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41 Cards in this Set

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incision with a needle into the pleural or lung space to remove fluid from the thorax; invasive procedure; local anesthetic
bld pressure changes related to position change
Post op care after nasal surgery
change sling, monitor drainage, elevate HOB, ice pack, pain meds, monitor swallowing(if alot could be bleeding)
blue/purple discoloration on the skin
Nursing care for client with a chest tube or drain
monitor output, check patenct(working good), monitor for crepitus (trapped air), watch for trachial deviation, check VS frequently
Fast breathing, fast respiratory rate
Influenza or the Flu
respiratory disease of short duration; a virus; use of vaccines for new strains
slow breathing, slow respiratory rate
a nose bleed; can be serious; use of epinephrine to treat; can be cause from HPT, cocaine use, or bld disorder
Pulse oximetry
measure of oxygin in the bld, a non-invasive procedure
Larngeal cancer
voice box cancer; provide care for trach in throat; educate on communication and help family also
Oxygen saturation
greater then 90; percent of hemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen
H2O level flucuates, stops then the lungs have been reinflated or have gotton better
lack of or decrease of oxygen in the inspired air
Chest Physiotherapy
chest therapy; helps remove secretions from w/in the lungs, such as w/ cystic fibrosis; use of palpation, percussion and vibration
stop breathing, abscence of breathing, temporary
Chest tube/drainage
catheters placed in the pleural space;typically 2, one anterior, one posterior; 3 parts, collection chamber, underwater seal and suction; use of x-ray to check for reinflation; milking and stripping tubes are physicains job; checks dressings
coughing up blood
Laryngitis, Pharyngitis, Tonsilitis
inflammation of membranes; bacterial or virus; antibiotics if bacteria and treat symptoms if virus
difficulty breathing
incision into chest wall; chest tubes inserted at bedside or during surgery
Diagnostic tests for the respiratory system
sputum C+S
throat culture
Chest x-ray, CT, MRI
Rhinitis or common cold
inflammation of nasal mucosa membrane, cause by a virus, treat the symptoms (head ache, chills...)
use of a bronchodilator and then a corticoidsteriod such as asthmacort
inflammation of mucosa/sinuses; chronic or acute; often result of baterial infection; use of antibiotic therapy
removal of a lobe
use of a flexible endoscope to examine the larynx, trachea and brochial tree; NPO after till gag relfex returns
removal of a lung
measures heart rate
air in the pleural space; can be cause by trauma, HPT or just happen
Pleural effusion
fluid collection between parietal and visceral space; treat with meds and thoracentesis, antibiotics...
clot that does not move or travel in bld stream
Tuberculosis or TB
infection of the lung tissue by the myobacterium tuberculosis; Acid fast bacilli test to diagnose; meds Isoniazid and Rifampin
common symptom of all respiratory problems
Pleurisy or Pleuritis
inflammation of the visceral and parietal lining of the lung; watch for empynea; usually related to an underlying disorder
Acute Respiratory Distress
has many causes; can lead to pulmonry edema (fluid in pulmonary space); will hear crackles in lungs and have tachypnea; use of diuretics and ventilators
collapse of lung tisse or alveoli caused by airway obstruction; treat with Aminopyline a bronchodilater
Pulmonary emboli
a blood clot, can travel to brain or heart and clog blood flow; treat with anticoagulants (Lovenox, Heprin, Coumadin) or thrombolytic agents that destroy clots
Chronic Airway Limitations (CAL), Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COLD) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease
3 main-broncitis, emphysema and asthma
blood in the pleural space; treat w/ surgery(plerodesis); Pt may have dyspnea, chest pain, tachypnea, and anxiety
foriegn substance that travels in the bld stream, such as bld clot or fat