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112 Cards in this Set

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List the types of electromagnetic radiation in order of decreasing frequency

Gamma rays, X-rays, UV, visible light IR, microwaves, radiowaves

State the differences between wavelength and wave number

Wave number is the reciprocal of wavelength (distance between 2 wave crests).

i.e. wave number = 1/wavelength (waves per metre - units: m^-1)

Describe atomic emission spectrum

sufficient energy supplied to atom

☆electron promoted to higher level

☆electron falls back down

☆photon emitted (energy = difference in energy of levels)

position of lines = what is present; intensity = how much is present

no colours seen: insufficient energy supplied or light emitted not visible

●energy levels further from nucleus = closer together to form continuum

State 3 transition series

Lyman: transitions fall from higher energy levels to n = 1 (UV emitted)

Balmer: n = 2 (visible light)

Paschen: n = 3 (IR)

What are emission & absorption spectra used for?

• to quantify/identify elements

emission: measures radiation

emitted when electrons fall

absorption: measures radiation

required to promote electrons

In absorption spec, how does ion concentration effect radiation absorbed?

As concentration of ion in solution increases, there is an increase in intensity of radiation absorbed.

Define principal quantum number

What shell is the electron in?

• higher value of "n" - further

electrons are from nucleus

• increased "n": atomic orbitals

increase in size & energy

Discuss angular momentum quantum number (l)

What subshell is electron in? (And therefore what shape is orbital?)

•4 subshells: s (spherical), p

(dumbell), d (dumbell) & f

• s = 2e; 3 × p = 6e; 5 × d = 10e

•1st shell: s, 2nd: s + p, 3rd: s, p + d

•quantified as values of "l" - s: l = 0,

p: l = 1, d: l = 2 (l = n - 1)

Define magnetic quantum number (m)

What orientation in space are they?

•spherical are non-directional

•values of "m" range from -l +l

○e.g. d subshell: l = 2, so m =

[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] (5 orientations)

Define spin quantum number (s)

Is the electron spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

•spins are equal and opposite, so

that they can co-exist in 1 orbital

• s = +1/2 (clockwise) or -1/2 (anti)

Define degenerate orbitals & state how many electrons an orbital holds

•degenerate orbitals = same energy

•orbital holds a max. of 2 electrons

Define atomic orbital

Region in space where probability of finding an electron is high (over 90%)

State how to calculate number of orbitals & electrons in energy level

How many orbitals? = n2

• e.g. n = 3 ➡ 9 orbitals (1 x s, 3 x p, 5 x d)

How many electrons? = 2n2

• e.g. n = 3 ➡ 18 electrons

State the Pauli Exclusion Principle

an orbital can't have more than 2 electrons AND they must have opposite spins

State Hund's Rule

In degenerate orbitals, electrons will fill each orbital singly with parallel spins, before pairing (electrons won't favour a particular orbital)

State the Aufbau Principle

When electrons are placed into orbitals, electrons are filled in order of increasing energy

State Heinsberg's Uncertainty Principle

The more precisely you know one quantity, the less precisely you can know another associated quantity

Define ionisation energy

The energy required to removed 1 mole of electrons from 1 mole of gaseous atoms/ions

State and explain trends in ionisation energy across the periodic table

increases across period

▪ more protons = increased

nuclear charge

▪ exceptions due to stability

associated with full/half-full or

empty subshells

decreases down group

▪ electrons in larger atoms are

further from nucleus

▪ inner electrons "shield" nucleus

What is the oxidation number of an atom?

The number of electrons needed to be added/removed from an element for it to combine to form a compound.

e.g. ox. number of Cl in HClO2 is +3 - 3 electrons need to be removed from Cl

Define oxidation & reduction

•oxidation is loss of electrons (increase in O:H ratio - more O for every H)

•reduction is gain of electrons

(decrease in O:H ratio - less O for every H)

Define transition metals

Metallic elements with an incomplete d subshell in at least 1 of their ions

State which is filled first in transition metal subshells - 4s or 3d?

