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15 Cards in this Set

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(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Uterine bleeding
(3) Topically: Chronic nonhealing ulcers
B.877  C.997  Dr.140
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Uterine bleeding
(3) Topically: Chronic nonhealing ulcers
B.877 C.997 Dr.140
chì shí zhī 赤石脂

(1) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea* w/ undigested food in stool, chronic dysenteric ds w/ mucous & blood in stool, d/t deficiency type cold]
(2) Contains blood & stops bleeding [Uterine bleeding*, excessive menstruation, blood in stool, bleeding prolapsed rectum d/t cold from defic of LJ, topically bleeding d/t trauma]
(3) Promotes healing of wounds [Topically: Chronic nonhealing ulcers*, weeping damp sores, prolapsed rectum]

chì(crimson) shí(stone) zhī(resin, fat)
Halloysitum rubrum
halloysite Al4(Si4O10)(OH)8•4 H2O
sweet, sour, astring, warm
(1) Urinary frequency
(2) Poor vision
B.889  C.1009  Dr.144
(1) Urinary frequency
(2) Poor vision
B.889 C.1009 Dr.144
fù pén zǐ 覆盆子

(1) Augments & stabilizes KD, binds jing, & contains urine [Urinary frequency*, enuresis, impotence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, wet dreams, d/t KD yang defic]
(2) Assists yang & improves vision [Poor vision*, sore low back, impotence, d/t LV & KD defic]

fù(overturn) pén(basin; bed pan) zǐ(seeds) [ie the bed pan will no longer be needed]
Rubi Fructus
Chinese Raspberry
sweet, astring, neutral
(1) Sweating d/t defic
B.896  C.1017  Dr.143
(1) Sweating d/t defic
B.896 C.1017 Dr.143
fú xiǎo mài 浮小麥
(xiǎo mài)
(1) Inhibits sweating [Sweating d/t defic*, spontaneous sweating d/t qi defic, nightsweats d/t yin defic]

fú(floating) xiǎo(little) mài(wheat)
Tritici Fructus levis
light wheat grain
sweet, sl salty, cool
(1) Bleeding
(2) Nocturnal emisions
(3) ST or epigastric pain
(4) Chronic non-healing skin ulcers
B.900  C.1010  Dr.142
(1) Bleeding
(2) Nocturnal emisions
(3) ST or epigastric pain
(4) Chronic non-healing skin ulcers
B.900 C.1010 Dr.142
hǎi piāo xiāo 海螵蛸
(wū zéi gǔ)
(1) Restrains, holds in, & stops bleeding [Bleeding* esp d/t defic - wide variety, traumatic injury - powdered]
(2) Secures jing & stops discharge [Nocturnal emisions*, premature ejaculation, vaginal discharge, d/t KD defic]
(3) Controls acidity & alleviates pain [ST or epigastric pain*, distasteful belching, acid regurgitation]
(4) Resolves dampness & promotes healing [Chronic non-healing skin ulcers*, damp rashes of long duration]

hǎi(ocean, sea) piāo xiāo(1.cuttlefish; 2.nest of mantis eggs)
Sepiae Endoconcha
cuttlefish bone
salty, astring, sl warm
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Loss of voice
B.867  C.992  Dr.139
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Loss of voice
B.867 C.992 Dr.139
hē zǐ 訶子

(1) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea*, dysenteric ds, intestinal wind w/ blood in stool]
(2) Contains leakage of LU qi, stops coughs, & improves condition of throat [Loss of voice*, chronic cough, wheezing]

hē(Chebulea; to scold, ridicule, blame) zǐ(seeds) [orig Buddhist he li le meant coming of Heavenly King, from India]
Chebulea Fructus
chebule fruit; Ayurvedic haritaki
bitter, sour, astring, neutral
(1) Spermatorrhea
(2) Chronic diarrhea
B.887  C.1006  Dr.R
(1) Spermatorrhea
(2) Chronic diarrhea
B.887 C.1006 Dr.R
jīn yīng zǐ 金櫻子

