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52 Cards in this Set

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Cushing’s syndrome:
Comprises the symptoms and signs associated with prolonged exposure to inappropriately elevated levels of free plasma glucocorticoids
central obesity and relative thinning of extremities
moon facies and red face
moon facies and red face
abdominal striae; dark, wide, abdominal and axillary
buffalo hump and hirsuitism
relative freq of symptoms in cushing:
Relatively Specific Features in cushing:
Facial plethora
Wide purple striae
Spontaneous ecchymoses
Proximal muscle weakness
Why “central” obesity in CS?
*Glucocorticoids stimulate adipogenesis and adipocyte differentiation
-But this doesn’t explain the central nature of CS obesity

*Other possibilities
-Muscle atrophy makes the extremities look relatively thin
-Increased expression of glucocorticoid receptor and type 1 isoenzyme of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (converts cortisone to cortisol) in omental fat compared with subcutaneous fat
Other fat deposits in CS besides central:
Dorsocervical = “buffalo hump”
Cheeks and temples = “moon facies”
Epidural space – leads to neurologic deficits
Hypertension in CS:
*75% of cases

*Increase sensitivity to catecholamines and angiotensin II in vascular smooth muscle

*Increase angiotensinogen

*Decrease NO-mediated endothelial dilatation

*Sodium retention from mineralocorticoid activity
How can cortisol act as a mineralocorticoid in CS?
*Your body has taken multiple steps to separate the regulation of cortisol and the regulation of aldosterone

*YET cortisol is a strong agonist of MR

*Renal MR are “protected” from cortisol by 11B-HSD2 which locally converts cortisol (MR agonist) to cortisone (not an MR agonist)

*In CS, there is so much cortisol that 11B-HSD2 is overwhelmed, and the MR are activated by cortisol
-Sodium retention --> HTN
-Potassium loss and H+ loss --> Hypokalemic alkalosis
Diabetes mellitus in CS:
*1/3 of patients

*Glycogen deposition in the liver

*Increase hepatic glucose output

*Decrease peripheral glucose utilization

*Activation of lipolysis

*Permissive effect upon catecholamines and glucagon
Mood changes in CS:
*Brain is an important target tissue of GC

*Psychiatric abnormalities in 50% of patients with CS
-Agitated depression and lethargy
-Memory and cognitive dysfunction
-Paranoia and psychosis (esp in hospital after high dose steroids)
Describe issues in CS with:
*Gonadal dysfunction
Inhibited GnRH pulsatility and LH and FSH release

*Thyroid dysfunction--Suppress thyroid axis

Inhibit osteoblast function
Induce negative calcium balance and increase PTH

*Muscle weakness--Reduced muscle protein synthesis with muscle atrophy

Catabolic effects of GC lead to atrophy of epidermis and underlying connective tissue

*Acne/Hirsutism--Increased adrenal androgens
Who should be screened for CS?
*Patients with unusual features for age (e.g. osteoporosis, hypertension)

*Patients with multiple and progressive features

*Patients with adrenal incidentaloma compatible with adenoma
Steps to take in evaluating a pt for CS:
*Most important thing is to exclude exogenous steroids!!
CS due to exogenous glucocorticoids:
*By far the most common cause of CS

*Widespread use of GC to treat a variety of diseases

*CS most commonly from longterm oral GC use, but can be from any route of delivery, even “local”

*Megestrol--a progesterone derivative used to treat metastatic breast CA or to stimulate appetite in AIDS wasting--can act as an agonist at GR, causing CS
Describe the 1-mg Dexamethasone suppression test:
*Dexamethasone 1-mg at 11 PM

*Fasting plasma cortisol next day at 8-9 AM

*Cortisol > 1.8 μg/dL [sensitivity >95%; specificity 80%]

*False-positive results
- increased CBG (estrogens); 50% of women on OCP have false-positive DST
- increased metabolism of dexamethasone (antiseizure meds)

*False-negative results
- reduced dexamethasone clearance in liver or kidney failure
Describe Urine Free Cortisol testing:
*Measures plasma free cortisol
*Not affected by CBG levels
*Requires accurate 24 hour urine collection
*Sensitivity of 90%; specificity of 95%
-High fluid intake (>5 liter/day)
-Essentially any cause of Psuedo-Cushing’s

-Renal impairment
-Cyclic or mild CS

*Values above 4 times the upper limit of normal are diagnostic
Describe testing for Late-night Salivary Cortisol:
*Cortisol concentration in saliva is highly correlated with plasma free cortisol

*The loss of circadian rhythm with absence of a late-night cortisol nadir is a consistent biochemical abnormality in Cushing’s