•when filling, 4s is filled before 3d - 4s has lower energy than 3d even though it is further from the nucleus

•when emptying, 4s emptied before 3d - repulsion of electrons in 3d push 4s to higher energy level

State two transition metals which don't follow the Aufbau Principle

Chromium - 4s13d5 (not 4s23d4)

Copper - 4s13d10 (not 4s23d9)

○special stability of full/half full 3d

State 2 transition metal elements that don't comply with the definition

Scandium - only ion is 3+ (empty d)

Zinc - only ion is 2+ (full d)

State 4 properties of transition metals

○ form coloured ions

form complexes

have variable oxidation states

○ show catalytic activity

Define a complex

Central metal ion surrounded by ligands

Define ligand

Negative ions or neutral molecules with 1 or more non-bonding pairs

Define and provide examples of monodentate, bidentate & hexadentate ligands

monodentate: 1 pair of electrons donated to central ion (Cl- & H2O)

bidentate: 2 pairs (oxalate ion) - look for 2 functional groups

hexadentate: 6 pairs (EDTA)

• bind to central ion in 1:1 ratio

chelating agent ("claws" at ions)

Define coordination number

Number of direct links to the central metal ion - specied outside [] aren't directly links, simply maintain charge

• e.g. 6:6 coordination - each X ion

surrounded by 6 Y (& vice versa)

Compare covalent and dative covalent bonds

Covalent: shared pair of electrons

Dative (coordinate bond): both electrons come from the same atom. (e.g. NH4+)

*once formed, indistinguishable

Describe the process of naming complexes

ligands named first (alphabetically), then metal & its oxidation state

○ ligand preceded by prefix showing number of ligands (di, tri, etc...)

○ metal name followed by oxidation number (I, II, III, etc...)

○ negative ligand ending in -ide-o (e.g. chloride ➡ chloro)

○ negative complex, transition metal ends in -ate (e.g. copper ➡ cuprate)

○ salt complex, +ve then -ve (Na+Cl-)

State 3 neutral ligands & their name in a complex

ammonia (NH3) ➡ ammine

carbon monoxide (CO) ➡ carbonyl

water (H2O) ➡ aqua

Describe how we see colour

○ white light shines, some light absorbed

○ transmitted light = white - absorbed

○ transmitted is complementary colour to absorbed light.

● e.g. red absorbed ➡ blue + green (cyan) transmitted

● blue absorbed ➡ red + green (yellow) transmitted

● green absorbed ➡ blue + red (magenta) transmitted

Describe colour in transition metals

• 5 × 3d orbitals degenerate

• ligand arrives & bonds to metal

• orbitals split due to repulsion

• 2 × 3d orbitals raised energy levels; 3 × 3d orbitals lowered energy levels

• electrons in lower 3d can absorb energy & be promoted to higher 3d

• if energy absorbed has wavelength equal to visible light, complementary colour is transmitted

Explain the effect of different ligands on d-d transitions

• stronger ligands cause a bigger split in 3d subshells

• bigger split: more energy difference between levels - shorter wavelength absorbed

List ligands in order of decreasing strength

CN- > NH3 > H2O > OH- > F- > Cl- > Br- > I-

State the name of the theory of d-d transitions and describe the conditions of the theory

Crystal Field Theory - only for octahedral complexes with incomplete 3d subshells with at least 1 × 3d electrons

Describe why transition metals are used as catalysts

• transition metals on active site form weak bonds with substrates

unpaired d electrons allow intermediate complexes to form

• substrate covalent bonds weaken

substrate more susceptible to attack by reactant molecules

• alternate pathway with lower Ea

State transition metal catalysts used in 3 processes

[iron] in Haber process (ammonia)

[platinum] in Ostwald (nitric acid)

[platinum], [rhodium] & [palladium] in catalytic converters

Describe the circumstances affecting position of dynamic equilibrium

Rate of forward reaction = rate of backward.

• Conc. of products/reactants

constant, not equal.

• Forward & backward continue,

but at same speed.

● Position if equilibrium changed by:

• altering conc. of reactant/product

• changing pressure if moles differ

• altering temp. (+ heat: endo; -

heat: exothermic)

Describe implications of magnitude of equilibrium constant (K)

Magnitude of K: equilibrium position

K > 1 ➡ products favoured

K = 1 ➡ equal split (50/50)

K < 1 ➡ reactants favoured

What states of reactants/products are in equilibrium expression?

solids not included (activity = 1)

• in heterogeneous equilibria, liquids aren't included (considered solvents)

What affects the equilibrium constant?

Only temperature:

▪ endothermic reaction: + temp. ➡ products favoured ➡ [products]:[reactants] increased ➡ K increased

▪ exothermic: + temp. ➡ reactants favoured ➡ [products]:[reactants] decreased ➡ K decreased

Conc./pressure/catalysts don't:

aA + bB ↔ cC + dD

• increase A ➡ used to increase C/D, but not all is used up ➡ A higher; B lower; C & D proportionally higher ➡ same ratio ➡ "K" constant

Describe the partition coefficient

• liquids that don't mix: immiscible

polar solutes dissolve in polar solvents (water); non-polar (hydrocarbons) in non-polar

• add substance more/less soluble in 2 immiscible liquids & shake

• when settled, conc. in each layer is constant, but there is interchange between liquid layers (equilibrium)

