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13 Cards in this Set

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Outline and evaluate deviation from social norms

Social norms are accepted ways of behaving in society. They are unwritten rules of how you are expected to behave e.g. queueing. If somebody deviates from these social norms then they are classed as abnormal


- Cultural relativism, norms change between cultures

- social norms change over time e.g. homosexuality

- criminal behaviour deviates however this person may not necessarily be abnormal

- context dependant

Outline and evaluate failure to function adequately

If someone is unable to carry out day to dat tasks which would be expected of them e.g. getting out of bed, then they are classed as abnormal. Rosenhan and Seligman proposed a criteria typical of FFA: maladaptiveness (bad behaviour)/irrationality/observer discomfort/unpredictability


- cultural relativism, whats seen as FFA in one culture may not in another.

- FFA may be due to other factors not abnormality e.g. economic situation

- context dependent

Outline and evaluate deviation from ideal mental health

Jahoda created criteria for IMH:

1. Positive attitudes towards self

2. Resistance to stress

3. Personal growth

4. Autonomy

5. Accurate perception of reality

6. Adaptation to environment

If someone fails to meet all 6 criteria they're classed as abnormal.


- Difficult to meet all 6, meaning only few people aren't abnormal

- Culture relativism, based on western ideas of IMH.

- subjective measure

Outline and evaluate the biological approach to abnormality

- Abnormality has an organic or physical cause

- 4 main causes are:

1. Biochemistry - balance of neurotransmitters e.g. dopamine

2. Infection - viruses contracted during pregnancy

3. Neuroanatomy - damage or change to structure of the brain

4. Genetics - inherited


+ Research support from McGuffin

+ Effective therapies based on principles of approach

+ Evidence from brain scans

- Ignores environmental factors

- Reductionist approach, explains complex behaviour in simple terms

Outline and evaluate the psychodynamic approach to abnormality

- Abnormality is caused by unconscious, unresolved conflicts from childhood.

- Disorders arise due to conflicts between id, ego and superego (these make the psyche)

- id = pleasure principle

- ego = reality principle

- superego = morality principle

Balanced psyche = healthy

unbalanced psyche = psychological disorder

If id is in control - irrational behaviour

If superego is in control = anxiety

Psychosexual stages of development:

Oral//Anal//Phallic//Latency//Genital. If not completed successfully this could lead to fixations.


- Unfalsifiable, cant prove right or wrong

- Unscientific

- Lack of evidence for psyche

Outline and evaluate the behavioural approach to abnormality

- All behaviour is learned therefore abnormality is learned

Phobias can be learnt through classical conditioning, learning through association

- shown by little albert

Disorders can be learnt through operant conditioning, learning through reinforcement

- eating disorders, positively reinforced so behaviour continues


+ Good explanation for phobias

+ Therapies based on principles

- No biology involved.

Outline and evaluate the cognitive approach to abnormality

- Abnormality stems from faulty cognitions about others, our world and us

- Beck's cognitive triad - depressed people have negative thoughts about the self others and future.

- Ellis' ABC model: abnormality is caused by irrational beliefs: A = activation event B = irrational belief C = consequence to behaviour


+ Effective therapy based on principles (CBT)

+ Depressive realism, irrational thoughts may be more realistic.

- Vague explanation of schemas

- Unknown wether faulty thoughts are cause or effect of abnormality

Outline and evaluate how drugs can be used as a biological therapy for abnormality

Drugs alter brain functioning by adjusting the levels of neurotransmitters.

Anti depressants - depression is due to low levels of seretonin therefore anti depressants increase levels of seretonin (neurotransmitter) available by reducing rate of reabsorption.

Anti psychotics - treat positive symptoms of schizophrenia either:

1. Typically - binding to dopamine receptors

2. Atypically - occupying dopamine receptors then dissociate


+ Effectively treats symptoms

+ Cheap & Quick

- Not long term, if stop taking symptoms will recur

- Doesn't treat cause

- Addiction

- Side effects

Outline and evaluate Electro Convulsive Therapy

ECT is used as a last resort for depressed patients.

1. Patient given anaesthetic and muscle relaxant.

2. Patient also given oxygen.

3. Electrodes attached either unilaterally (one half of brain) or bilaterally (both sides).

4. Small current of 0.6A is passed through brain for half a second.

5. Results in patient having a seizure for a minute.

6. ECT given 3 times per week for 5 weeks.


+ Successfully treat severe depression

+ Relatively quick

- Not sure how it actually works

- Side effects such as memory loss and impaired language

Outline and evaluate Psychoanalysis

Brings material from the unconscious to the conscious so that it can be dealt with and overcome through catharsis. Three stages:

Free association - client is encouraged to talk freely without censorship of thoughts. Ego defence mechanisms are lowered. Therapist identifies key themes.

Dream analysis - client recalls dreams and therapist interprets the manifest content to discover the latent content. Freud believed dreams represent unconscious.

Projective techniques, client is shown for example an inkblot and is asked what they see in the picture.


+ No side effects

+ Treats cause and symptoms

+ Effective therapy

- Not effective for all disorders

- Expensive

- Time consuming

Outline and evaluate systematic de-sensitisation

A form of counter conditioning by replacing fear with harmless response using reciprocal inhibition, cannot be fearful and relaxed at same time.

1. Patient is taught a deep muscle relaxation technique.

2. Create a fear hierarchy starting at stimuli that create the least anxiety.

3. Patient works their way up starting at the least unpleasant and practising their relaxation technique as they go.

4. When they are no longer afraid they move on to the next stage.

5. If the client becomes upset they can return to an earlier stage and regain their relaxed state.


+ Research support

- Requires vivid imagination

- May not transfer to real world

Outline Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

CBT is used when faulty thinking is having a negative effect on someone's life

- Challenges irrational and dysfunctional thought processes.

- Replace negative thought processes with positive, adaptive thoughts.

- Make client aware of beliefs that contribute to their abnormality.

- Behavioural testing - use reality to set goals for behaviour.

Ellis' REBT: Use role play to dispute irrational beliefs.

Becks: Challenges irrational thoughts and replaces with realistic ones. PP completes homework (keeping diary of negative thought processes). Therapist challenges dysfunctional thoughts using reality testing.

Evaluate Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

+ More effective than drugs

+ No side effects

+ Short and more cost effective compared to psychoanalysis.

+ Depressive realism

- May not work for all disorders.

- Unknown wether faulty cognitions are cause or effect of abnormality.