(1) Stabilizes KD & secures jing [Spermatorrhea*, urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge, d/t defic & instab of LJ]
(2) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea*, dysenteric ds]

jīn(golden) yīng(cherry) zǐ(seeds) ["golden cherry fruit"]
Rosae laevigatae Fructus
Cherokee Rosehip
sour, astring, neutral
StabBind-Astring, Clinic-Refrig
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Premature ejaculation
(3) Palpitations with anxiety
B.881  C.1013  Dr.144
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Premature ejaculation
(3) Palpitations with anxiety
B.881 C.1013 Dr.144
lián zǐ 蓮子

(1) Tonifies SP & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea*, loss of appetite; Augments & binds, is very useful]
(2) Tonifies KD & stabilizes jing [Premature ejaculation* & spermatorrhea d/t unstable defic KD, excessive uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge]
(3) Nourishes HT & calms spirit [Palpitations with anxiety*, irritability d/t defic, insomnia; Good for HT KD not communicating]

lián(lotus, Nelumbinis) zǐ(seeds)
Nelumbinis Semen
lotus seeds
sweet, astring, neutral
(1) Sweating d/t defic
B.898  C.1018  Dr.138
(1) Sweating d/t defic
B.898 C.1018 Dr.138
má huáng gēn 麻黃根

(1) Stops sweating [Sweating d/t defic*, postpartum sweating, spontaneous sweating d/t qi defic, nightsweats d/t yin defic]

má(hemp; pins and needles) huáng(yellow) gēn(rhizome, root)
Ephedrae Radix
ephedra root
sweet, neutral
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Nocturnal emissions
(3) Vaginal discharge
B.885  C.1012  Dr.R
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Nocturnal emissions
(3) Vaginal discharge
B.885 C.1012 Dr.R
qiàn shí 芡實

(1) Strengthens SP & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea* d/t weak SP transportative function ie internal accum of dampness; esp useful for children]
(2) Stabilizes KD & secures jing [Nocturnal emissions*, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, nocturnal emissions, urinary frequency or incontinenc]
(3) Expels dampness & stops discharge [Vaginal discharge* d/t either defic or damp-heat]

qiàn(Euryales) shí(real, true, honest, solid)
Euryales Semen
euryale seeds
sweet, astring, neutral
StabBind-Astring, Clinic-Refrig
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Pain & distention of epigastrium & abdomen
B.870  C.999  Dr.139
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Pain & distention of epigastrium & abdomen
B.870 C.999 Dr.139
ròu dòu kòu 肉豆蔻

(1) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea*, daybreak diarrhea, c/t cold from SP & KD defic]
(2) Warms MJ, moves qi, & alleviates pain [Pain & distention of epigastrium & abdomen*, reduced appetite, vomiting, d/t cold from SP & ST defic]

ròu(fleshy) dòu(bean, pea) kòu(cardamon; aromatic cardamon-like fruits)
Myristicae Semen
nutmeg seeds
spicy, warm
(1) Enuresis in children
B.902  C.1008  Dr.142
(1) Enuresis in children
B.902 C.1008 Dr.142
sāng piāo xiāo 桑螵蛸

(1) Tonifies KD, assists yang, secures jing, & contains urine [Enuresis in children*, dribbling urine, urinary frequency, nocturnal emissions esp w/out dreams, impotence]

sāng(mulberry tree) piāo xiāo(1.cuttlefish; 2.nest of mantis eggs)
Mantidis Ootheca
mantis egg case
sweet, salty, neutral
(1) Leakage of fluids: Urinary incontinence
(2) Excessive sweating
(3) Lightheadedness
(4) Excessive uterine bleeding
B.857  C.1005  Dr.145
(1) Leakage of fluids: Urinary incontinence
(2) Excessive sweating
(3) Lightheadedness
(4) Excessive uterine bleeding
B.857 C.1005 Dr.145
shān zhū yú 山茱萸
(shān yú ròu)
(1) Stabilizes KD & secures jing [Leakage of fluids: Urinary incontinence*, urinary frequency, spermatorrhea, excessive sweating]
(2) Stops excessive sweating & supports that which has collapsed [Excessive sweating* esp d/t devastated yang & collapsed qi as in shock, sweating induced by wrong treatment]
(3) Tonifies & augments LV & KD [Lightheadedness*, dizziness, low back & knees soreness & weakness, impotence; Both tonifies the essence and assists the yang]
(4) Stabilizes menses & stops bleeding [Excessive uterine bleeding*, prolonged mensturation, d/t defic; Weak effect]

