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13 Cards in this Set

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Text Mining

-Text analytics

-Software that searches vast amounts of textual data (unstructured) identifying patterns.

-Emails, discussion boards,

-Field of lingeistics

-Categorizes textual data, identify frequency of important words/phrases, analyze sentiment in group of posts, summarize documents

Spreadsheet design goal: Efficiency

-All calculations and repetitive tasks, including comparisons, should be done by the spreadsheet

-Efficient spreadsheet is one that performs all calculations, youre left to do work only you can do.

-Math and comparisons

Business Intelligence

-Refers to information systems and procedures that produce results.

-Set of software and methodologies that present visualizations depicting insights gathered from analytics and traditional IS for the purpose of improved decision making.

-Includes data analytics processing (big data)

-Output displayed in a way for the user to easily understand

IF Functions

-IF function displays one of two possible values depending on the outcome of a logical test

-Logical test compares two things

=IF(logical test, true value, false value)

-If the logical test equates to TRUE, the cell is filled with the true value

-If the logical test equates to FALSE, the cell is filled with the false value


-sumif, countif, and averageif are used when we want to total certain cells within a range.


-SUMIF function includes a value in the calculation only when the criteria is true

=SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range)

-Each cell in range is compared to criteria

-If that comparison equates to TRUE, the corresponding cell in sum_range is included in the calculation


-SUMIFS function includes a value in the calculation only when two or more criteria are true.

=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, criteria_range2, criteria2)

-Each cell in rangex is compared to criteriax

-If all comparisons equate to TRUE for a single row, the corresponding cell in sum_range is included in the calculation

Grouping Worksheets

-Hold SHIFT or CTRL as you select sheet tabs. Right-click and select group

-Allows you to make changes to multiple worksheets at once

-All groups sheets must have same layout

-Right click=ungroup

3-D cell references

-References to cells not on the current worksheet

Range on another sheet:


Range across multiple sheets:


Range names

-More user-friendly name than column and row reference

-Makes calculations more understandable

-Locate with Find, Go To

-Range Names are absolute

-type name in range box

VLOOKUP function

-Displays best one of MANY possible values depending on the outcome of a logical test

-Often used to translate one value into another value

-has 4 perameters

-Requires a lookup table

-lookup value is compared to lookup table

-can find exact match (false) or next closest value (true)

=VLOOKUP(LookupValue,LookupTable,ColumnNumber,ExactMatch or ClosestValue)

Lookup table rules

1. First column must be used for logical test

2. First column cannot contain range of value, only a value

(90-100 would be interpreted as text striking like a phone number)

3. First column should be in ascending order

Lookup Directory example

Find the extension for a given name in the directory