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53 Cards in this Set

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Computers can directly understand only their native _________ language, which is composed of only 1's and 0's.
Computers process data under the control of sets of instructions called computer ________.
The three types of computer programming languages discussed in the chapter are machine languages, ______ and ________.
assembly languages, high-level languages
Programs that translate high-level-language programs into machine language are called ________.
Visual Studio is a _______.
IDE (integrated development environment)
Visual Basic is an ________
event-driven language.
_______ is a programming language that was created by Microsoft specifically for the .NET platform.
_________ is a language for sharing information via "hyperlinked" text documents on the world wide web.
HyperText Markup language
The __________ executes .NET programs.
Common Language Runtime
Objects have ________ (also called properties) and perform actions (also called methods or __________)
attributes, behaviors
___________ models software in terms similar to those that people use to describe real-world objects.
Object-oriented design (OOD)
With _________, you build much of the new software you'll need by combining existing classes.
object technology
The UML is used primarily to implement object-oriented systems.
False. The UML is used primarily to DESIGN object-oriented systems.
Visual Basic is an object-oriented language.
Visual Basic is the only language available for programming .NET applications.
False. Visual Basic is one of many .NET languages (C# and Visual C++)
Computers can directly understand high-level languages.
False. Computers can directly understand their own machine language.
MSIL is the common intermediate format to which all .NET programs compile, regardless of their original .NET language.
The .NET Framework is portable to non-Windows platforms.
The technique of __________ allows you to create GUI's without writing any code.
visual programming
A __________ is a group of one or more projects that collectively form a Visual Basic program.
The _________ feature hides a window when the mouse pointer is moved outside the windows area.
A ________ appears when the mouse pointer hovers over an icon.
tool tip
The ________ _______ window allows you to browse solution files.
Solution Explorer
The properties in the Properties window can be sorted ________ or _________.
alphabetically or categorically
A form's ________ property specifies the text displayed in the form's title bar.
The ________ allows you to add controls to the form in a visual manner.
Using _________ displays relevant help articles, based on current context.
context-sensitive help
The _________ property specifies how text is aligned within a Labels boundaries.
The title bar of the IDE displays the IDE's mode.
The X box toggles auto-hide.
False. The pin option toggles auto-hide. The X box closes the window.
The toolbar icons represent various menu commands.
The toolbar contains icons that represent controls you can drag onto a Form.
False. The toolbar contains icons that represent such controls.
Both forms and labels have a title bar.
False. Forms have a title bar but Labels do not (they do have Label Text).
Control properties can be modified only by writing code.
False. Control properties can be modified using the Properties window.
PictureBoxes typically display images.
Visual Basic files use the extension .bas.
False, they use .vb.
A Forms background color is set using the BackColor property.
The Form's ________ property specifies the text that is displayed in the Form's title bar.
Property _________ specifies how text is aligned within a Label's boundaries.
A Button's text should use _________ capitalization.
An output Label should ________.
Be distinguishable from all other labels.
Initially have an empty text property or a default value.
Use Fixed3D for the BorderStyle property.
A Button's _______ property sets the text on the face of the Button.
If there are errors in an application, they appear in the window known as the __________.
Error List
When a value is placed in a memory location, the value _________ the previous value in that location.
When value is read from memory, that value is ____________.
not overwritten
Arithmetic expressions in must be written ________ to facilitate entering applications into the computer.
in straight-line form
The expression to the right of the assignment operator (=) is evaluated ___________ the assignment occurs.
Comments cause the computer to print the text after the ' on the screen when the program executes.
False. Comments do not cause any action to be performed when the program executes. They're used to document programs and improve their readability.
All variables must be declared before they can be used in a Visual Basic program.
Visual Basic considers the variable name names number and nuMbEr to be different.
False. Identifiers are not case sensitive.
The arithmetic operators *, /, and - all have the same level of precedence.
False. Subtraction is a lower precedence than multiplication and division.
A string of characters contained between double quotation marks is called a phrase or phrase literal.
False. A string of characters is called a string or string literal.
Integer division reveals an Integer result.