*Sensitivity 93-100%; Specificity >92%
How is the cortisol circadian rhythm in CS?
Causes of Cushing’s syndrome:
Summary of HPA axis:
Levels of ACTH in CD vs Adrenal tumor vs ectopic ACTH:
Causes of Cushing’s syndrome:
Describe CS due to Adrenal Tumor :
*Benign (adenoma) or malignant (carcinoma) neoplasms of adrenal origin
*ACTH is suppressed but hormone secretion by adrenal neoplams is ACTH-independent
Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD):
-50 % familial as part of “Carney complex”
Autosomal dominant disorder of regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A

-Carney complex
Mesenchymal tumors (atrial myxoma)
Spotty skin pigmentation
Peripheral nerve tumors (schwannomas)
GH-secreting pituitary tumor
Testicular tumor
carney complex associated with CS
Bilateral adrenal disorders causing CS:
-McCune-Albright Syndrome
McCune-Albright syndrome:
-Activating mutation of G-protein subunit
-Constitutive steroidogenesis
-Fibrous dysplasia
-Cutaneous pigmentation (coast of maine cafe au lait)
-Pituitary/adrenal, thyroid, gonadal hyperfunction
Coast of Maine cafe au lait in Mccune albright syndroms
Various clinical manifestations of McCune Albright:
ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH):
Abberant regulation of cortisol production and adrenal growth mediated by the abnormal adrenal expression of receptors for a variety of hormones (e.g. GIP, HCG-LH, serotonin)
Receptors involved in AIMAH:
Caused by aberrant expression of hormone receptors on GC-secreting cells

Cortisol secretion driven by a hormone that is not suppressed by cortisol-mediated negative feedback (e.g. GIP, catecholamines, LH/hCG, vasopressin)
macronodular adrenal hyperplasia in AIMAH
ACTH-secreting Pituitary Adenoma (aka Cushing’s DISEASE)
Pituitary neoplasm that secretes ACTH
Impairment of normal feedback suppression results in continued ACTH secretion despite high levels of cortisol
CS due to Ectopic ACTH secretion:
Non-pituitary neoplasms may secrete ACTH
Cortisol production suppresses pituitary ACTH production but not the ectopic ACTH production
Non-pituitary neoplasms may secrete ACTH
Cortisol production suppresses pituitary ACTH production but not the ectopic ACTH production
Ectopic ACTH Syndromes:
Small-cell lung carcinoma
Bronchial carcinoid tumors
Pancreatic islet cell tumors
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Carcinoma of the liver, prostate, breast and melanoma
*all rare
Using ACTH in the diagnostic algorithm:
The problem of ACTH-dependent CS:
Imaging is not reliable
Pituitary MRI is normal in up to 50% patients with ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma
10% of general population will have incidental pituitary tumor on MRI

Biochemical testing
High-dose dexamethasone test
CRH stimulation test
Discuss the usefulness of the HDDST:
Describe uses of the CRH test:
ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas remain responsive to CRH

Most ectopic ACTH-producing tumors are not responsive

Therefore can also be used to distinguish between ACTH-dependent causes of Cushing’s syndrome
Describe the purpose of Inferior Petrosal Sinus Sampling:
Last resort!

Used to establish if pituitary is source of ACTH

Frequently needed because of the ambiguous nature of imaging and biochemical testing in ACTH-dependent CS
Management of Cushing’s Syndrome due to ACTH-secreting pituitary ademoma (aka Cushing’s disease):
1st line: Neurosurgical resection of the pituitary tumor

If not curative--
Pituitary irradiation
Antiadrenal agents
Bilateral adrenalectomy
Pituitary irradiation for Cushing’s disease:
Used in patients with persistent disease activity after surgery

May take many years to be effective

Often results in deficiencies of other hormonal axes
Antiadrenal agents:
*generally inhibit one or more enzymes in the steroid biosynthetic pathway
-examples are ketoconazole, mifepristone
*generally inhibit one or more enzymes in the steroid biosynthetic pathway
-examples are ketoconazole, mifepristone
Bilateral adrenalectomy for Cushing’s disease:

Patients need lifelong GC and MC replacement (i.e. they now have adrenal insufficiency)

Leads to Nelson’s syndrome
-Lack of feedback from high levels of GC results in aggressive growth of the remaining ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma
-Very high levels of ACTH cause hyperpigmentation (see discussion of adrenal insufficiency)
Management of Cushing’s Syndrome due to cortisol-secreting adrenal adenoma
Surgery is curative

Management of Cushing’s Syndrome due to adrenal carcinoma
Surgery (usually not curative)

Antiadrenal agents
Cousin of the insecticide DDT
Inhibits multiple steroidogenic enzymes
Cytotoxic to adrenocortical cells
Treatment of choice for adrenal cancer
Severe side effects (GI, neurologic)
Treatment dose limited by side effects
Management of Cushing’s Syndrome due to the ectopic ACTH syndrome:
Treatment of primary tumor (surgery, chemotherapy)
Antiadrenal agents
Bilateral adrenalectomy
Pseudo-Cushing’s syndrome:
Presence of some or all of the clinical features of Cushings syndrome together with some evidence for hypercortisolism

Eating disorders
Chronic pain