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275 Cards in this Set

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to adjust, organize, manage
sponsor, patron, supporter
to stamp, crash into
adj. open, franck, sincere
an opening
une ouverture, entrée, amorce
a market
un débouché
to unblock, uncork,
racing car, large meteor
un bolide
as far as, that
autant que (je sache, etc)
as far as, as much as
to link, join
adj. vague, imprecis, blurry
moutonné (adj)
adj misty foggy
brumeaux, brumeuse
soft, tender, light
flou, mou (adj)
a display, poster, presentation
un affichage
"an awakening, arousal"
un éveil
"to get over, to overcome, to cross, to jump over"
adj. cowardly, heartless, unmanly
"n. an explosion, bursting; break up, fervency, fervor; flame, flash"
un éclatement (m)
"cunning, smart"
"to enchant, satisfy, to delight"
v. to clean, peel; pare, skin
"n. soar, flight, development, soaring"
essor (m)
"flat, punctured"
un pneu
make dirty
"v. hinder, jam; get stuck, catch; trap, corner"
"v. overstimulate, annoy, irritate,"
adv. so such
"to care, être concerné par, se préoccuper,"
se soucier
v. to take off, fly off, take down, to unstick
to v. devote, vow
n. stock, stump; stub, counterfoil; founder; root (Linguistics)
une souche (f)
n. trunk, stem, stock
un tronc (m)
"adj. new, novel; unpublished"
"whatever, no matter"
quel que soit
"n. distance, gap; difference, space;"
un écart (m)
v. to straighten out, unravel, untangle
"prep. past, beyond"
au-delà de
"n. five year period, quinquennium"
un quinquennat (m)
"n. contempt, disdain; disregard; scorn"
mépris (m)
v. to bring back to life, revive, rekindle, reanimate
"n. bereavement, mourning, black"
deuil (m)
"n. tanker, petrol tanker, oil tanker"
un camion-citerne (m)
"n. tank, cistern, tub, vat, wood"
une cuve (f)
"n.fresh outbreak, rupsurge, ecrudescence, "
une recrudescence (f)
n. boatman; smuggler
passeur (m)
Lightnening, grande colère, vifs reproches
foudres (nom féminin pluriel)
n. a trap, snare; fix; pitfall, plight
un piège (m)
Familier. Éprouver un sentiment, une sensation au plus haut point, à un degré excessif : Dying of hunger/heat etc.
crever; Crever de joie, de chaleur, de soif.
adj. insensible à; inaccessible...
"n. thousand, numbering 1000"
un millier (m)
"Placer quelque chose dans une position verticale ou proche de la verticale, le mettre debout :
dresser; Dresser un mât."
adj. discarded;remote, isolated; apart
v. to ferment, work, cause to ferment, agitate
"to prop, to wedge, to cut out"
"n. denigration, disparagement, depreciation, detraction, dispraise, mud slinging"
dénigrement (m)
"n. eve, vigil; watchfulness, waking"
la veille (f)
"n. postponement, deferment, transfer"
un report (m)
"v. double up, bend, double, collapse"
se plier
"Ramener quelqu'un à une époque antérieure, en évoquant le passé : Les photos nous ont "
adv. at the time of
from now until the end of month
soit d'ici la fin du mois.
"to seize something, to grab something"
se saisir
"v. sketch, outline; draft, trace; adumbrate"
"conj. as far as, that"
autant que
"conj. however, yet"
Lever une partie du corps : Lift you head.
dresser. Dresser la tête.
