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32 Cards in this Set

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4 Elements of the "Art of Living" related to Health Coaching
1) Ability to Enjoy
2) Ability to Choose
3) Ability to keep developing
4) Ability to see meaning
6 poor listening Habits with descriptions
1) Faker: is typically not concentrating on speaker
2) Interrupter: too anxious to speak and shows little concern for speaker
3) Logical listener: rarely asks about underlying feelings/emotions attached to a message
4) Rebuttal maker: most concerned w/ getting the speaker to see another POV
5) Focus thief: uses the speaker's words as a way to get to his/her own message
6) Advice Giver: often doesn't let speaker articulate thoughts/feelings
SWOT analysis can help the Health Coach turn ____________ into ________________ .
perceived weaknesses; new opportunities
A person who is people oriented and outgoing would fit into the ____________ quadrant of the DISC model.
DISC model and the 4 personality types
Helps coaches quickly understand different personality styles of clients (people oriented, outgoing, task oriented and reserved).
Dominant= task oriented and outgoing
Inspiring= people oriented and outgoing
Supportive= people oriented and reserved
Cautious= task oriented and reserved
Emotional intelligence - based on 4 factors
ability to recognize one's own feelings as well as the feelings of others- based on self awareness, self regulation, social skills and empathy
self awareness
ability to recognize one's own emotions and understand the effect that they have on them- includes knowledge of personal strengths and weaknesses
Self Regulation
ability to control one's own impulses, manage emotions, act on resilience and follow through with commitments
social awareness, ability to understand emotions, needs and concerns of others and pick up on emotional cues
Social Skills
ability to manage relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence others, work as a team and manage conflict
Transtheoretical model of behavior change
includes stages of readiness to change: pre-contemplation (no intent to change), contemplation (considering change), preparation (commitment to change increases), action (engaging in new activities), maintenance (engaged for 6+ months)
One's perception of their ability to change or to perform specific behaviors; can increase as people move through stages of change
Habit Strength
psychological and physiological factors involved in behaviors the client wishes to change; can decrease as people move through stages of change
Active Listening
mode of listening in which listener is concerned about the content, intent and feelings of the message; builds trust and encourages positive problem solving in the client
Four step process to confirm understanding
1) use a confirming statement
2) summarize key facts
3) ask if your understanding is correct
4) clarify misunderstandings
Extrinsic Motivation
comes from external sources such as material or social rewards; linked with declarative self statements such as "I will stick to my food plan at the party this weekend"
Intrinsic Motivation
comes from an internal states of enjoyment and/or personal satisfaction; linked to interrogative self statements such as "will I stick to my food plan this weekend?"
Extrinsic Motivation: The Prison Guard
A prison guard can force prisoners to do what is necessary but without the guard, the prisoners would stop working immediately. Declarative forms of self talk are like the prison guard; they may work for a short while, but as soon as an "out" is presented, the motivation is gone.
Declarative self statements ("I will stick to my nutritional plan this weekend") are linked to ______________ motivation
Interrogative self statements ("will I avoid overeating this weekend?") are linked to _____________________ motivation
Character based behaviors of high trust leaders
1) Be honest
2) Demonstrate respect
3) Create transparency
4) Right wrongs
5) Show loyalty
Competency based behaviors of high trust leaders
1) Deliver Results
2) Get better
3) Confront reality
4) Clarify expectations
5) Practice accountability
Character and Competency based behaviors
1) Listen first
2) Keep commitments
3) Extend trust
A client who has been engaged in a lifestyle for more than 6 months is in which stage of change?
which non verbal behavior often conveys curiosity?
Tilting the head to the side
A SWOT analysis is typically utilized to assess...
one's self or an opportunity
What concept is defined as "the demonstration of an attitude of caring"?
According to cognitive behavior therapy, what is the link between an activating event and the emotional and behavioral consequence of that action?
The clients beliefs
Motivational Interviewing is grounded in expressing ______________.
Motivational Interviewing
client-centered approach to assist clients with ambivalence to change
What are the steps of the 7 step problem solving model?
1) Problem Identification
2) Goal Selection
3) Generation of Alternatives
4) Consideration of Consequences
5) Decision Making
6) Implementation
7) Evaluation
GROW Model
Goal- define the goal as clearly as possible & evoke an emotional response
Reality- elicit specific details about the situation and context
Options- open ended questions facilitate creative thinking
What/how/When/how- focused questions get an agreement to specific actions and criteria for success in SMART goal language