▪ "K" is called patition coefficient

State uses for partition coefficients

extract & purify product from reaction mixtute (solvent extraction)

• uses separating funnel

e.g. coffee/water/dichloromethane

▪ caffeine more soluble in dichloro

than water, can be removed via


method improved by extracting multiple times or using several small volumes of extracting solvent

Describe the water equilibrium (ionic product of water)

H2O(l) + H2O(l) ↔ H3O+(aq) + OH- (aq)

• (H3O+): hydronium ion (hydrated

protons). (H-): hydride ion

• H+ & OH- ➡ water conducts

• equal H+ & OH- ➡ pH 7

endothermic (-ve) ➡ equilibrium

lies to the left

• ionic product (Kw): 1×10-14

amphoteric: acts as acid & base

Describe the pH scale

logarithmic scale: pH change of 1 unit ➡ [H+] change of 10

▪ dilute strong acid by 10; pH

change of 1 unit

▪ dilute weak acid by 10; pH

change of 0.5 unit

• in chemistry, "p" = -log

pH × pOH = 14

• [OH-] × [H+] = 1 ×10-14

Compare strong & weak acids/bases

strong acid is completely ionised in aqueous solution (HCl, HNO3, H2SO4). Stronger acids have more than 1 ionisable proton (polyprotic)

weak acid is partially ionised, forming an equilibrium (H2SO3)

strong base: NaOH, KOH

weak base: ammonia/amminrs

Define Brønsted-Lowry acids/bases

• Brønsted-Lowry acid donates H+

• Brønsted-Lowry base accepts H+

Define Lewis acid/bases

Lewis base: can donate unpaired electrons (forming covalent bond)

Lewis acid: can accept unpaired electrons (forming covalent bond)

Describe conjugate acids & bases

• whatever is left of acid after proton is donated - conjugate base

whatever is left of base after proton is accepted - conjugate acid

stronger acid/base ➡ weaker conjugate base/acid

Describe the acid dissociation constant (Ka)

• for every H+ ion produced, an A- ion must be produced also

• in solution of weak acid, only a small proportion of original acid molecules dissociate into ions

• smaller Ka stronger base

Explain buffer solutions

Buffer: pH remains approx. constant when small amounts of acid/base/water are added

• acid buffer: weak acid + salt

• basic buffer: weak base + salt

e.g. ethanoic acid/sodium ethanoate

▪ + acid: H+ reacts with CH3COOH- ➡ more CH3COOH [H+] same

▪ + base: H+ reacts with OH- more CH3COOH dissociates [H+] same

Discuss use of indicators

• used in acid/base titrations - change colour at end point

• usually weak acids (conjugate base)

• pH range of indicator must coincide with point at which pH of titre rapidly changes (half-way down vertical)

Define bond enthalpy & mean bond enthalpy

bond enthalpy: specific bind within specific molecule (O=O only in O2)

mean bond enthalpy: average for particular bond measured over many types of molecule (C-H in lots)

Define standard enthalpy of formation

Enthalpy change when 1 mole of substance is formed from its elements in their standard states

State the 2nd law of thermodynamics

In any spontaneous process, overall degree of disorder (entropy) must increase

Define electron affinity

E(g) + e- ➡ E- (g)

Energy required to add 1 mole of electrons to 1 mole of gaseous atoms (reverse ionisation energy)

What is the total entropy change of a system at equilibrium?

Total entropy change = 0

Entropy of any substance at 0K = 0

What is the effect of exo-/endothermic reactions on entropy?

Exothermic ➡ increased entropy

Endothermic ➡ decreased entropy

Discuss circumstances indicating feasibility of reactions

• Change in entropy: positive for feasible reaction

Gibbs free energy: negative for feasible reaction (just feasible at 0)

▪ at equilibrium, change in G = 0

Define empirical formula & state how it is determined.

Shows simplest whole number ratio of atoms in a compound.

Determined by elemental microanalysis

How are molecular orbitals formed?