" to linger over, to dwell on ex.to linger over details"
s'attarder sur [s'intéresser à]s'attarder sur des détails
"v. be extended; spread out, stretch out, open out; expand, extend; roll, put out"
n. device, apparatus
un dispositif (m)
"n. pelvis; basin; pool, pond; pan"
bassin (m)
n. burying
un enfouissement (m)
"v. procrastinate, dodge; elude, equivocate,"
"n. alveolus, socket"
alvéole (f)
"v. bury, put in the ground and cover with dirt"
"v. dig, bore; excavate, hollow"
"n. respect, consideration"
égard (m)
En dépit de
"v. to reach, result in"
aboutir à
to plummet
n. pack ice, floe
la banquise (f)
"v. to jam, block; stamp down, stay away;"
v. to collapse, give way; cave in, fall in, crash, break down; crack, fall, slump, wash away; tumble-down, flop, founder
"v. monopolize; corner, cover"
"n. aplomb, balance; assurance"
aplomb (m)
"adv. upright, steady (Slang)"
"v. to dodge, evade; sidestep, skirt, avoid; stall"
"n. negotiation, talks, parley"
les pourparlers (m)
n. a chase, pursuit; prosecution; quest, tracking
une poursuite (f)
"action plan, program (governmetal etc)"
feuille de route
v. to reach, result in
aboutir à
"adj. fruitful, productive; successful, profitable"
v. to knot, tie, establish, set, fasten
"n. preference, favor, liking"
une guise (f)
n. a rail, railing
un garde-fou (m)
"n. specificity, quality of being specific; condition of being unique to a particular organism or group of organisms"
spécificité (f)
"v. submit, pander to, humour, humor, hew"
se plier à
no matter what you do
on a beau faire
"v. compromise, settle a disagreement by making mutual concessions"
"n. eradication, uprooting"
le déracinement (m)
adv. for good, for all time,
à jamais
"prep. with regard to, with reference to, regarding, as to, as for, as of, as regards, with respect to, respecting"
quant à
"to get worse, to worsen"
there's no way out of this impasse
c'est une situation sans issue
n. a speed, pace, walk, gait; bearing, sit, going; rate, look, style, appearance; smartness, pizzazz
une allure (f)
", no matter what you say"
"On a beau dire, "
shortly after(wards)/ ;:
peu (de temps) après
v. to start; broach, institute, lead; set, take in; launch, embark
"adj. previous, preliminary, prior"
v. to foresee, forecast; predict, augur; anticipate, provide, envisage; see, gauge
"adj. disturbing, unsettling, perturbing; uncanny, thrilling"
"n. problem, question; trouble, issue, difficulty"
un problème (m)
"n. solution, settlement, answer, resolutuion"
la solution (f)
"v. solve, settle, clear up; remove, annul; resolve, figure out"
well matched
assorti (féminin assortie) [as?rti] adjectif
the situation is getting worse
la situation s'aggrave
"v. go to the bad, deteriorate, worsen, break down, crumble, suffer, tumble, decay, drop, perish, slip; go to pot"
se détériorer
to come to a decision, understanding
arriver à
the talks have reached an impasse
les pourparlers sont dans une impasse
"n. region, district, county; area, country"
la région (f)
"v. shift, transfer"
shortly before
peu (de temps) avant
prep. from
"désaccord, conflit, difficulté] tension"
une tension
restart negociations
reprendre des négociations
[au nom de]
de la part de
to insist on
insiste également sur
[s'harmoniser] to match, to go together well"
s'assortir verbe (pronominal intransitif)
"(soutenu) in search ou pursuit of, searching for, questing for (littéraire)"
en quête de locution prépositionnelle
"to break, to shatter"
the two colours match (up) ou blend (in) perfectly
les deux couleurs sont très bien assorties
"n. people, nation; populace, collectivity; folk"
le peuple (m)
to anger
mettre en colère
quantité féminin
"n. fournitures; équipement; vivres, provisions"
n. l'arrêt, the interruption
la cessation
they want something concrete
Ils veulent du concret
"n. demand, claim, claiming"
revendication (f)
eager to do
désireux de faire
ventes (d'armes) (f.)
