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38 Cards in this Set

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What are the categories of surgery based on urgency?

Emergent - immediate surgery
Urgent - prompt surg within 24hr
Required - surgery within few weeks/mo
Elective - pt. should have surgery
Optional - pt's decision
Pt. has BPH. What is the urgency of the surgery?

if there is urinary obstruction, it is emergent

if there is no obstruction, it is required
Pt. has kidney stones. What is urgeny of surgery?
Urgent - should have surgery within 24 hours
give examples of types of emergent surgery
severe bleeding, skull fracture, urinary or intestinal obstructions, gunshot wounds, extensive burns
give examples of urgent surgery
acute gallbladder infection, kidney stones
give examples of surgeries that require "required" care
prostatic hyperplasia w/o urinary obstr, thyroid disorders?
Give examples of surgeries that are elective
simple hernia, vaginal repair
What is nurse's role with Informed Consent?
witness and patient advocate.

witness - acknowledges that the patient has been given the information and is the witness to the patient’s signature on the consent form.

patient advocate - nurse asks questions of the patient to determine whether the patient has received sufficient information to make an informed decision.
What are the required topics for informed consent?
1. explanation of procedure, risks
2. description of benefits, alternatives
3. offer to answer q's
4. tell pt that they may withdraw consent at any time
Can a mentally ill person give informed consent?
No. Like cognitively impaired or ppl that are neurologically incapacitated, or children under 18, they cannot give consent due to potential inability to be truly informed.
When should a nurse teach a pateint about deep breathing, coughing, and incentive spirometry regarding surgery?
preoperative patient teaching!
What things should a nurse teach a patient before going into surgery?
- deep breathing, coughing, incentive spirometry
- ... what are these things?
What is a "time-out"?
- prior to anesthesia, patient identity, surgical procedure, and surgical site is verified
- role of circulating nurse
roles of the circulating nurse
- coordinating team
- cleanliness, proper environment optimal for srugery
- monitor for breaks in aseptic technique
- surgical "time out"
- counting all instruments as the incision is closed
roles of the scrub nurse
- setting up sterile tables
- preparing special equipment
- assisting surgeon during procedure
- counting all instruments as the incision is closed
What is RNFA?
= registered nurse first assistant
- responsibilities - suturing, handling tissue, maintaining hemostasis
What is considered sterile on a gowned OR health professional?
- from chest to sterile level (downwards)
- sleeves, 2 inches from the elbow to the cuff
what is the basic principle about touching other objects in the OR?
- sterile touches sterile
- unsterile touches unsterile
How far must one stand to maintain sterility with a sterile field?
- 1 foot from sterile field
The best time to set up sterile field is?
- as close to its time of use
What are early signs for malignant hyperthermia? later signs?
- tachycardia
- generalized musle rigidity

- SNS - ventrc dys --> hypotension --> dec CO --> cardiac arrest
- rise in temp is late sign, rises rapdily
What is done when symptoms of Malignant hyperthermia is recognized?
- D/C anesthesia
- anesthesia and surgery postpomed
- (unless dantrolene sodium is availbale)
rare muscle disorder that is chmeically induced by anesthetic agents. characterized by tachycardia and muscle rigidity
malignant hyperthermia
What is malignant hyperthermia?
= genetic disorder in which anesthetics causes
- altered calcium function in skeletal muscle cells,
- hypermetabolic conditions
- hyperthermia
How does a nurse check that a patient is breathing in the PACU?
- place palm in front of nose to feel breathing
- movement of thorax and diaph does not always indicate breathing
WHat is hypopharyngeal obstruction? how is it treated?
= when jaw and tongue fall back under relaxed anesthetized state
- obstructs airway

- treated by tilting head back, pushing forward on the angle of the mandible
- pulls tongue forward and opens passages
What action should one take if pt is vomiting?
- turn patient on side to prevent aspiration
- collect vomitus in emesis basin
How often should PACU nurse check pt?
every 15 or more frequently as needed
Pt. is experiencing nausea. what is primary nursing action?
turn patient on side to prevent aspiration, asphyxiation, and death
What is the aldrete score?
Scoring system used to determine if patient is well enough to be discharged from PACU

8-10 = discharge from PACU
< or = 7 --> stay in PACU or transferred to ICU
frequency of assessments 24 hours post surgery
- VS every 15 min for first 1 hr
- every 30 min for next 2 hrs
- temp every 4 hours first 24 hours
What are surgical drains used for?
= tubes from perisurgical area that drains fluid that would otherwise be used as a culture medium for bacteria
- may suction (closed) or into dressings (open)
What are kinds of surgical drains?
- penrose
- hemovac
- jackson - pratt
In an open jackson-pratt, what is done to detect increases in drainage?
- outline drainage with pen
- jackson pratt = drainage tube
If hemovac drains blood, what should nurse do?
- it depends. blood is normal drainage, but excessive amounts should be reported to surgeon
- increasing amts should be reported
What should nurse do with wound dehiscence and evisceration?
- instruct pt to lie in low fowler's position to minimize protrusion of bowels
- cover bowels with sterile dressings moistened with saline
- notify surgeon immediately
What can nurse do to improve postoperative delirium?
- reorient pt often
- introduce name often
- engage pt in coversation and activities
- place clock and calendar nearby may improve cognition
- make sure to maintain phys activ
- avoid restraints. it worsens confusion.
Prolonged sitting
should be avoided as it promotes venous stasis