Overlap between 2 atomic orbitals where a maximum of 2 electrons can be found

Describe the energy of molecular orbitals

• one of the MO (bonding) has lower energy than the atomic orbitals

▪ lower energy = covalent bond of

high electron density. Electron is

attracted to both nuclei (stable)

• other MO (anti-bonding) has higher

▪ low electron density, cancelling

each other out (less stable)

Describe difference between sigma and pi bonds

sigma: electrons along internuclear axis (end-on overlaps)

pi: p-orbitals can also overlap side-on (in double/triple bonds)

• sigma stronger than pi - second bond in C=C has less energy than 1st

Describe hybridisation

• electron from 2s promoted to empty 2p orbital

• 2s orbital mixes with 3 × 2p orbitals, forming 4 degenerate sp3 hybrid orbitals - used in alkanes

• alkenes use sp2 hybrids: 2s orbital mixes with two 2p orbitals

• alkynes use sp hybrids: 2s orbital mixes with one 2p

Discuss the bonding continuum

Non-polar covalent

bonding electrons shared equally

Polar covalent

bonding electrons shared unequal

•greater difference in electronegativity more polar greater ionic character

Ionic bonding

bonding electrons transferred from one atom to another (X+:Y-)

Describe colour in organic compounds

• electrons fill bonding before anti

• HOMO: electrons with highest E

• LUMO: lowest energy, unoccupied

• lower gap between HOMO and LUMO allows colour to be emitted

• conjugated molecules lowers gap: light absorbed in visible region

Define homolytic and heterolytic bond fission

Homolytic: products are the same - free radicals formed (unpaired electrons - very reactive)

Heterolytic: products are different - positive and negative ions formed

Define carbocation ion

• intermediate in organic processes

• very unstable:

▪ doesn't have share of 8 electrons

▪ only makes three bonds

electrophile (+ve charge)

• tertiary carbocat most stable

State Markovnikov's Rule

Hydrogen atom of small molecule will attach to the C of the double bond that is already bonded to the most H atoms

How are halogens (X-X) and hydrogen halides (H-X) added to molecules?

Halogens (X-X): cyclic intermediate formed - repulsion of double bond polarises X-X, breaking heterolytically

Hydrogen halides (H-X): carbocat ion formed - pi electrons form bond between C & electrophile

Define elimination

Atoms are removed from one organic molecule, and a double bond forms between two C atoms.

• e.g. dehydration (alcohol alkene) catalysed by conc. sulfuric acid

e.g. removal of atoms on C atoms of a haloalkane - catalyst: strong alkali dissolved in alcohol (e.g. NaOH in ethanol)

Describe free radical substitution

stability of alkanes means a lot of energy required for substitution

• reactions produce mixture of products, so aren't useful for specific haloalkane production

• takes place in 3 steps:

initiation - energy breaks bond


propagation - radicals formed to

maintain reaction

termination - radicals removed &

full molecules produced

Describe electrophilic substitution

Nucleophiles (e.g. benzene and its compounds) react like this

electrophiles attack pi electron

cloud & groups subtituted

▪ benzene's pi ring makes it very

stable, so doesn't do addition

○ Benzene + NO2+

○ Benzene + CH3Cl

○ Benzene + FeCl3

Discuss nucleophilic substitution

nucleophiles (halide ions, cyanide, hydroxide, water & ammonia) attack electrophiles

SN1: two step mechanism, carbocat intermediate, one species in rds, tertiary haloalkanes react like this

▪ C-X bond polarised

▪ nucleophile attacks carbocat

SN2: 1 step mechanism, transition state intermediate, 2 species in rds, primary/secondary react like thid

▪ C-X partially broken; C-Nu is

partially formed

▪ transition state as carbocat would

be unstable

Define condensation

Two molecules combine to form larger molecule + small biproduct (usually water)

Describe the processes of esterification

carboxylic acid + alcohol

ester + water

acid chloride + alcohol

ester + HCl

How are amides formed?

Condensation reaction of amine + carboxylic acid amide + water

Define hydrolysis

Splitting up of a molecule using water (reverse condensation)

Discuss oxidation of alcohols

• primary alcohol ➡ aldehyde ➡ carboxylic acid

• secondary alcohol ➡ ketone

• tertiary alcohol doesn't oxidise

State agents for oxidation and reduction

Oxidation: hot copper (II) oxide/acidified potassium dichromate

Reduction: lithium aluminium hydride

Define stereoisomers

Order of bonding in atoms is the same, but arrangement of atoms in space is different - they are non superimposable.

Describe geometric isomerism

• arises when there is restricted rotation (C=C or saturated C ring)

• molecule must have 2 different groups attached to each C of C=C

"cis" isomers: in same side of bond

"trans": in opposite sides of bond

State different properties of cis and trans isomers

• cis: higher bp than trans (more polar). Lower mp and densities, as it is "U" shape while trans is linear

Describe optical isomerism

• molecule contains chiral carbon (asymmetric; 4 different groups)

• optical isomers are mirror images

• two optical isomers: enantiomers

• when drawing, simply swap two groups and the 3D lines attached

Describe the different properties of optical isomers

Identical in every property except effect on plane-polarised light

• polarisers allow light only vibrating in a single plan to pass through them

• Plane polarised light passed through solution of optical isomer A rotates by angle X

• solution of B rotates by angle -X

Define a racemic mixture

equimolar mixture (same concentration), which is optically inactive

Define agonist and antagonist

agonist: mimics natural response

antagonist: blocks natural response

What is the active part of a drug called?