"n. associate, ally"
un allié (m)
"to have an influence on, to influence, to affect"
influer sur (verbe plus préposition)
"n. (Politics) reshuffle, rearrangement, modification, revision, alteration"
un remaniement (m)
"v. intervene, interfere, meddle; intermediate, speak in; push in, step in; interpose; have hand in something; have a finger in the pie"
"adv. beyond, past, further than"
n. rally, gathering
un ralliement (m)
"v. carry on, chase, pursue; go after, follow; continue on; prosecute; proceed"
"n. nephew, son of one's brother or sister"
neveu (m)
v. curl; huddle up
"n. exegesis, interpretation; Biblical commentary"
exégèse (f)
"v. linger, linger on, loiter, tarry"
"conj. as, compared to -, to the extent of -"
"v. incarnate, embody, personify; epitomize, incorporate"
conj. In so much as
d'autant que
"v. take collection, collect the money"
"[à partir de maintenant] from now on, henceforth"
"prep. with regard to, with reference to, regarding, as to, as for, as of, as regards, with respect to, respecting"
quant à
v. to reset, return, remit; set back, hold over, hand over; deliver, consign
n. a sketch, draft, outline
une esquisse (f)
"adv. so, thus, in this way, thereby"
"adj. new, novel; unpublished"
"adj. umpteenth, pertaining to one in a succession of very many (Informal)"
"v. refute, deny, contradict, belie, confound, demolish, disclaim, gainsay, lie down, scotch"
"to want, to intend"
do as you wish or please
fais comme tu l'entends
I intend to ou I mean to ou I will be obeyed
j'entends qu'on m'obéisse
he's determined to go tomorrow
il entend bien partir demain
"n. post, mail; job, office, appointment, position; station, place; situation; program"
une poste (f)
"adj. diverse, varied; several, various; variant, manifold; miscellaneous, sundry; varicolored"
a well-matched couple
un couple bien assorti
to get something going again
remettre quelque chose en marche
to close one's mind to something
fermer son esprit à quelque chose
she said firmly
"dit-elle d'une voix ferme ...,"
to repair something
remettre quelque chose en état
office holders
titulaires de poste
adj. titular; permanent; qualified
un titulaire M.
"n. position, location, placing; place; standing, bearing, status; stand, attitude; posture, alignment"
position (f)
"[pour la protection sociale] contributionsn. membership fee, subscription, contribution "
la cotisation
"espèces, argent comptant; liquidités, argent en espèces;"
"v. benefit, profit; enjoy"
to enjoy ideal conditions/welfare benefits
bénéficier de conditions idéales/d'avantages sociaux
social security benefits
prestations sociales (f.)
she is starting to feel the benefits of the treatment
elle commence à ressentir les bienfaits du traitement
the holiday wasn't of much benefit to him
les vacances ne lui ont pas fait tellement de bien
"to show ; [ - difficulté, risque] to "
illegal workers
travailleurs san papiers (m)
you would benefit from a stay in the country
un séjour à la campagne vous ferait du bien
"n. problem, question; trouble, issue, difficulty"
le problème (m)
"adj. agréable, disposé, prêt; serviable, de bonne volonté; consentant; enthousiaste"
for the most part phrasal adverb
dans l'ensemble
work irregularly
] faire des petits travaux or boulots
"n. journey, route, course; trip, way, hitch; career, record"
un parcours (m)
"adj. riparian, riverside, waterside, riverine"
une riverain
[effets nocifs] effects
atteintes nom féminin pluriel
"v. reach, arrive, attain; contact; achieve; affect, catch; compass"
"2. (familier) [consommer - bière, bouteille] to knock back (separable), to down ; [ - gâteau] to wolf down"
s'envoyer (verbe pronominal transitif)
"to present (soutenu), to have ; [ - symptômes, traces, signes] "
"n. collection, quest, search"
quête (f)
for the most part we get along pretty well
"dans l'ensemble, nous nous entendons assez bien"
sorry to have kept you waiting
désolé de m'être fait attendre
"adv. next, then; after, later, afterwards"
"conj. now, so; but, however"
1. (familier) [subir - corvée] to get saddled with
s'envoyer verbe pronominal transitif
n. a remission, discount; delivery, presentation; markdown, rebate, reset; conferment, surrender
une remise (f)
lead to
envoyer à
"to post postpone, put off, the meeting has been put off until ou put back to next Tuesday"
"renvoyer, la réunion est renvoyée à mardi prochain "
"to refer, the matter has been referred to the assize court"
"renvoyer, transférer, l'affaire a été renvoyée en cour d'assises "
"refer to, the numbers refer to notes at the end of each chapte"
"faire se reporter, to refer, les numéros renvoient aux notes de fin de chapitre r"
"because of, due to, on account of"
"du fait de", locution prépositionnelle, à cause de"
"n. fat, grease, greasiness, flab, flesh, slush"
la graisse (f)
"n. display, exposition, showing; exposure, statement; exhibition, exhibit; fair, display unit"
exposition (f)
"adv. furthermore, moreover, besides, withal, therewith"
en outre
"v. recommend, advise; register; commend, advocate; charge; exhort, warn"
"adj. previous, former, before; precedent, prior, antecedent; late, preceding"
"formerly, long ago, in olden days"
jadis, adverbe.
