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66 Cards in this Set

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Is the reporting for the general fund and the special revenue fund identical


What is the primary use of the general fund

report all resources not accounted for in other funds

What is the primary use of the special revenue fund

established for restricted purposes other than capital outlay or debt

What is the financial accounting equation for the general and revenue fund

FA + DO - RL - DI = FB

What is the Fund Balance

Net Financial Assets - Related Liabilities

General Long-term Liability prior to maturity is paid from which account

The General or Special Revenue Fund

What is the primary revenue source for SLG

Property taxes

If an amount of tax receivable were not expected to be collected deferred revenues would be credited and recognized as revenues when they become available to pay?


When is the new revenue approach used

For proprietary funds and government wide reporting.

What would be the debit when equipment is ordered and salaries are accrued for the period

Expenditure the credit would be voucher payable

Non reciprocal transactions include

interfund reimbursements

interfund transfers

Accounting for inter fund reimbursements require

Removing and Recording

Due From's and transfer to's are usually receivables?


Common examples of inter-fund transfers include

1). General fund transfers to other funds to provide financing for debt, or capital projects

2). Special revenue fund to general fund to finance restricted expenditures

3). Enterprise fund transfers to other funds to help subsidize their operation

Two uses for other financing sources and uses account:

interfund transfers

activities conduct by external entities

How does gaap define inter-fund transfers

Sales and Purchases of goods and services between funds for fair market value

interfund government transactions that are unpaid are either recorded as intferfund payable or interfund recievable


Providing special financing to one fund from another fund affects which accounts

Due from fund X

Cash X

Repayment of debt from one fund to another

Cash X

Due From

When the government borrows fund short term what accounts are affected


Short term notepayable

If principal is collected from short term external borrowing what accounts are affected

Short term note payable



What are extrodinary items

events that are unusual and infrequent

What are special items

events that are within the control of management and unusual and infrequent

Entries aren't required until goods or services rendered so purchase orders doesn't constitute as a necessary event to journalize expenditure


interest and penalties in the form of revenue that are collected but not accrued previously are credited as what?


How do you record a expenditure and a liability no recorded in a prior year

Debit correction of prior year

Credit Vouchers Payable

Governments should always review their accounts and make necessary;?

revenue adjustments

Expenditure adjustments

What is the difference between interest paid and interest accrued?

interest paid = debit to cash

interest accrued = debit interest recievable

What are the purpose of closing entries?

Close operating accounts

update fund balance

Close revenue and subsidiary ledger

Why is the balancing important

to determine the amount of financing and financial position for next year

How do you determine the fund balance

FA + DO = RL + DI + FB

General fund and special revenue fund are budgeted and appropiated for over the course of years?

False, annually

GASB requires what kind of presentation of fund balance?

Hierarchical base don how difficult it is for government to modify constraints

What fund has no constraints on use

unassigned fund balance

What are the 4 constrained funds, hierarchy matters

Non spendable funds




Characteristics of the non-spendable fund balance

include amounts held in general inventory no matter if restricted, committed or assigned

What are the characteristics of the restricted fund balance.

it is restricted by eternal parties, provision or legislations

What are the characteristics of the committed fund balance

It eduals the assets committed for a purpose less liablilties and deferred inflows related to those committments. also includes outstanding orders or contract that would reduce unassigned fund balane

What are the characteristics of the assigned fund balance

is the assests assigned for that purpose less liabilities and deferred inflows. it includes encumbrances outstanding not related to restricted fund balance

Finally, what are the charactersitics of the unassigned fund balance

is the positive of negative residual of others funds

Advance to and advance from are used for what

Long term loans

The budget for the government is established in what document

U.S. constitution

What are the 3 primary function of governments

1). They have the power to levy taxes

2). Provide services that are crucial to our well being

3). They perform checks and balance on the environment

What is budgeting

Allocating scarce resources among limited demands

What are approved budgets

management plans in both business and governments

Appropiations are what?

legal authorizations to incurr expenses

Gasb basic principles for a budget are?

1). annual budget adopted by every government unit

2). the accounting system provides the basis for budgetary control

3). Budgetary financial statements must be presented as financial statements for the general fund, special revenue fund

To maintain budgetary accountability

1). Accounts maintain on a budgetary basis

2). Recorded encumbrances, althougth not reported on financial statements

3). Accounts established in the revenue subsidiary ledger and expenditure subsidiary ledger

4). inter fund transfer should be made in the general ledger account.

How does the adoption of a budget begin

With legally adopted budget

When revision or increase in budgets change the increase or decrease is always closed when?

at the end of the year

The revenue subsidiary ledger account contains what?





Fines and forfeits

Each revenue subledger contains what elements


Estimated revenues(Debit)



Again Encumbrances are?

unfilled orders or unperformed contracts

How do you determine the balance of each expenditure ledge account?

Appropriations - Expenditures - Encumbrances

Budget account does not affect what?

Actual asset, deferred outflow, liability,deferred inflow, revenue or expenditure

How do you account for increased funds during the period

Debit estimated Revenues

Credit budgetary fund balance

For budgetary control orders placed need to be recorded what needs to be debited and credited


Encumbrances Outstanding

When the order is places and executed from a encumbrances what do you debit and credit

Reverse the entries and record an expenditure and voucher payable

Why are interim budgetary reports used

help govern bodies monitor, evaluate and manage a governments operations

What is the encumbrances method

Classifying encumbrances as expenditures and compare them to appropriation to determine accurate budgeting

A monthly budgeted revenue statement contains what titles?

Revenues YTD

Estimated revenues for the year

Current year

Prior year

Interim Expenditure Statements include what titles?




Annual Appropriations

Unencumbered Balance

Allotment Account are used for what

It allots appropriations to specific months and expensitures cannot be made against unalloted appropriations

The RSI alternative Budgetary Comparison Statement contains what title

The budget original and final

the actual

The variance Over or under

budgeting involves 3 process?




Who is responsible for drafting tentative budgetary plans?

Executive city or state council