What is an analgesic?

Drug used to relieve pain

What is the difference between medicine and a drug?

drug: substance altering body's biochemical processes

medicine: drug with beneficial effect

Describe mass spectroscopy

quantitative analysis provides information about molecular masses

• molecules changed to +ve ions, which are deflected according to their mass/charge ratio

• Ions break to fragments, most likely on either side of functional groups

• largest mass peak: molecular ion

Discuss IR spectroscopy

• provides information about functional groups

• when organic molecules absorb IR, energy causes bonds to vibrate

wavelength of absorbed IR

depends on type of atoms making

up the bonds

¤ stiff bond: shorter wavelength

¤ loose bond: long wavelength

spectrometer measures absorbed wavelength, corresponding to peak

IR obtained for sample in any state

Discuss proton NMR spectroscopy

• information about number of H atoms and their environments

• spinning H nucleus acts as magnet, which will line up if placed in magnetic field

• if energy of correct frequency is applied, H nucleus can be "flipped"

energy removed, H flips back and emitted energy is measured

TMS (tetramethylsilane): standard against which absorptions are measured.

State the (n + 1) rule

n = number of H atoms attached to adjacent carbon

n + 1 = number of peacks in cluster

State 4 characteristics of a primary standard

High purity - ensures mass weighed is composed entirely of substance

Stable in air & solution - so it isn't used up reacting with chemicals

• Readily soluble - solutions of high concentrations are prepared

• Large formula mass - minimises uncertainty of mass weighed

List suitable primary standards

• acid: hydrated oxalic acid

base: anhydrous sodium carbonate

oxidising: potassium dichromate

reducing: sodium oxalate

complexing: hydrated salt of EDTA

❌ sodium hydroxide - unstable & impure (absorbs water)

Compare end point and equivalence point

End point: excess of solution is added, when chemist sees colour

Equivalence point: exact point when reaction is just complete

Why are back titrations used?

• if there isn't a suitable indicator

• if end point isn't clear in direct titre

• if reaction is too slow

• if analyte is insoluble

Provide examples of dessicating agent and dehydrating agent

Dessicant: conc. sulfuric acid (less useful, carbonises) silica gel

Dehydrating: phosphoric acid

Describe the process of colorimetry

• uses the relationship between concentration & intensity of colour

• solution of unknown conc. placed in colorimeter, absorbance noted

• absorbance compared to calibration graph created from known concentrations

colorimeter = light source coloured filtercuvette light sensor display

▪ filter: complementary colour

State 7 processes for synthesis/analysis of compounds

• refluxing

• recrystallisation

• vacuum filtration

• distillation

• solvent extraction

• chromatography

• mixed melting point analysis

Describe the process of refluxing

hydrolysis mixture + anti-bumping granules in round bottomed flask

• mixture heated (granules prevent it from boiling violently)

condenser connects flask mouth to cold water tap

vapours produced when flask is heated are condensed into liquids

Describe recrystallisation

Used to purify an impure solid (e.g. benzoic acid)

dissolve solid in small volume

heat mixture

• add more solvent if necessary

• hot mixture cools to form crystals (less soluble at lower temperatures)

• insoluble impurites filtered away

Describe vacuum filtration

• carry out faster filtration under reduced pressure

Buchner glass funnel used

• pure recrystallised solid collects on filter paper

• washed with cold solvent to remove soluble impurities

Describe distillation

Heating 1+ liquids until boiling, then collecting & cooling vapours

○ used to purify by separation

○ used to identify based off bp

• reaction mixture slowly heated

temp. of resultant vapour noted

• vapour condenses in conical flask

distillate purified by solvent extraction

Describe melting point analysis

Used to confirm identity of substance

• mix a little unknown with pure compound

• compare the melting points

impure substances lower mp and broaden temp. range of melting

Describe thin layer chromatography

Common technique used to separate mixtures of substances.

stationary phase: water held on finely ground silica/aluminium

mobile phase: suitable solvent(s)

▪ solvent flows through stationary

phase, carrying components -

travel at different rates.

▪ solvents dissolve in spot on base

▪ compound carried up plate

▪ distance travelled noted

1 spot = pure; 2 = impure

State carriers used in gas chromatography

Helium or methane used in mobile phase. Light, so easily carry the vapourised liquid

Compare accuracy and precision

Accurate measurements are in close agreement with true value; precise measurements are in close agreement with each other