"n. pesticide, chemical mixture used to kill pests and insects"
pesticide (m)
"(littéraire) to achieve, to attain (soutenu)"
atteindre à (verbe plus preposition)
"n. connection, relation; link, communication, relevance; report, record; yield, profit; ratio; nexus, affinity"
rapport (m)
"n. inquiry, inquest, investigation; survey, probe; enquiry, detection, quest"
enquête (f)
to investigate a murder
mener une enquête sur un meurtre
to proceed at low speed
aller à faible vitesse
"besides, furthermore, moreover"
du reste, locution adverbiale
"there's no point in arguing and, besides, it's not up to me to decide"
"inutile de discuter, du reste, ça ne dépend pas de moi"
"if you're good, I'll tell you the rest of the story tomorrow"
"reste m. [suite, fin] vous êtes sages, je vous raconterai le reste demain"
"prep. because of, owing to, on account of"
à cause de
"prep. because of, owing to, on account of"
en raison de
owing to
"suite à-,"
"v. transit, pass through"
"adj. affecté, touché, infecté; prétendu"
you just have to put new batteries in (it)
il faut simplement lui remettre des piles
"Ériger un monument, élever une construction, un assemblage :"
dresser; Dresser un échafaudage.
n. produits chimiques (m)
to a particular degree, particulièrement, spécialement
"v. spill, scatter; sprinkle, spray; shed"
to expect
1. [anticipate] s'attendre à
conj. while
cependant que
adj. listed, recorded
"v. prohibit, ban, forbid, interdict; outlaw, taboo; debar"
(soutenu) to continue (on), to endure, to last"
nuclear power stations
centrales nucleare
"principal, fundamental; leading, cardinal; central, close, foremost; main; prime,"
"principal (féminin principale, pluriel masculin principaux)f"
to apply for a post
se porter candidat à un poste
"n. support, encouragement; upholding; staff, prop, crutch; favor, boost, buttress"
le soutien (m)
"v. retire, withdraw, go out, smooth away, draw off, draw back, fall back, move back, pull back,"
se retirer
to expect somebody to do something
s'attendre à ce que quelqu'un fasse quelque chose
"filled, packed"
" to poll a group, to carry out a survey among a group"
faire un sondage auprès d'un groupe
she knew more Russian than I expected her to
elle était meilleure en russe que je ne m'y attendais
"Préparer, disposer, agencer convenablement quelque chose : Prepare the table, the buffet.
dresser: Dresser la table. Dresser un buffet."
"v. adjourn, postpone; transfer, carry over, hold over; bring forward"
traffic jams are expected
il faut s'attendre à des embouteillages
"adv. nevertheless, nonetheless, though"
"n. sound, probe; survey, poll; canvass"
sondage (m)
protest movement
mouvement de contestation
"adj. soupçonnable, suspect; méfiant, soupçonneux"
"Rédiger un texte, une liste, les établir dans les formes prescrites :
dresser, Dresser un inventaire. Dresser un bilan."
"n. reclamation, claiming, complaint, complaining"
une réclamation (f)
"n. supporter, fan, admirer"
un supporteur (m)
"Inscrire, transcrire quelque chose quelque part :
reporter. Reporter les dépenses dans son livre de comptes."
"v. demand, claim"
"n. cause, origin, reason; case; brief"
la cause (f)
"v. take place, unwind, uncoil, unroll, pass off, pass, pan out, progress, unfold, flow, pan, work"
se dérouler
"adj. peerless, having no equal, unrivaled, incomparable"
hors pair
"v. criticize, thrash, castigate"
"v. water, irrigate"
after having had a bit too much to drink at dinner
après un dîner un peu trop arrosé (familier)
"Établir quelque chose avec soin : prepare a project
dresser, Dresser une carte, un plan, un projet
to curl updans l'inconfort] to hunch ou to huddle up
2. [feuille, pétale] to shrivel ou to curl (up)
se recroqueviller 
to make up for, to offset, to compensate
pallier à
Populaire. Avoir très envie de: He's dying to see her.
Il crève de la revoir.
to expect
s'attendre à (verbe pronominal plus préposition)