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7 Cards in this Set

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computed tomography (CT)

produces axial and coronal views

image is reconstructed by computer and recorded as:

matrix of individual blocks called voxels

each square of image is a pixel

each pixel is assigned a CT number (proportion to attenuation of x-ray beam)

CT range:

-1000 - +1000

air is -1000

water is 0

dense bone is +1000

advantages and disadvantages of CT


eliminates superimposition of structures

higher contrast resolution

can differentiate soft tissues


metallic artifact

higher radiation dose

CT applications

diagnosis of maxillofacial complex (tumor, trauma, inflammation)

salivary gland disease


cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)

produces 3D imaging of jaws and teeth

uses pulsed cone-shaped x-ray beam that produces 150-600 "basis" images

composed of voxels:

superior dimensional accuracy in reconstruction process of raw data

image can be viewed in axial, sagittal, coronal, and cross-sectional planes

CBCT applications

oral and maxillofacial diagnosis

ortho and endo planning

TMJ abnormalities

3rd molar extractions

airway assessment (sleep apnea)

bone graft assessments

dental implants:

assess bone quantity and quality, shape and anatomy

virtual implant placement to form surgical template

NOT recommended for caries detection

identifies bone defects and furcation involvements

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

T1-weighted image:

short TR and TE

high signal in fat and bone marrow

intermediate signal in muscle

low signal in air, cortical bone, fibrocartilage, ligament

good for anatomic detail structures

T2-weighted image:

long TR and TE

high signal in water (edema, cystic lesions, CSF)

intermediate signal in muscle

low signal in air, cortical bone, fibrocartilage, ligament

good for pathology

MRI applications

internal derangements of TMJ (ADD with/without reduction)

diagnosis of soft tissue neoplasms

infectious diseases

pathology related to cranial nerves