of _________ & ____________ is overwhelming.
Spirit of OPTIMISM & SPECULATION is overwhelming.
South recovered slowly from Reconstruction: _________ _________ ended, exploitation of _________ diminished
South recovered slowly from Reconstruction: MILITARY OCCUPATION ended, exploitation of CARPETBAGGERS diminished
Native Americans
suffered greater than ever
Assimilation of Native American prompted via ________ _________ Act of _____
General Allotment Act of 1887
Undermined tribal sovereignty by __________ policy that __________ individuals from _________ heritage and customs.
Undermined tribal sovereignty by EDUCATIONAL policy that SEPARATED individuals from TRIBAL heritage and customs.
Boarding schools discouraged ______________ ________ & ____________ ___________
native languages & traditional practices
_________________ transformed peoples from California to New Mexico into Americans in political sense
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
13th Amendment in ________ freed _________ slaves and began _____________(1866-1877)
1865; 4 million; Reconstruction
Abandoned by _________ ___________ & __________ party, blacks oppressed by "____ _____" laws
Abandoned by SUPREME COURT & REPUBLICAN party, blacks oppressed by "JIM CROW" laws
___% of southern land was owned by __% of whites---sharecropping and _________ farming typical
60% of land; 10% of whites; tenant farming typical
By 1900, _/_ of southern ________ population tenant farmers
3/4ths of southern black population
Ku Klux Klan organized in ____(year)
1885-1910 ---- over ________ __________ documented
3500 lynchings
happy darky and self-sacrificing Mammy
Minstrel shows
Some claimed blacks were ____
non-human and likely doomed to extinction
Retrogressionist argument
black had deteriorated after freed from slavery
---- depicted noble South with kindly master and loyal slaves.
Plantation school of novelists
Thomas Dixon's __________________ resulted in __________ in 1915
The Clansman; The Birth of a Nation
Writers moved from _____________ toward __________.
romanticism to realism
transcendentalism is a form of ______
Realists emphasize
Realist view life _________
Realists writers attempt to be __________ and ___________ of life.
observer & reporter
____________, writers who realistically depicted the daily and common actualities and dialect of their localities
Didactic = ___________
Regionalists often surrendered to _________ impulses shunned by rigid realists

Authors caught between __________ of older world and ____________ of new one

Regionalists ____________ characters in support of __________ moral judgements or ideals
The ____ Age (tainted) lasted from _____-_____
Gilded; 18700-1880
Gilded Age was labeled by _____ and ________
Twain and Charles Dudley Warner
Large demand for _______ attracted _______ immigrants in population of 40 million.
labor; 7.5 million
Uneducated and underprivileged began to for America's first _________ class in European sense
a.)_____________ work conditions
b.)__to__hour workdays
Realistic in their aims, ______________ emerged on literary scene in _______.
(realists on crack, extreme realists)
_________ rely on empirical description of experience
Naturalist foremost concerned with concrete factors in ___________ & ____________. (nature vs. nurture)
character and environment
_____________ motivated by note of pessimistic determinism, spiritual unrest, and disturbed religious faith.
______,_____,_____,______ posthumously grow in popularity.
Cooper, Irving, Poe, Hawthorne
____,______,______ alive and grow in popularity
Emerson, Longfellow, Lowell
Emerging modern American literature often thought of as beginning before ______ ____ when optimistic voice of ____ _______ first heard.
Civil War
Walt Whitman