shān(mountain) zhū yú(Corni fructus; cornelian cherry)
Corni Fructus
cornus fruit
sour, sl warm
(1) Chronic cough d/t LU defic
(2) Chronic diarrhea
(3) Leakage: Nocturnal emissions
(4) Sores
B.891  C.990  Dr.143
(1) Chronic cough d/t LU defic
(2) Chronic diarrhea
(3) Leakage: Nocturnal emissions
(4) Sores
B.891 C.990 Dr.143
wǔ bèi zǐ 五倍子

(1) Contains leakage of LU qi & stops coughs [Chronic cough d/t LU defic]
(2) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea*, dysenteric ds, chronic blood in stool, rectal prolapse]
(3) Preserves & restrains [Leakage: Nocturnal emissions*, spermatorrhea, excessive sweating, bleeding]
(4) Absorbs moisture, reduces swelling, & resolves fire toxicity [Sores*, dermatosis, toxic swellings, damp & ulcerated skin, scar tissue; Apply topically as a powder]

wǔ(five) bèi(multiples) zǐ(seeds)
Galla chinensis
gallnut of Chinese sumac
sour, salty, cold
(1) Chronic cough d/t LU defic
(2) Thirst d/t heat from defic
(3) Vomiting & abdom pain d/t roundworms
(4) Incessant chronic diarrhea
(5) Blood in stool
(6) Corns & warts
B.864  C.988  Dr.141
(1) Chronic cough d/t LU defic
(2) Thirst d/t heat from defic
(3) Vomiting & abdom pain d/t roundworms
(4) Incessant chronic diarrhea
(5) Blood in stool
(6) Corns & warts
B.864 C.988 Dr.141
wū méi 烏梅

(1) Inhibits leakage of LU qi & stops coughs [Chronic cough d/t LU defic]
(2) Generates fluids & alleviates thirst [Thirst d/t heat from defic*, wasting & thirsting ds]
(3) Expels roundworms & alleviates pain [Vomiting & abdom pain d/t roundworms*; Also w/out parasites]
(4) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Incessant chronic diarrhea*, dysenteric ds, blood in stool]
(5) Stops bleeding [Blood in stool*, excessive uterine bleeding w/ thirst, dryness cough & parched mouth d/t blood defic]
(6) Topically to treat corns & warts [Corns & warts]

wū(black, crow) méi(plumb) ["darkened plumb"]
Mume Fructus
mume fruit
sour, astring, warm
(1) Chronic cough
(2) Nocturnal emissions
(3) Excessive sweating
(4) Irritability
B.860  C.985  Dr.145
(1) Chronic cough
(2) Nocturnal emissions
(3) Excessive sweating
(4) Irritability
B.860 C.985 Dr.145
wǔ wèi zǐ 五味子

(1) Contains leakage of LU qi & stops coughs [Chronic cough*, wheezing, d/t LU & KD defic]
(2) Tonifies KD, binds up jing, & stops diarrhea [Nocturnal emissions*, spermatorrhea, vaginal discharge, urinary frequency, d/t KD defic, daybreak diarrhea d/t SP & KD defic]
(3) Inhibits sweating & generates fluids [Excessive sweating* esp when accompanied by thirst or a dry throat, spontaneous sweating, nightsweats, wasting & thirsting ds]
(4) Quiets spirit while calming & containing HT qi [Irritability*, palpitations, dream-disturbed sleep, insomnia, d/t injury of HT & KD blood & yin, or d/t miscommunication of HT & KD]

wǔ(five) wèi(flavor, taste) zǐ(seeds)
Schisandrae Fructus
schisandra fruit
sweet, sour, warm